Panther Commando

Chapter 2025: Shadow in the Bamboo Forest

Takahashi Jiro silently stuffed the phone into his pocket, took out the binoculars and scanned the mountains in the distance. He knew that the actions of the three of them a few days ago had alerted the opponent, and the current Lingxiu Mountain will definitely hide many unknown dangers. He had to be careful when he came here again this time. The cold arts practiced by these Lingxiu disciples really left him with lingering fears.

He raised his head to observe the mountains outside the bamboo forest for a while, then put down the telescope and quietly leaned on the bamboo trunk and closed his eyes, thinking in his heart how to quietly approach the top of Lingxiu Mountain again.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of "rustling" in the bamboo forest. Takahashi Jiro was startled, his body jumped up from the forest ground like a spring, and he turned around to take a fighting stance.

He provoked it and looked at the place where the sound came from in horror, only then did he see clearly in the shadows in the forest, a small black shadow was running fast in front of him, and then stopped in the gap between two thick bamboos in the distance. , turned around and stared at him with two small eyes.

"Damn, this is really 'a dragon is played by a shrimp on the beach, a tiger is bullied by a dog in Pingyang', and even a timid rabbit dares to bully Lao Tzu!" Takahashi Jiro scolded angrily in a low voice and stretched out his hand. Just touch the waist. But when he touched his empty waist, he remembered that his pistol had long been kicked away by his opponent in the jungle.

He looked angrily at the hare who was still staring at him with two eyes, raised his arm and made a shooting motion towards the rabbit's head, simulating the sound of gunfire in his mouth and whispered: "Crack," the hare looked When he raised his arm, he hurriedly turned around and ran back, and disappeared into the depths of the bamboo forest in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Jiro Takahashi remembered that he had nothing and no weapons on his body. His pistol was kicked away by his opponent in the dense forest of Lingxiu Mountain a few days ago, and the remaining daggers and two grenades were also handed over to him. Third Uncle, so he is really afraid of meeting a strong opponent now. He is very weak now, not to mention encountering martial arts masters, even ordinary hunters, with his current physical condition, I am afraid it is difficult to deal with.

When he saw the hare escape, he immediately swayed and slumped on the forest floor again, leaning his back on the thick bamboo trunk, and took a few deep breaths to calm his nervousness.

The hare that rushed in just now must have missed him in the dark, a big living man who was sitting motionless against Takeshita, and rushed to his side in a hurry, and was scared away by his jumping action. But at this moment, Takahashi Jiro's heart was terrified, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

Just when Takahashi Jiro just relaxed and was about to close his eyes and rest for a while, the phone in his chest pocket suddenly vibrated. He quickly took out the phone and glanced at it, then pressed the answer button, put the phone to his ear, and whispered in R, "I'm Takahashi Jiro", "Report your location!" Saito Leng Bingbing came from the microphone immediately. the sound of.

Takahashi Jiro frowned, then said, "I have reached the designated position." Then he took out the positioning device and reported his detailed location.

At this time, he really felt a little unhappy in his heart. He was not a subordinate of Yamaguchi Security, and his relationship with Yamaguchi Security belonged to an equal cooperative relationship, but now the team leader of Yamaguchi Security actually spoke to himself in the tone of a commander.

Saito hung up the phone quickly after listening to Xiao Takahashi's announcement of the specific location. Takahashi Jiro held up the phone and was about to ask where the other party was? There was a busy tone on the phone, he swallowed the question that came to his mouth, and then looked at the phone and scolded in a low voice: "Bastard, what are you arrogant about?" Then he shoved the phone into his pocket angrily, He raised his binoculars and looked through the gap in the bamboo forest to the surrounding mountains.

The mountains are quiet. He looked at the mountains in the distance through the binoculars, and clearly saw some small animals such as pheasants and hares burrowing out of the grass from time to time, and then they all burrowed into the surrounding bushes or grasses, and his eyes swept across the mountains. But not a single figure was seen.

Takahashi Jiro was sitting in the bamboo forest holding the binoculars, and after observing the surrounding mountains for a while, he couldn't find Saito and others. He angrily put down the binoculars and scolded in a low voice, "Bastard! I haven't reached this area yet. What the **** are you calling?" He raised the kettle beside him and put it to his mouth, raised his head and took a few sips of water.

Just when he finished drinking the water and was about to twist the lid of the pot, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the depths of the bamboo forest next to him from the corner of his eye, and at some point a black shadow suddenly appeared!

He was so frightened that he threw away the water bottle, jumped up from the forest like a frightened rabbit, raised his hand and took a fighting stance, his eyes nervously looking into the depths of the bamboo forest.

It was very dark in the bamboo forest. The bamboos with thick bowls seemed to be dark green silhouettes, and a black figure was standing in the shadow of the bamboo forest twenty meters away from him.

Takahashi Jiro took a deep breath and stared at the dark shadow not far away. Only then did he see that the person who came was wearing a jungle combat uniform without any signs. The colorful stripes on his body were almost integrated with the bamboo forest. He was wearing a bulletproof helmet and a bulletproof tactical vest stuffed with various equipment. The assault rifle held in both hands was tightly pressed against his shoulders. The dark muzzle was facing his chest through the gap in the bamboo forest. The muzzle seemed to be braving a chill.

Takahashi Jiro looked at the black muzzle in and his face immediately turned pale! He didn't expect that such a person in special combat equipment could approach such a close distance without a sound, and he, the descendant of the ninja family, didn't respond!

He slowly put away the fighting posture, stood up straight and raised his hands slowly, his eyes swept across the surrounding bamboo forest in horror. He knew that under the dark muzzle of the opponent's gun and within such a close distance, any defensive action he made would accelerate his death.

His eyes slowly swept across the surrounding bamboo forests, and then he saw that in the bamboo forests on both sides, there were actually several people wearing the same special equipment, pointing their guns at the mountains outside the bamboo forest with their backs facing him.

Takahashi Jiro swept across the surrounding figures attentively, and only then did he see that there were no signs on the other's bodies either. He suddenly realized in his heart, and immediately realized that this was his reinforcement Saito and his party! He also understood that his physical strength had been severely exhausted, and all the senses of his body had become dull and numb, which made these people approach him silently.

He smiled wryly, raised his hands and whispered in R language: "Hey, is that Saito-kun? I'm Takahashi Jiro." The other party lowered his gun when he heard his identity in R, looked at him coldly and said in a low voice, "I'm Saito", then waved to him.

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