Panther Commando

Chapter 2019: Arrangement in the forest

After listening to Qi Hong's words, Wan Lin explained with a smile: "The people of Lingxiu Sect are very simple, but they are a little weird and extreme, and they are very protective of outsiders, and the top of the mountain is the center of their Lingxiu Sect, so it is easy to No outsiders will be allowed to go up."

After he finished speaking, he reiterated the fact that Lingxiu Sect had set up many organs in the deep forest, and then seriously instructed Qi Hong: "Order your team members not to enter the deep forest, not only is it extremely difficult to identify the direction inside, but also The organs in the forest are very powerful. They are different from the hunting organs we often see. These organs are set up in groups in formations. They are very powerful. Once touched, it is difficult to ensure their own safety. Some institutional settings that Confucianism has seen.

After hearing this, Qi Hong said: "My dear, these martial arts schools are really powerful. Not only are they amazing in their skills, but they are also proficient in such powerful formations and mechanisms! After all, they are ancient martial arts schools that live in seclusion, and they also inherit these ancient martial arts schools. Something. I'll let you know in a while, and never go deep into the woods without your orders."

Before he came, he had heard Director Ye Feng introduce some things about Lingxiumen. He knew that Lingxiumen practiced extremely rare cold skills. Now he heard Wan Lin say that they can still set up such an exquisite protective mechanism, and he felt admiration in his heart. And really surprised.

Qi Hong sighed and then reported: "According to your instructions last night, I have set up guard posts five kilometers and two kilometers away from the east and west of Lingxiu Mountain. If there is a situation, they can echo each other, and if there is an abnormality, they will report to me at any time. Report!"

Wan Lin nodded and said: "Okay, report the situation in time. Order the guards to be vigilant at all times, the enemy will appear here at any time, don't be careless! In addition, I discussed a set of ways to connect in the dark with Sect Master Xie. You go back and tell the brothers to avoid accidental injuries with the Lingxiu people in the fierce battle, we are not very familiar with their people."

As he spoke, he repeated the password and mark agreed with Sect Master Xie in detail. After hearing this, Qi Hong immediately raised his hand in salute and said, "Yes! I'll go back and convey it now", then turned around and walked out of the bamboo forest.

Wan Lin did not tell Qi Hong about the arrangement of the organs and the way of walking in the dense forest on the mountainside. He had strictly ordered all national security team members not to enter the dense forest, because he was afraid that they would be accidentally injured in the forest without experience in jungle combat. And this is the secret of Lingxiu Sect. Without the permission of Sect Leader Xie, it is really difficult for him to disclose these to these Guoan players.

He watched Qi Hong walk out of the bamboo forest, then turned his head and said to Lingling, "Lingling, what's going on with you?" "Report, no abnormality has been found for the time being. This place is far from the Wulin Conference site, and the mobile phone signal is much weaker, which is convenient for me. Monitor the radio signals in the surrounding mountains," Lingling immediately raised her head and reported.

When Wan Lin heard Lingling's report, he turned his head and ordered Cheng Ru and the others, "You all follow me to the rock on the mountainside." As he spoke, he led a few Leopard team members to the hillside below.

He walked out of the bamboo forest with a few people, raised his finger and pointed to the huge rock where he and Xiaoya and Xie Chao had stopped when they descended the mountain. Xiaohua saw his gestures rushing out from the few people, and a few ups and downs had already jumped up. At the top of the rock, it turned its head to look around, then lay on top of the rock, and its big tail stood up and wagged upward, indicating that there was no abnormality around it.

Seeing Xiao Hua's expression, Wan Lin took a sniper rifle and strode under the rock with Cheng Ru and the others.

A few people came under the rock, Wan Lin raised his eyes to look at the surrounding mountains, raised his hand and pointed to the lush surrounding mountains and said to them: "This rock protrudes from the hillside and is an excellent warning point. The rock It faces the entrance of the cave below the top of the mountain, and below is the Lingxiu Lake with wide waters, and you can monitor the mountains on both sides from left and right, and the view is very wide.”

He took out the binoculars and glanced around, then said: "At present, many traps and traps have been set up in the dense forest by Sect Leader Xie, and the original secret passage has been changed. The enemy is breaking through the cordon between us and the national security team and entering the dense forest. and face great danger.”

He turned around and pointed to the dense forest on the mountainside, and introduced Zhang Wa and the others in detail about the settings of the organs in the forest and the precautions for action in the forest, and then sighed: "This Lingxiu Gate is indeed a very strange martial arts. The sect, they are not only unique in their cold skills, but also very good at organ layout. The organs they set up are very complicated and their power is amazing. It is no wonder that they have been able to protect such a treasure in the world from being harassed by outsiders for hundreds of years.”

He turned around and looked at Zhang Wa and the others, his expression became very serious: "This dense forest on the mountainside is extremely strange. Once outsiders enter, they will feel drowsy and will soon lose their sense of direction. The only shortcut is the road I mentioned just now, and the other directions will not only be detoured, but will also touch those deadly organs in the forest if you are not careful."

"And these institutions are extremely secretive and ingenious. They are different from any institutions we have seen in the past. They have stronger concealment and lethality, and are difficult to be discovered by outsiders. It is the first time for me and Cheng Ru to meet. To such a powerful forest agency. Therefore, once everyone enters the forest to fight, you must be very careful! In addition, the head of Xie also told the forest how to identify the direction...".

He then introduced in great detail how to identify the direction in the jungle, the way to walk, and those secret After he finished speaking, he swept his eyes across the faces of each team member, lest everyone be unclear.

At this time, he saw that everyone was nodding their heads in thought, knowing that several people had understood the method he introduced, he then pointed to the huge rock in front of him, turned his head to look at Cheng Ru and ordered: "Cheng Ru, you are here. Build a hidden sniping point", then looked at Kong Dazhuang and said, "You stay on top with Cheng Ru."

"Yes!" Cheng Ru and Kong Dazhuang replied standing at attention, and the two quickly swept their eyes across the rock, then got up and jumped onto the boulder, bent over, and walked towards the recesses on both sides of the rock. Wan Lin immediately said to Zhang Wa, Wang Dali and Lingling, "We are hiding in the bamboo forest. Once Director Qi and the others find the enemy, we will rush over there."

"Yes!" The three of Zhang Wa replied in a low voice immediately. Wan Lin turned his head to look at Cheng Ru and Dazhuang, and saw that the two had found a gap in the boulder to hide in, and placed a few rocks in front of him to cover his head, and their bodies were perfectly in line with their surroundings. The rocks merged into one.

He nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Chengru, Dazhuang, we'll go down first, you pay attention to safety", Chengru and the two immediately raised their hands and made an "OK" gesture to several people, their eyes still watching vigilantly the surrounding mountains.

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