Panther Commando

Chapter 2022: hunter's corpse

Seeing Leopard Head waving away, the two Guoan team members quickly raised their arms to their foreheads, staring at the back of this young Leopard Head, with amazed expressions in their eyes.

From the appearance of this very young looking leopard head to the moment he left, his movements were extremely agile and light, and there was no sound during his actions. Looking at his thin body, he looked like the little leopard-like animal beside him, with his whole body up and down. They all contain a fierce energy. If Director Qi hadn't notified them just now, this person would have approached them, and neither of them would have noticed.

The two Guoan team members watched Wan Lin disappear by the side of the mountain, and then put down the right hand held between their foreheads and turned to look at each other with admiration in their eyes.

From the time they received the mission to the present, their deputy director Qi Hong never mentioned Wan Lin's identities, but only said that the mission was to cooperate with a special forces unit of the military to guard Lingxiu Mountain. The commander's code name is Panther Head.

But they have already guessed in their hearts that these later special forces must belong to the famous leopard commando of the military. A few years ago, Wanlin and the others worked with their provincial National Security Bureau to solve the espionage case against Yu Jing, so Hua Leopard's reputation had already spread secretly in their provincial National Security Bureau.

And just now the young commander was codenamed Leopard Head, so they guessed that this person was most likely the commander of this powerful special operations force, but neither of them thought that the famous commando captain was so young.

Zhang Qiang sighed and gave a thumbs up to Wang Bing next to him, then pointed to another monitoring point just pointed by Leopard Head, got up and stepped back from the rock and ran to the side with his assault rifle.

Wan Lin followed Xiao Hua quickly down the mountain, and walked forward along the foot of the mountain through a few bamboo forests. The mountains are covered with tall wormwood, scattered bushes grow on the rolling hills and hills, and the thin bamboos that break out of the ground reveal the green color, swaying gently in the breeze in the mountains. With a slender body.

The weeds in the mountains are extremely lush, and the depths of the weeds have blocked Wan Lin's calf, and Xiao Hua's petite body is hidden in the tall grass. The mountains are very quiet, and everything in front of them shows that there are very few people in this mountain area.

Wan Lin stared at the surroundings as he walked, holding a small bow in his left hand, while his right hand had already secretly grasped a few steel needles. This is beyond the vigilance of the national security team. Among the wormwood and bushes swaying in the wind, hidden enemies may emerge at any time. If you are not careful, you may be plotted by the enemy. He has to improve alert.

At this time, the little flower in front suddenly ran diagonally to the side of the hill in front, the blue light in her eyes flickered in the sunlight, and when she jumped up, sharp nails were sticking out from her four claws. cold light.

Wan Lin's expression changed, and he kicked the grass under his feet and dashed behind a tree to the side like lightning. His body was clinging to the back of the thick tree trunk. The bowstring was quickly pulled away, and then he stretched out half of his body against the tree trunk, the bow and arrow in his hand slowly moved towards the hillside where Xiaohua was running, and his eyes looked around vigilantly.

There is a breeze in the mountains, the grass on the hillside is floating with the breeze, and the roots of tender bamboos are still swaying gently, and there is nothing unusual on the hillside.

Wan Lin swept the entire mountain and found nothing unusual. But he knew in his heart that Xiaohua's performance must indicate that it has discovered the situation, otherwise it will not pop out the sharp nails that are usually hidden in the claws for no reason. This is only when it finds an abnormality and prepares to fight.

He raised his head and looked at the top of the mountain in the distance. A breeze was blowing. He suddenly felt a strange smell in the air. He quickly took two breaths and immediately noticed a faint smell of blood in the air. .

He suddenly understood in his heart that Xiaohua's sensitive sense of smell had discovered this abnormal smell early, so he immediately followed the smell and rushed to the hillside.

He concentratedly moved the bow and arrow in his hand and swept the surroundings, followed by abruptly dodging from behind the tree, put away the bow and arrow and ran quickly towards the hillside in front of him. At this moment, Xiaohua was already standing on a rock on the hillside in front of her, and her eyes were flashing blue light, looking at Wan Lin who was running.

Wan Lin quickly ran to Xiao Hua, and immediately looked down at the rock. A bare arm was faintly exposed in the crevice under the rock, surrounded by stones and weeds. It was obvious that someone had deliberately buried someone's body there.

Wan Lin frowned, turned to look in the direction of the hunter's disappearance that the observation whistle had just said, followed by raising his hand to Xiaohua and making a warning gesture, he lifted his foot and walked under the rock, bent over to remove the stones and debris on the ground. The grass was opened, and a middle-aged man in his forties immediately emerged from the stones.

The man was only wearing a red vest and dark gray shorts, and on his feet a pair of black thick-soled shoes commonly worn by the locals. His dark face showed a look of horror, and his already dim eyes seemed to reveal a kind of He looked confused, as if he didn't understand how an ordinary hunter could be attacked and killed in this peaceful mountain.

Wan Lin's face turned gloomy immediately. He looked around attentively. There were no signs of fighting nearby. The stones and grass around the neck of the corpse were covered with black and red The bloodstains still flickered brightly in the sunlight. It was obvious that the person had not died for a long time, and the surrounding bloodstains had not yet solidified.

He took a few steps to the side and looked around carefully. Then, among the weeds near the rock, he pulled out a bamboo basket that the locals had brought by his side, and there were several fresh bamboo shoots in it.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Wan Lin suddenly burst into anger. From the thick calluses on the corpse's hands and the bamboo baskets around it, it could be seen that this person must be a local mountain hunter. He turned his head sharply and looked behind him. This place was far away from the position of the national security observation post that he just passed by. From the top of the mountain, he couldn't see what happened here at all.

He immediately said into the microphone: "Qi, immediately notify all the team members to pay close attention to the person in the hunter's attire. I found the body of a local in the mountains to the southwest. The murderer is most likely the hunter you found just now. This person He must be approaching Lingxiu Mountain in disguise after killing the hunter."

"Yes!" Qi Hong replied immediately. Wan Lin then informed Zhang Wa and the others of what happened here, and finally said: "Attention, only one person has been found, and no other suspicious persons have been found. This person appeared alone around Lingxiu Mountain, and the motive is unknown. It is estimated that follow-up enemies will enter in the future, so you should immediately strengthen your alert and be ready to fight at any time.”

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