Panther Commando

Chapter 2015: double-edged sword

Head Xie then said solemnly: "Tell your people that once they get lost in the forest, they can use this method to determine the direction of going up or down the mountain, just pay attention to the organs we set up in the forest. Ha ha ha, this is the secret of our Lingxiu Sect, except your brothers, don't tell outsiders!"

Wan Lin was overjoyed and said, "That's great, I've always been worried about my people getting lost while fighting in the forest. It's easy to do with your method. Don't worry, I'll never take these up the mountain. The way to tell outsiders, I still know these taboos.”

Wan Lin had always had a worry in his heart, that is, he was afraid that he would not be able to stop his opponents at the foot of the mountain on the hillside outside the forest, and that he and the Guoan team were understaffed and could not guarantee that all the enemies would be stopped at the foot of the mountain.

Once the opponent sneaks into the dense forest on the mountainside in the dark, the battle can only be started in the dark forest. And the unique environment in the jungle does make people lose their sense of direction very quickly.

At this time, the dense forest on the mountainside, which had been protecting Lingxiu Gate and the treasures in the mountain, was like a sharp double-edged sword. Although it could temporarily prevent the enemy from approaching the top of the mountain, it also caused harm to the actions of these people. hinder. The hidden weapons and mechanisms that Lingxiu Sect had set up in the dense forest were also a threat to both sides of the battle. Now that he had these identification methods, his heart felt much more at ease.

Wan Lin thanked Sect Master Xie with great joy, and then asked: "Lingxiu Mountain covers a large area. When your Lingxiu Sect encounters an emergency, how does the foot of the mountain communicate with the mountain?" He knew this kind of closed door. The martial arts sect should have a special contact method, and there are mysterious treasures on Lingxiu Mountain, they will definitely have a way to communicate in an emergency.

Head Xie heard his question, and immediately replied with a smile: "We don't have those modern things on your body, and we have used rockets to communicate since ancient times. Once an emergency occurs down the mountain, we will use bows and arrows to shoot feathers tied with fireworks into the air. Arrows, fireworks of different colors have different meanings, and the red ones are attack signals!"

Wan Lin nodded. This is an emergency contact method often used in martial arts since ancient times. The colors of the rockets shot into the air indicate different situations, and it is also a way for the leader to command his subordinates.

Using rockets of different colors to deliver messages is indeed very fast. In the mountains with clear air, no matter day or night, the rockets shot into the air can be seen by people dozens or hundreds of kilometers away. This is indeed a kind of Very convenient way to transmit information.

He looked at the head of Xie and said, "Well then, Houshan will be defended by your disciples. Once Houshan finds any trace of the enemy, he will immediately launch this red rocket into the air, and our people will immediately come to the rescue! In addition, In order to be prepared, if there is an enemy on the top of the mountain, you have to launch a rocket for us." Chief Xie's eyes flickered, and he hesitated and replied: "Okay, if we can't resist, we will trouble you."

Wan Lin was stunned for a moment when he heard Sect Master Xie's answer, and then smiled lightly. He knew in his heart that these stubborn and talented people would never ask for help from them unless it was a last resort. Their extreme characters determined that even if they died in battle, they would not easily ask for help from people outside the sect!

He didn't persuade Sect Master Xie any more, he knew that he could not convince Sect Master Xie with strong self-esteem at all. Fortunately, there is Lin Zisheng waiting at the top of the mountain. Once the situation is critical, he will naturally send a signal bomb to himself.

He then negotiated some details of the action with Sect Master Xie, and agreed on some contact codes and marks for each other when they met in the dark night with the Lingxiu Sect guards guarding in the jungle, so as to avoid accidental injury in the dark jungle. At the same time, he talked about the protection points of himself and the national security team members, and reminded Xie Zhangmen again to send more disciples to strengthen the protection of the back mountain, so as to prevent the enemy from secretly approaching the top of the mountain from the back mountain.

After the two agreed, Wan Lin squeezed Sect Master Xie's hand and said, "We don't have much staff, and we still need the help of your Lingxiu Sect disciples. Once the enemy is found, he will immediately notify us with a rocket. In addition, if the situation is urgent, I may have to bring my people up, you and the brothers will explain it."

Sect Master Xie nodded solemnly. He saw that this disciple of the Wan family was so cautious, knowing that his opponent was definitely different, and he was indeed a little worried in his heart.

After Wan Lin finished speaking, Cheng Ru turned around and waved to Lin Zisheng on the top of the mountain, and then said goodbye to Sect Master Xie and followed the three Lingxiu sects with big bamboo baskets on their backs, and walked into the dense forest together.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru followed behind the three Lingxiu disciples, walking from left to right in the dark jungle. The thick trees in the forest are next to each other, and the sunlight shining in through the dense branches and leaves in the air sprinkles on the forest ground, and there are bunches of pale yellow rays between the dense trunks.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru lost their way after walking in the forest for a while. As they walked, they stared at the route of the three Lingxiu disciples, their brows furrowed.

When they went up the mountain, they followed the Lingxiu disciple and found that the route they walked in the forest was extremely complicated. Now, when they went down the mountain, they were all paying attention to the feet of the three people in front of trying their best to memorize the way they walked, looking for the ones among them. walking rules.

Cheng Ru whispered to Wan Lin as he walked, "Did you pay attention to their feet? They flickered right and left among the big trees, as if they were walking around a formation."

Wan Lin nodded and said attentively: "I also noticed that their feet seem to be walking around the forest according to a certain special shape. There are many organs arranged in the surrounding forest, and each of them is different, which shows that thanks to The sect master has set up battles full of organs at different locations in the forest, but what kind of battles are these?"

He said in a low voice, his brows furrowed together, what was quickly recalled in his mind? At this time, Cheng Ru felt uneasy in his heart. He knew that this Lingxiu Mountain occupies a huge area, and his Huabao team and Guoan team only have more than 30 people together. It is impossible to form a strict blockade on the hillside. Line, so the final battlefield is most likely the mysterious forest on the mountainside, or in front of the cliff on the top of the mountain.

Now Lingxiumen has set up such a complex mechanism in the forest. Although it has a certain blocking effect on the enemy, the opponent is a mercenary with rich experience. These people have a certain understanding of the mechanisms and hidden weapons in the forest. It is impossible to stop the footsteps of these strictly trained mercenaries for a long time, and the final decisive battle must be between people.

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