Panther Commando

Chapter 2014: Confidential in the woods

Looking at Wan Lin, Lin Zisheng happily replied, "That's great. I was worried with Cheng Ru just now that the area under my surveillance is too small, and I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of it. Now with the help of the brothers from Lingxiu Sect, we can solve this problem. ”.

Wan Lin nodded, walked to Lin Zisheng and patted his shoulder heavily, and said solemnly: "I'll leave it to you here! There is no radio signal from the dense forest to the top of the mountain, so you can only fight with Sect Leader Xie and the others. If you have any needs, just tell Sect Leader Xie, it’s not an outsider, don’t be polite. If there is a situation that is difficult to handle, ask Sect Leader Xie to send someone down the mountain to notify me. In addition, if you need reinforcements in an emergency, immediately send a red signal to notify me.” , Lin Zisheng nodded grimly and replied in a low voice, "Yes!"

At this time, Sect Master Xie also came over, he stretched out his hand and took Lin Zisheng's hand and said, "Yes, Brother Wan is right, don't be polite here! You are my brother Wan, we are a family, Whatever you need, just bring it up." Lin Zisheng quickly expressed his thanks when he saw that the head of Xie was so enthusiastic at this time.

Wan Lin saw that Zisheng was already familiar with Sect Master Xie, so he nodded with a smile: "Sect Master Xie, let's go down, Zisheng, take care of yourself!" Lin Zisheng didn't speak, he raised his sniper rifle and stood on his feet suddenly Performed a gun salute.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru immediately raised their pistols in return, and Xiao Hua stood up beside him, looking up at Lin Zisheng with her right paw. The eyes of the three and one leopard met in the air, and they all stared at each other quietly, with concern and entrustment in their eyes.

Wan Lin took the lead in lowering his arms, bent down, picked up Xiaohua, twisted and strode down the cliff, and Cheng Ru followed by lowering his arms, pulling Sect Master Xie and walking down the cliff together. Several people did not speak, but the concerned eyes had already conveyed the entrustment in their hearts to each other.

Cheng Ru followed behind Xie Zhangmen and Wan Lin down the steep cliff, and when he got down, he stared straight at the psychedelic cliff. Wan Lin turned his head to see his startled look, and quickly stretched out his hand and pulled his arm, then shook his head gently, fearing that his staring near the cave would arouse the resentment of Lingxiu people.

Cheng Ru looked up at Wan Lin and immediately understood what he meant. He quickly retracted his eyes and grinned awkwardly, and said in a low voice, "This cliff is amazing!"

The two followed Sect Master Xie's small courtyard, and Wan Lin grabbed Sect Master Xie who was about to lead them into the wooden house and said, "Sect Master Xie, we will not enter the house. Now the situation is urgent, and there are many brothers below. Wait for us", Xie Zhangmen turned around and said, "Why do you want to eat some food? Why don't you go down after a while."

Wan Lin waved his hand and said, "No, there are still a lot of things to be arranged below. Now the opponent may appear around at any time, and we have to guard against it. By the way, you can find me two of your hunter clothes as spares, so that we can stay in the mountains. Disguised Reconnaissance".

Head Xie nodded, turned to the forest beside the courtyard and shouted: "Come here, bring more jerky and sausages to accompany the Wanjia brothers down the mountain! Find two other sets of clothes you wear when hunting with you." Wan Lin hurriedly said, "Don't bother, we have already remembered the path from which we came, just bring me a few pieces of your clothes."

Head Xie turned around to look at him and said, "It's better to send someone to follow you. I have already sent someone to re-arrange the flag in the forest, and I also set up many traps in the dense forest on the mountainside to prevent those **** from sneaking up. It will be safer for me to let the disciples accompany you down."

He said and looked around, suddenly lowered his voice and said, "It turned out that we only set up traps and traps near the passage in the forest. Now the original passage has been discovered by those bastards, so I have ordered people to re-enter the forest. A large area of ​​traps are arranged, and you will be injured if you are not careful. The passage you walked through has also been closed. You must not follow the bright spots on the forest ground. Now the convenient passage up the mountain is You just came up with that one."

"In addition, tell your brothers and I that wherever there are traps and traps in the forest, we have placed a small pebble that can shine nearby, mainly to avoid harm to our own people. The placement location is mainly on the tree branch above the organ, it is difficult to find it if you are not careful, and it is easy to mix with the dew reflections on the branches and leaves at night, so be careful.”

After hearing this, Wan Lin raised his hand and grabbed Sect Master Xie's hand and shook it vigorously, then said in a low voice, "Thank you so much! You tell us such a secret thing in the door, otherwise my team members may be accidentally injured in the battle. I was still worried."

Head Xie showed a rare smile on his originally cold face, and shook Wan Lin's hand and said, "You little brother has seen the outside world again, we are a family! I have already prepared a lot for you. Sausages and jerky, just let the people who lead the way send you down the mountain together. It is inconvenient for us to send you food to eat in case of a fight. Those sausages and jerky are easy to carry, and you can eat them for a long time. Ha ha ha, This is the treasure of our hunters walking in the mountains."

Sect Leader Xie said with a smile turned his head and glanced at the forest edge, and saw that his three disciples had each walked out with a big bamboo basket on their backs, and were standing on the side waiting for his order.

He turned his head and looked at Wan Lin hesitated for a while, then said: "By the way, there is one more thing to tell you. The dense forest on the mountainside is easy for strangers to lose their way. My people are already familiar with Lin. There is a middle road, so there is no need to check those marks in the forest, and those marks in the past were left by our ancestors of Lingxiu Sect, and I have ordered people to rearrange those marks."

He suddenly lowered his voice when he said this: "Those **** have already climbed the mountain, and now they must know the signs set in the forest, so you can't walk according to those signs anymore. In fact, the way to identify the direction in the forest is very simple. It's simple, all single pine trees grow in our forest, and you can tell the direction just by touching the trunk. There is a lot of sticky pine resin on the side facing the sun, and you can tell the direction by touching it, although it is not too accurate. Orientation, the general direction of whether to go up or down the mountain, can also be determined according to this method.”

Head Xie said this, with a proud tone in his tone, and continued: "This dense forest in our mountain is different from the forests in other places, it is very magical, outsiders will be confused when they come in, it is If you come in during the day, you will lose your way quickly. And the trees here are extremely dense, and it is difficult for people to find a way out in such a dim forest in panic.”

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