Panther Commando

Chapter 2020: mountain hunter

Wan Lin and the three of them turned and walked towards the bamboo forest behind, then bent over and picked up a rock at the edge of the forest, put it under a thick bamboo stem and sat down, leaning on the bamboo stem behind him and staring at it Under the light blue lake water, there was no sound for a long time.

Zhang Wa, Lingling, and Dali also took their weapons and sat down beside the bamboo forest, quietly surveying the beautiful surrounding mountains.

At this time, several people knew in their hearts that they and the surrounding Guoan team members had cast a huge iron net on this Lingxiu Mountain, waiting for the mercenaries of the mountain pass security guards to collide! And patience is the magic weapon for them to wait and see.

The sun slowly rose overhead, and the warm sunlight passed through the branches at the top of the bamboo forest, casting a mottled light and shadow among the grassy woodlands. A faint fishy smell.

Several fishing boats are rippling with the waves on the wide lake. Pieces of white fishing nets are scattered from the fishing boats one after another, and the crystal drops of water are shining like pearls in the air.

Gradually, Wan Lin, Zhang Wa, Dali and Lingling sat under the thick bamboo stems, all of them breathing slowly with their eyes closed, as if their body and mind had entered a dreamland with this beautiful lake and mountains.

Time passed slowly, and Wan Lin's earphones suddenly heard the voice of Deputy Director Qi Hong of the Provincial National Security Bureau's Operations Department: "Leopard head, the police post is five kilometers southwest of the report, and the mountain is eight kilometers away from Lingxiu Mountain. I found a figure dressed as a local hunter walking towards Lingxiu Mountain."

Wan Lin was refreshed, suddenly opened his eyes and commanded in a low voice: "Continue to covertly monitor, pay close attention to the movements around this person, and don't alarm the other party!" "Understood!" Qi Hong replied immediately.

At this time, Zhang Wa and the others had already opened their eyes and stared at Wan Lin with excited expressions on their faces. The war was coming, and every Leopard team member had a nervous and excited look on their faces.

After Wan Lin gave the order to Qihong, he turned his head and saw the nervous expressions of Zhang Wa and the others. He waved his hand and said, "Just now, the Guoan surveillance post reported that a man dressed as a hunter appeared in the mountains in the southwest. The specific identity is unknown. near".

"Do you need to go and take a look?" Zhang Wa asked in a low voice, Wan Lin shook his head and said, "This person is unknown, maybe he is a real hunter in the mountains, let's take a look first." He then said to himself: "If it is an opponent, shouldn't it be a person? Could it be that the opponent has been broken into pieces and is approaching here in secret?"

He muttered to himself, turned his head to look at Lingling and asked, "Did the wireless signal detection detect anything abnormal?" "No, there is no abnormal signal in this area," Lingling replied, while slowly twisting the electronic countermeasure box with her right hand. a knob.

Wan Lin immediately looked at Zhang Wa and Dali and said: "If the other party is to approach Lingxiu Mountain in pieces, they must turn on the radio to communicate with each other, so that they can grasp the dynamics in all directions. There is no abnormal signal now, which means that this suddenly appeared. The hunter in this area may really be a hunter in the mountains, let’s take a look at it first, and don’t rush over there.”

Zhang Wa and Dali nodded when they heard his analysis. Zhang Wa looked up at the hillside below, and saw Cheng Ru and Da Zhuang were lying in the crevices of the rocks, holding binoculars to observe the mountains on both sides, and whispered: "The economy here is relatively backward, and the local mountain hunters cannot have mobile phones. If this hunter has an open radio device, Lingling will definitely be able to detect it, which shows that this person may really be a local hunter.”

Wan Lin nodded, and then whispered into the microphone in his ear: "Qi, tell your guard post to pay attention to safety, never expose yourself easily, and tell them to use a password to report safety every half an hour, and any abnormality occurs at any time. Report".

"Yes" Qi Hong replied nervously. He knew that Leopard Head was worried that the guards he had thrown out would be touched by the enemy quietly, so he reminded himself to keep in touch with the team members regularly. Since the meeting, this leopard head has repeatedly reminded himself to pay attention to safety, which really makes this old Guoan player who has rich combat experience in the field of spy warfare a little nervous.

The team members he brought this time are all elite members of the provincial national security system. They have undergone extremely strict military skills training, and their technical and tactical levels have reached a certain level. Although they have not gone through the current field combat, many team members have Has a wealth of espionage experience.

Unexpectedly, after arriving here, this leopard head is so cautious, and has always emphasized that the team members should be vigilant and pay attention to safety. This really made him feel nervous. It seems that the mercenaries of the other party may really not be underestimated.

After Wan Lin instructed Qi Hong, he looked at the quiet mountains around him thoughtfully, then stood up and said to Zhang Wa, "I'm walking around with Xiao Hua, why do I feel uneasy?" He took off the backpack from his body, reached out and took out the hunter costume from it.

Zhang Wa nodded solemnly, raised his hand and took the long sniper rifle in Wan Lin's hand. Wan Lin was walking in the mountains revealing his figure, and carrying a sniper rifle was equivalent to revealing his identity, so it was impossible to carry a sniper rifle out.

Wan Lin put the hunter's black clothes over the clothes, took off the helmet and handed it to Zhang Wa, put the hat wrapped around the long cloth on his head, then took out his small bow and arrow from the backpack, and inserted a few short black arrows into it. At his waist holding a small bow in his arms, he said with a smile, "Hehehe, do you guys look like hunters in the mountains?"

Lingling raised her eyes and looked at him and smiled: "Hee hee, it's really like that, he's just a handsome guy in the mountains, absolutely no problem." Wan Lin also laughed: "Of course, this is my old man. I am an excellent hunter myself.”

As he spoke, he waved his hands to the few people around him, and called Xiaohua to lift her feet to the side hillside in the southwest direction. I briefly explained my own characteristics and walking direction to avoid misunderstanding by the national security team members who were on guard.

Wan Lin strode along the hillside towards the direction where the hunter had just appeared. Xiao Hua ran unhurriedly in front of him, digging into the tall wormwood bushes for a while, and then running to the surrounding rocks, her little head running from time to time. Twisted and looked around.

The hillside is lush and lush, with clusters of brightly colored wildflowers blooming in the tender green weeds, and the green bamboo forests sway in the breeze. The light blue lake below the mountain reflects the surrounding mountains. scene.

Wan Lin was walking in the mountains wearing a hunter's costume, holding a small bow and arrow in his left hand, and his sharp eyes watched the surrounding mountains vigilantly.

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