Panther Commando

Chapter 2024: tactful warning

At this time, it is already the season of spring and flowers. If the corpses are not placed as soon as possible, the corpses will rot very quickly in this wilderness. Even if they do not rot, they will be found and eaten by scavengers with a keen sense of smell. The body was returned to the victim's home for burial.

Wan Lin took Xiao Hua back to the bamboo forest where Zhang Wa and the others were, and then called Qi Hong over, and then informed them in detail about his findings in the mountain.

After he reported the situation, he looked at Qi Hong and said: "After killing the hunter and leaving the scene, the other party must have found the reflection on the monitoring post on the top of the mountain, and then quickly disappeared into the mountains. You remind the team members to be under surveillance. , be sure to avoid exposing your position. In addition, notify the two team members at the top of the west monitoring point to immediately change the monitoring point. Their monitoring point has been exposed and may become the target of the opponent's attack at any time."

Qi Hong's face turned pale after hearing this. He didn't expect that his two team members were under surveillance and ignored such an important concealment rule. He quickly walked to the side and whispered into the microphone to inform all the team members to pay attention to concealment, and ordered the two already The exposed team members should immediately change their guard locations.

At this time, he was really surprised. He didn't expect the visitor to be so ruthless. He had already started killing before he got close to Lingxiu Mountain, and he was still targeting innocent hunters in the mountains.

The hunters are very vigilant when hunting in the mountains. They hunt in the mountains all the year round. They are not only physically strong, but also very agile, but the opponent can easily kill the hunter in the mountains, which shows that the opponent is extremely cunning and cunning, and has a very high Killing skills, one's own team members may be killed by the slightest carelessness.

He thought of this, and a cold air came out of his back spine, and then he really realized that these team members of his own really lacked experience in field operations. And these seemingly inconspicuous mistakes in ordinary times, but in this seemingly peaceful mountain, it is very likely that they will lose their lives in vain.

Wan Lin followed up with his speculation about the person who appeared just now, and then said to Qi Hong: "This person dressed as a hunter is extremely dangerous. I think the guard posts you set up on the periphery are all in groups of two. Let them monitor separately, and the positions should be easy to cover each other and avoid being attacked by opponents."

After speaking, he turned his eyes to Zhang Wa and the others and continued: "From the wound on the neck of the murdered hunter just now, it can be inferred that the other party sneaked behind the hunter silently, and then suddenly covered the hunter's mouth, and the dagger was also there. At the same time, the hunter's throat and neck artery were cut off. One blow was fatal, and the hunter had no time to resist, and the technique was extremely professional."

He turned his face to Zhang Wa and several others to express his judgment. In fact, he said it to Qi Hong. He was afraid that his words would hurt Qi Hong's self-esteem too directly. He and Qi Hong are brothers in two systems, one is the military and the other is the national security department, and they are not very familiar with each other, so naturally they have to be cautious when speaking.

Zhang Wa nodded and glanced at Qi Hong next to him, already understanding the intention of Leopard Tou's words. Zhang Wa immediately said: "The opponent is using a standard throat cutting action. The opponent may not only be a martial arts master of the Takahashi family, but he should have experience in the army. Generally, martial arts practitioners do not have such a professional killing method, which shows that the opponent is He has excellent light power and concealment skills, and has received strict military training. And according to your speculation, the opponent does not have a gun in his hand, so he must be in a hurry to get a weapon."

When he said this, he turned his head to look at Qi Chu and said: "Qi Chu, you really have to tell the team members, these enemies are all mercenaries who are skilled in mountain and jungle warfare. Let the players pay attention to their own safety.”

Wan Lin nodded, this worry always existed in his heart. Qi Hong looked at Zhang Wa and nodded deeply, and then said to Wan Lin: "Your reminder is very timely, then I will go back and quickly re-arrange it. Our people really lack experience in combat on the top of the mountain. It looks extremely professional, and I didn't expect to lose the chain at this critical moment."

Wan Lin turned his face to look at him and said with a serious face: "Okay, you go back and arrange first, I will contact you at any time if there is anything."

Qi Hong raised his hand to salute Wan Lin, turned around and ran towards the base camp he set up in the bamboo forest on the side. It can be seen from his hasty steps that the words of Wan Lin and Zhang Wa just now really sounded the alarm for him.

At this time, on a mountainside more than 30 kilometers south of Lingxiu Mountain, where Wanlin and the others were located, a figure was leaning on a wooden stick, just staggering out of a middle forest.

This person is Takahashi Jiro, who is just recovering from his injury. After he parted with his third uncle yesterday evening, he immediately followed the instructions of the Yamaguchi mercenary captain Xiao Saito, bypassed the wide lake at the foot of the mountain from another direction, and rushed to the mountain 178 kilometers northeast of Lingxiu Mountain overnight. , waiting to rendezvous with the Yamaguchi mercenaries led by Saito.

Takahashi Jiro's injury had just recovered, and he was already sweating profusely from exhaustion, and the wooden stick in his hand was shaking slightly. He stood on the edge of the bamboo forest and looked around vigilantly, and then sat on the edge of the bamboo forest. He came down, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, took off the backpack on the back panting, leaned on the bamboo stem behind him, took out the water bottle and took a sip, and then took out a piece of bread left to him by his third uncle to eat. stand up.

He devoured the while surveying the silent mountains. He knew that Saito ordered him to meet at this place far away from Lingxiu Mountain, because he was afraid that his group would be discovered by the opponent and lose the concealment and suddenness of their actions.

It was already afternoon, and he struggled to drag his weak body and finally arrived at the meeting place agreed with Saito ahead of schedule. Now that Saito and his party have not arrived yet, he is just here to take a good rest to recover his strength, and quietly wait for the arrival of his reinforcements.

He gasped while eating the bread in his hands, his eyes fixed on the outside of the forest, and he secretly said in his heart: "It is estimated that Saito and the others should arrive here around the evening, and the action must be under the cover of darkness in the middle of the night. Replenish your energy and restore your physical strength.”

He thought, swallowed the last piece of bread in his hand, leaned his head on the thick bamboo stem behind him, reached out and picked up the kettle beside him and put it to his mouth, raised his head and took a sip of the cold mountain spring water in the kettle, turned his head to face Looking at Lingxiu Mountain in the west, a worried look suddenly flashed in his eyes.

He immediately put down the kettle, took out the phone from his pocket and was about to dial the third uncle's number, but then put it down again. He suddenly remembered that the third uncle said before he left that he was no longer in contact with him, and he wanted to act alone to avoid alerting Saito and his opponents.

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