Panther Commando

Chapter 2013: Hilltop Arming

Wan Lin saw that Sect Master Xie finally agreed to his arrangement, stood up excitedly from the table of the Eight Immortals, and said to Sect Master Xie with a smile, "Okay, if you have no opinion, I will arrange it like this!"

He turned his head and said to Lin Zisheng seriously: "Zisheng, then you should join Sect Master Xie and the others to form the last line of defense in front of the cave. Remember, never let an enemy enter the cave! Your task is quite arduous."

"Yes! Resolutely complete the task!" Lin Zisheng stood upright and answered with his chest upright, his voice sounded very firm, and the original text crepe crepe's demeanor instantly became very resolute. Head Xie heard Lin Zisheng's firm voice, his eyes suddenly flashed a light, looked up at Lin Zisheng and said with admiration: "Good boy! What kind of kung fu did you use just now, which sect? I have never seen it before. Such a peculiar inner strength."

When Lin Zisheng heard Head Xie praised his kung fu, his face flushed slightly, and he replied shyly: "Hehe, we are a small clan, and kung fu is inherited within the family, and we seldom set foot in the arena in the past, so Few people in the martial arts know our sect, and I am a disciple of Songhemen."

Head Xie shook his gray head in surprise when he heard Songhemen, he had never heard of this martial arts school, he turned to look at Wan Lin, Wan Lin said with a smile: "I and Zisheng fight together all the year round. , I have experienced a lot of bullets, but I just feel that his kung fu is very strange, but I really don't know the origin of his kung fu, and I have never heard of this Songhemen."

"Hahahaha, okay! Brother Lin, the Songhe Sect, like our Lingxiu Sect, is a little-known martial arts sect, but our kung fu is still top-notch, who would dare to underestimate us? Have you heard of our Lingxiu Sect?" Head Xie laughed, then turned around and patted Lin Zisheng on the shoulder and said, "Good boy, we are all from the sect, and we'll be home here. You're welcome, Just say what you need!"

Wan Lin smiled and looked at Sect Master Xie, who had a condescending attitude. Knowing that he had begun to like this son who didn't like to be ostentatious, but also possessed stunts, he smiled and said, "Then please find him some warmth. It's really cold on the top of the mountain, and you have to take extra care in your life."

"Hehehe, it's up to you to say, it's all from my own family. Come here," Chief Xie shouted, and one of his disciples immediately pushed open the door and walked in and stood with his hands down. Head Xie said immediately, "Go to the warehouse and get some good fox skins, and then take Brother Lin to the top of the mountain to have a look." Wan Lin said quickly, "Let's go to the top of the mountain to have a look, I also want to look at the top of the mountain again. topography".

Head Xie smiled and nodded and said, "Okay, I'll accompany you up." Then, he pulled Wan Lin and walked out the door. Lin Zisheng glanced at the leopard's head gratefully, knowing that he was afraid that a person he didn't know well would suffer on the top of the mountain, so he wanted to arrange it in person before leaving.

A few people climbed to the top of the mountain along the cliff next to them. Lin Zisheng and Cheng Ru straightened up as soon as they reached the top of the mountain. They immediately stopped and looked up at the center of the top of the mountain in astonishment. The long sword that shone with cold light in the morning light, and the black giant eagle that fell on the tip of the sword, made both of them feel shocked.

At this moment, the head of Xie, who was walking in front, had also stopped, clasped his hands together, and bowed respectfully to the stone sculpture in front of him. Wan Lin turned around and glanced at Cheng Ru and the two of them, and quickly folded his hands and bowed to worship them.

Wan Lin and several people understood in their hearts that the supernatural giant sword and black eagle on the top of the mountain, as well as the magical gem in the cave, had already become totems worshipped by Lingxiumen for generations.

Head Xie bent down and muttered a few words in a low voice. Then he straightened up and turned his head to look at Wan Lin and the others. Seeing that they were all bending over to worship, he nodded secretly with joy in his heart, and then said, "Okay, Brother Wan, let's see where is the right place for Brother Lin to set up camp? You can also take a look at the surveillance location."

The three stood up straight, Wan Lin turned his face and said to Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng: "You go to the top of the mountain first, and determine a few sniper positions in all directions." Cheng Ru and the two agreed in a low voice, carrying sniper rifles to the Walk around.

Wan Lin looked around, then pointed to the low-lying place near the mountain and said to Chief Xie, "There can be a single-soldier tent there, and he can rest there."

He then raised his face and said to Sect Master Xie, "The area of ​​the top of the mountain is too large, and the disciples can only take care of one direction. Can you send four more disciples to take turns here to monitor the other directions, and once you find the situation, immediately Notify the children!"

Head Xie nodded and said, "Okay, no problem, I will arrange for someone to come up with bows and arrows when I go down." As he said, he saw that the disciple was carrying a large package and was struggling to climb up from the side cliff. He quickly beckoned the disciple to come over, took the package and opened it and said, "Do you see if these animal skins are enough? You can spread one piece on the ground, and wrap the rest around your body at night."

After speaking, he picked up another animal skin vest and said, "I usually let Brother Lin wear this. At first, I was really worried that your brother would not be able to withstand this cold air. I didn't expect him to have a unique skill, which is rare. But still Wear more."

Wan Lin took the animal skin from the hands of the disciples of Lingxiu Sect, and said gratefully, "Thank you so much!" The old sect master said seriously: "Brother You're out now, You are helping us protect the treasure, it should be me thanking you."

The two were chatting when Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng walked back with sniper rifles. Lin Zisheng stood at attention and said, "Report, several sniper positions have been determined in all directions!"

Wan Lin nodded, handed the animal skin in his hands to Cheng Ru, took the leather vest from the head of Xie and handed it to Lin Zisheng, saying, "It's cold here, you have to be careful yourself, you can choose the concave in the campsite. Set up a single soldier tent, which is relatively hidden and will not be discovered by people below the top of the mountain, and is also close to your current sniper position. It is too cold here, you should put on this vest first, which is specially prepared for you by Sect Leader Xie.” Saying that, he raised his finger and pointed to the low-lying place.

Lin Zisheng raised his eyes and glanced at the place where Wan Lin pointed, nodded, raised his hand to take the fur waistcoat, and quickly bowed to the head of Xie to thank him.

Wan Lin then walked to the edge of the mountain near the entrance of the cave below, stood on the edge of the steep cliff, stretched out half of his body and pointed to the direction of the entrance of the cave below, turned his face and said to Lin Zisheng, who was following him, "Your monitoring focus is this direction. In addition, the area of ​​the top of the mountain is very large, and it is impossible for you to monitor several directions at the same time, so Sect Master Xie will send you four more sectarians with good skills to come up in turn. They carry bows and arrows with them and are responsible for monitoring and guarding the rest for you. In a direction, these people follow your arrangements."

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