Panther Commando

Chapter 2023: mountain top light

After Wan Lin finished the call, he bent down to check the footprints left on the grass around him, and then pointed at the footprints on the grass to the little flower standing on the rock. Xiaohua immediately jumped off the rock next to her, lowered her head and smelled the footprints on the ground, turned around and ran towards the mountains ahead.

Wan Lin took a deep look at the hunter's corpse, his body suddenly stood at attention, raised his hand and gave a military salute to the corpse, then turned around and ran towards the mountains with Xiao Hua. At this time, he was running very fast, and the other party actually killed an innocent hunter by any means, which really caused a raging flame to rise in his heart.

Xiaohua lowered her head in the mountains, sniffing the traces left by the other party in the mountains, and quickly trotted towards the undulating mountains in front of her, Wan Lin followed behind with a small bow in his hands.

When Wan Lin followed Xiao Hua to the foot of the mountain in front of him, he suddenly saw Xiao Hua running in front and looking sideways at what? Following Xiaohua's gaze, he looked sideways toward the distant mountains, and immediately found a faint light flashing on the top of the mountain several kilometers away.

Wan Lin suddenly dodged behind a big tree on the side, and then stuck out half of his head from behind the thick trunk to look at the top of the mountain in front of him, and immediately found that it was the hundreds of meters high mountain he had just descended. The bright light that appeared on the top of the mountain just now must be the reflected light from the telescope in the hands of the national security team members on the top of the mountain.

He shook his head gently, knowing that the two national security team members lacked field combat experience, and exposed their position in the alert. He looked at Xiaohua in front of him running into a bamboo forest on the side, and thought to himself: No wonder the target suddenly disappeared from under the eyes of the two surveillance team members. This mountainous area, so slipped away with the help of complex terrain.

He then flashed out from behind the tree and followed Xiaohua towards a green bamboo forest on the side of the mountain. One person and one beast traveled very fast in the mountains, and in a short time, they had chased six or seven kilometers through the rugged mountains. At this moment, Wan Lin's face was gloomy like water, holding a small bow in his left hand and a few steel needles in his right hand.

At this moment, there was a faint sound of "rushing" running water in the mountains ahead. The gurgling sound of running water was accompanied by the occasional bird chirping, which was very pleasant in the mountains, as if it was flickering in the silent mountains. The present sound of heaven.

But this kind of sweet voice reached Wan Lin's ears, but his heart sank suddenly. He hurriedly followed Xiaohua in front of him through a bamboo forest on the hillside, and when he looked up, he saw that Xiaohua had rushed down the hillside and stopped at the foot of the hill in front of him. Several white stream-like streams were flowing down the hillside in the distance, just in time to converge. At the foot of the mountain, there is a small river more than two meters wide, and it flows slowly between the mountains.

Wan Lin frowned and walked quickly down the mountain. At this time, Xiaohua was wandering on the wet rocks on the edge of the stream. Her little head lowered her head left and right to look for each other's traces. Then she raised her head and looked towards a few white streams on the hillside in the distance.

Wan Lin walked quickly to Xiaohua, raised his eyes and followed Xiaohua's gaze to the upstream of the stream. The gurgling stream slowly flowed down the foot of the distant mountain. The slowly flowing stream was crystal clear in the sun, and the bottom of the water was lumpy Dark grey rocks are clearly visible. The stream was very shallow, and the water depth was not even knee-deep, and small fish with the length of fingers were swimming slowly in the water.

He understood, the goal must be to realize that he had just exposed his figure, so he entered the water and went upstream, using the running water to eliminate any traces he left, and to avoid the pursuit by animals with a keen sense of smell.

Wan Lin looked at the stream in the distance and pondered for a while, then squatted down and carefully looked for the footprints left by the other party before entering the water. After a short time, he found two clear footprints in the mud on the shore.

He squatted on the ground and carefully observed it for a while and stood up from the ground. He felt a little surprised: from the footprint analysis, the other party was about 1.72 meters tall, weighed 130-40 pounds, and should be in his 40s or 50s. But the footsteps seemed very light.

If this person is really those mercenaries, this age may seem a little older. Mercenaries generally perform dangerous tasks that require extremely strong physical strength. Generally, people of this age will not be recruited to join mercenaries unless they have special talents.

Moreover, from the analysis of the footprints left on the forest ground, the opponent's footwork is light and the traces on the left and right feet are basically the same. Obviously, he is not carrying heavy objects. It is inferred that he should not be carrying spear weapons. The above is obviously the same as those of the mercenaries. If the identities do not match, what is the origin of this gangster who suddenly murdered in the mountains?

Wan Lin pondered deeply and looked up along the stream to the mountains in the distance. He was really puzzled. Since the other party killed a hunter in the mountains, and the direction of progress is towards Lingxiu Mountain, this is obviously to cover his identity with the help of the hunter's clothes, trying to hide and approach the hidden treasures of Lingxiu Mountain, but he did not carry Assault rifles are powerful weapons, which is indeed clearly inconsistent with the identity of those mercenaries.

He pondered the ins and outs of the incident, suddenly patted his head, turned around and said to Xiaohua, "Let's go, let's go back." He raised his feet and strode towards Lingxiu Mountain.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that the other party must be the elder of the Takahashi family. The Takahashi who was hit with a cold palm by the head of must be tossed to death by the cold in his body, and if this cold is to be driven out of the body in a short period of time, one must have an inner family The master urged his inner strength to force the cold air out of his body. This injured Takahashi must have asked his Takahashi family for help.

From this point of view, this middle-aged man who suddenly appeared must be a master of internal skills sent by the Takahashi family to heal that kid. And the time he arrived here is obviously faster than those of the mercenaries who smuggled over from his hometown, which means that he entered the country by plane through normal channels, so he did not carry any weapons.

He wanted to understand the identity of the person who came, and immediately squatted down and picked up the clear stream to wash his face, then glanced upstream of the stream, and told Xiaohua to give up tracking and walked straight towards Lingxiu Mountain.

Now that the other party is traveling in the stream, he is relying on the small flowers with a keen sense of smell to track, and it also takes a lot of energy and time. Since the other party's goal is Lingxiu Mountain, there is no need for him to continue to search for this person in this endless mountain. , the final battlefield will be set up on Lingxiu Mountain sooner or later, so he immediately gave up tracking and walked back with Xiaohua.

On the way back, he called Wang Molin, reported what happened on his side and his inference of the current situation, and then told the location of the hunter's body, and asked Wang Molin to notify the police to send someone to bury the body as soon as possible. .

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