Panther Commando

Chapter 2021: remote guard post

At this moment, Wan Lin felt as if he had returned to his childhood, and he was walking happily in the vast mountains with Xiao Hua, and his heart was filled with a pleasant feeling. The sun was shining brightly in the mountains, and in this empty and silent mountain, his slightly emaciated figure and the little flowers jumping around in front of him really looked like a boy in the mountains walking around with a pet.

Xiaohua was running in front, her eyes looking at the surrounding bamboo forests and grasses with blue light from time to time, then she turned her head to look at Wanlin behind her. Wan Lin followed closely behind Xiaohua dozens of meters. Whenever he saw Xiaohua's blue eyes, he gently shook his head, indicating that it was all his own people, and he didn't need to alarm them.

This place is under the surveillance of the national security team members. There are many national security team members hidden on the surrounding hillsides. Xiaohua's sensitive senses immediately discovered their hidden location, so every time she turned her head to look at Wan Lin vigilantly.

Wan Lin's footsteps looked slow, but he was walking extremely fast in the mountains. After a short time, he walked out of Lingxiu Mountain and strode towards the distant mountains.

Just as he walked into the side of the mountain and looked around vigilantly, Qi Hong's voice suddenly came from the earphone: "Leopard head, the guard post reported that the hunter has lost the trace just now", "Received, I have approached that mountain. District," Wan Lin replied immediately, followed by frowning.

He knew that the guard post that Qi Hong had set up at a distance of five kilometers must be at a high point on the top of the mountain, so as to increase the surveillance area, and the hunter they had just discovered suddenly disappeared from the surveillance post within a short period of time. It disappears from the eyes, which is indeed a bit abnormal.

Generally, the purpose of hunters in the mountains is to hunt, and they walk very slowly. Most of their energy is focused on finding prey, and they rarely walk in such a hurry unless there is an emergency or they are tracking the prey.

He looked at the surrounding mountains, then turned to look at his little flower in front of him, pointed to a mountain top two or three hundred meters in the distance, and walked forward quickly.

It didn't take long, Wan Lin followed Xiao Hua and ran up the hill in front of him. When one person and one leopard approached the top of the mountain, a blue light suddenly flashed in Xiao Hua's eyes, and he ran to the side under a rock, leaning on the rock and turning his head. Looking back at Wan Lin.

Wan Lin was startled, and quickly pulled out a short arrow in his right hand and placed it on the bowstring. He raised his infuriating energy and ran under a rock near the top of the mountain. He came to the bottom of the rock and immediately squatted down, watching Xiaohua under the rock on the side raised her hand and pointed upwards, Xiaohua gently wagged her tail, twisted and drilled out of the side of the rock, and jumped up to the top of the mountain without a sound.

Wan Lin held the small bow tightly in his left hand and the short arrow in his right hand on the string. He held his breath and quietly listened to the sound of the top of the mountain. Then he suddenly flashed out of the side of the rock, and quickly approached the top of the mountain. The body, the small bow in his hand immediately stretched forward.

He quickly swept across the top of the mountain with his bare eyes. The bumpy top was overgrown with weeds. Several large trees were scattered on the top of the mountain. In the middle of the top of the mountain was a huge rock that was raised high, and two black shadows were lying in the cracks of the rock. , one is holding a telescope and looking towards the mountains ahead; the other is lying behind an assault rifle, looking in the other direction through the scope, with his finger on the trigger, the gun is slowly moving as if looking for What?

Wan Lin immediately waved his hand to Xiaohua who was lying on the side of the grass, indicating that the opponent was not an enemy, then slowly retracted his body under the rock, and whispered into the microphone: "Qi, inform the one who is five kilometers away from the southwest. Lookout post, I've reached behind them."

He was afraid that he and Xiaohua would go out hastily and startle the two guarded Guoan team members, so he notified them through Qi Hong. He waited for a while before leaning out from under the rock, and saw the two people lying in the crevice of the rock were turning around in horror.

Wan Lin quickly straightened up and walked towards the top of the mountain with Xiao Hua, smiling and waving to the two people in front of him who were about to stand up, followed by bending down and jogging to the two of them, lying beside them and took out the binoculars After quickly observing the surroundings, he put down the telescope and turned his face to look at the two of them and said, "You two have worked hard."

The other two were looking at Wan Lin and the leopard beside him. At this time, they had received a notification from Qi Hong and knew that the commander of the operation, the leopard head, had appeared behind them. At this time, both of them looked at the leopard head that appeared silently in astonishment, and they were really afraid: if he was an enemy, then the two of them would most likely be killed by the other party without realizing it. Their vigilance too low!

When the two heard Wan Lin's greeting, one of them was lying in the crevice of the rock and immediately said in a low voice, "Report, Wang Bing and Zhang Qiang, the national security team members, are reporting to you! We are carrying out a security mission." Wan Lin also raised his right hand and gestured between his foreheads, then asked with a smile, "Which direction did the hunter just appear from, and where did he disappear from?"

"The other party appeared from this direction." Zhang Qiang, who was holding the assault rifle, quickly moved the barrel in his hand, pointed to the side of the mountain, then slowly moved the barrel and said, "It disappeared from the foot of the mountain in this direction."

Wan Lin raised his binoculars and looked in the direction indicated by the barrel of his gun. He saw that the other party was turning out from the foot of a big mountain three or four kilometers ahead, and then went straight to the bottom of another mountain one kilometer to the north and disappeared~ The front and rear only appear in the surveillance field for about a kilometer.

He looked at the foot of the mountain where the opponent appeared, and said in his heart, "Look at the direction this hunter appears, it should be coming from the other side of the lake, and the trajectory of action is indeed heading in the direction of Lingxiu Mountain, but how can it change direction so quickly and disappear in At the foot of the mountain to the north? It stands to reason that there should be more prey near the lake, but why did he go to the mountain on the north side? Strange."

He put down the binoculars and nodded to Zhang Qiang, pondered for a moment, and said, "You should continue to monitor, it is best to be separated. Once the situation arises, you can provide cover for each other, and at the same time, you can expand the vision of monitoring." He pointed to the side. A small forest a hundred meters away said: "You can separate one person to monitor there, so that the monitoring positions of the two are in each other's field of vision, and the scope of monitoring can also be expanded."

After he finished, he patted Xiaohua next to him, and pointed in the direction where the hunter appeared just now. Xiaohua immediately jumped off the rock and ran down the side slope.

Wan Lin immediately turned his head and said to Zhang Qiang and the two: "I'll go to the place where the hunter appeared just now, you guys continue to monitor, you've worked hard!" He raised his hand and waved it between his foreheads, then twisted back like a long snake After moving a few times, he had retreated under the huge rock in a blink of an eye. He stood up and followed Xiaohua to the hillside in front of him.

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