Panther Commando

Chapter 2026: Saito's doubts

Takahashi Jiro bent down and lifted the backpack beside his feet, and staggered towards him. The other party stood there and looked at him motionlessly, with a surprised look flashing in his eyes. He didn't stare into his eyes until he walked in front of him and asked coldly, "You just came down from the special forces?"

Takahashi Jiro's pale face flushed, knowing that his opponent was doubting his past experience. How can a person who has been trained by special forces allow people to approach him without realizing it, and still appear so weak now, which is indeed inconsistent with a person who has had special forces experience. And this Saito has obviously learned from their head Kuroda that he has just retired from the special forces.

He smiled wryly and quickly explained: "Yes, I just left the special forces for a few months. I was injured by a cold skill from an internal power master a few days ago. It took more than 20 hours of rapid marching to come from the mountain area opposite the lake, so my body is extremely weak."

When Saito heard his explanation, his icy eyes became milder. He nodded, turned around, took out two energy bars from his backpack, raised his hand and handed them to this little Takahashi.

Takahashi Jiro quickly took the energy bar, knowing that this is the best food to supplement the energy needed by the body at this time. It contains high calories and various trace elements necessary for the body, which can help him recover his strength as soon as possible.

He reached out and took the energy bar, said "thank you" gratefully, then immediately tore the wrapping paper and put the energy bar into his mouth, then lifted his right leg and kicked the grass a few times with his toes. He kicked out a pit, bent down and put the wrapping paper of the energy bar in his hand into the pit, and pushed the floating soil next to him with his feet to bury the wrapping paper.

Saito watched his movements quietly, until he saw that he buried the wrapping paper in the ground, and then grabbed a handful of grass to cover it to make a disguise, and then his face showed a relieved look, as if he didn't believe it at this moment. He was retired from the special forces.

He waved at Takahashi Jiro, then pointed to the woodland to let him sit down, and sat down under a thick bamboo with his assault rifle on his back. Seeing his gesture, Jiro Takahashi quickly put down the backpack that was slung over his shoulder and sat down, then carefully looked at the equipment on Saito's body.

At this time, he was really shocked. The people around him were actually equipped with a full set of expensive special operations equipment. They were all wearing bulletproof vests with infrared concealment function. A pistol and a saber, a low-light night vision goggle is fixed on the bulletproof helmet on the head, and individual soldier communication equipment is on his body.

He followed and looked at the opponent's hand, and saw that the opponent was holding an HK416 automatic rifle with a laser optical sight fixed on the gun. A light flashed in his eyes, knowing that this was a highly reliable individual weapon, which was said to be far superior to the famous M16 assault rifle. It seemed that these mercenaries were very good at the weapons they used.

Takahashi Jiro quickly swept over the opponent's body, and was really surprised. He didn't expect Yamaguchi Security to have such a wealth of money to purchase such expensive special operations equipment for his mercenaries. The weapons and equipment on these mercenaries in front of him are more advanced than those he equipped when he served in the special forces.

Saito watched him pay attention to the equipment on his body, looked up at the dirty tracksuit he was wearing and his empty hands. Knowing that he had no weapons on his body, he immediately called in a low voice into the earphone.

Following his voice, he was standing by the forest with a gun and raised his gun at a mercenary in the mountains outside the forest. He immediately turned around and walked quickly. He walked to Xiao Gaoqiao and raised his hand to remove the pistol holster on his leg. Next, he threw the pistol together with the holster to Takahashi Jiro, then turned around and took out a pair of monocular low-light night vision goggles and a single soldier communication radio from his backpack and handed them to him, and then raised his hand to Saito Kei. With a salute, he walked to the edge of the forest without saying a word.

Takahashi Jiro raised his hand to take the pistol in surprise, and then hurriedly took the other equipment handed over by the other party. He was about to stand up to thank the other party, but when he raised his head, he saw that the other party had turned away with a cold face.

He turned his head embarrassedly at Saito with a smile and thanked him, then skillfully pulled out the pistol and checked it, then inserted the holster and tied the pistol holster around his waist.

Saito watched him check the gun without saying a word. Seeing that he was very skilled in his movements, he was obviously a master of guns, so he nodded with satisfaction. Only then did he really believe that this little Takahashi was a well-trained special forces soldier.

He then looked at a small Takahashi and said coldly: "I was ordered to come here to capture the gems on the mountain. Captain Kuroda has already told me the basic situation. Please introduce the specific situation, especially our two companions. How did you die? You need to elaborate."

When Takahashi Jiro heard Saito's words, he immediately understood: No wonder the mercenary looked impatient when he threw the pistol to him just now. It turned out that these mercenaries were suspicious that they abandoned their two companions at a critical moment, and they escaped alone to save their lives, so Saito and the others were a little disgusted with themselves.

He quickly explained the situation where he brought two mercenaries here in and then killed the three of them, how to enter the cave and sneak attack in the forest The situation of being wounded by an opponent and the two mercenaries were killed one after another, he told Saito in great detail. Of course, he exaggerated in the process.

He already knew in his heart that the two dead companions were the companions of these mercenaries, and now he is sitting here alive, these people will definitely be disgusted, so he must kill the two mercenaries in the forest Try to exaggerate the situation at the time, let them know that they did not abandon their two companions, but had to break through when he failed to rescue and saw the two mercenaries were dead.

He knew that he had to use this opportunity to tell the story to gain the trust of Saito and his men. Otherwise, in the following actions, once they encounter danger in the battle, the opponents will most likely abandon themselves. Although he is the cousin of their deputy head, but his cousin is dead, and he is not a member of their hired group, after all, he is an outsider.

After listening to what he said, Saito was silent for a while before facing the microphone. He whispered to the guards around him to rest in place, and then looked at the cousin of the deputy head and asked with some doubts: "The other party's kung fu is really good. So powerful? Our regiment commander said that the surrounding area of ​​the top of the mountain and the cave with hidden treasures are extremely cold and unbearable for ordinary people. He said that your Takahashi family has some medicines that can resist the cold on the mountain."

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