Panther Commando

Chapter 2027: tough mercenary

Takahashi Jiro saw that Saito had calmed down after hearing about his experience on the top of Lingxiu Mountain and in the dense forest, and knew that his impression of him had changed.

Hearing his question now, he quickly took out the big bottle that his third uncle brought from his backpack, held it in both hands and handed it to Saito, and said flatteringly: "After our patriarch met your head Kuroda, we have already sent someone I brought the fire dragon pills over, this bottle is all, you can share it with the brothers. The kung fu of this Lingxiu Sect is really powerful, I was slapped, and I almost lost my life, if it wasn't for our family special I'm afraid I won't be able to make it through now."

He said with a wry smile, and then looked at the fire dragon pill in Saito's hand and said, "Also, tell everyone, you already feel cold when you enter the jungle on the mountainside, but don't eat it at this time, only wait until there is such a thing. Only when the chill comes from the bottom of your heart, you can take one pill and eat it. Remember, take no more than three pills at a time, and the interval between two times must be more than one hour. This pill is made of herbs that are hot and dry. If you eat too much, your body can't take it."

When Takahashi Jiro received a call from Saito just now, he was still complaining that this mercenary actually ordered his collaborator, but now that he saw the attitude of the mercenaries around him towards him, he suddenly understood that these mercenaries were about to follow him. Fighting together, they are grasshoppers tied to a straw rope with themselves. Whether they can walk out of Lingxiu Mountain alive depends on these mercenaries. Once you offend them, who knows if they will secretly shoot themselves from behind during the battle? Is it pushing yourself out to block the bullet at a critical moment?

Therefore, he is trying his best to curry favor with Saito, the squad leader. He understands that if he wants to get out of here alive, he must have a good relationship with this Saito and his subordinates.

After listening to Xiao Takahashi's explanation, Saito nodded his head, reached out to take the medicine bottle and glanced at the red pills inside, and then asked, "When our head of the regiment saw your patriarch, why didn't your patriarch give him directly? They even sent someone to travel all the way to deliver it." He said, turning his head to glance at the surrounding forest.

Takahashi Jiro immediately understood the meaning of Saito's words, and quickly replied: "This is the formula left by our ancestors of the Takahashi family, because it was rarely used in later practice, so only our clan has a small amount left over. You have used a lot of people in this operation. It is impossible for our family to have so many ready-made pills. Therefore, we have to organize people to make them overnight, and many of these drugs are extremely rare, and many processes are required to prepare them, so it was delayed for some time. We can send someone to deliver it from the country.”

He rolled his eyes when he said this, remembering that Saito was looking at the forest just now, knowing that he was doubting that he still had a helper, and quickly said: "I have sent the person who delivered the medicine to return to China, he has not received professional military service. Train and act with us, I'm afraid he will drag us down."

His third uncle was acting alone, as an ambush of his own Takahashi family, ready to wait for an opportunity to seize the rare treasure, so he did not tell the story that the third uncle had sneaked into this place secretly, but concealed the matter with pretexts.

Saito nodded, followed by looking at the dimly lit bamboo forest and said, "This place is very suitable for concealment. Let's take a rest here to recover our strength and wait for the action at night." After saying this, he looked at Takahashi, who was still panting with some worry. Jiro asked, "Are you still physically fit?"

Saito was indeed worried. Among the people who carried out this mission, only this Takahashi Jiro was familiar with the specific situation on Lingxiu Mountain. If he could not move with the team, there would be more variables in his actions, so Saito paid great attention to his physical condition.

Takahashi Jiro nodded and replied in a low voice: "No problem. After I took the Fire Dragon Pills for two consecutive days, the cold that penetrated into the body has disappeared, and now my physical strength has not fully recovered. Yesterday evening, I rushed through the night again. It is a long mountain road, so the physical strength is too much, and it will be fine to recover for a few hours. Everyone in the Takahashi family has been practicing ninjutsu since childhood, so this injury is not a big deal.”

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the dim bamboo forest, and then a person dressed as a local was walking towards him. Takahashi Jiro was startled, and was about to reach for the gun handle on his waist, when he saw Saito beside him looking at the person who came, not far away, a few people sitting on the edge of the forest with guns aimed outside the forest. The mercenary did not respond either. He immediately realized that this was Saito's subordinate in disguise, he quickly put down the arm stretched out to his waist, and stared at the person who came.

The visitor was dressed as a local hunter, with a large bow on his back, a quiver full of feathered arrows tied to his back, and a machete stuck in a cloth belt wrapped around his waist. It doesn't look like a person from R country, but looks like a person from Southeast Asia, which is very capable.

Takahashi Jiro immediately glanced at Saito, who was fully armed, and knew in his heart that they dared to walk in the mountains in this suit. Obviously, this mercenary dressed as a hunter was reconnaissance in front of him. There were them, mercenaries dressed as local hunters, on the alert.

He looked at the other party's hunter attire, and shuddered unconsciously: These people seem to be more vicious than himself! Judging from the boy's attire, they didn't know how many hunters they killed after they entered the mountain. These people have traveled thousands of miles to attack, and it is absolutely impossible to wear disguised clothes. They must have killed the hunters after entering the mountains.

At this time Takahashi Jiro has left the special forces for several months, and his living habits have changed a lot. Now that he sees these heavily armed mercenaries, let him Completely, recalled his battle and life in the special forces. Everything in front of him seemed to bring him back to the original special forces, and he immediately recalled the tense and exciting life when he was a soldier.

His eyes flashed with light, and he unconsciously looked at the assault rifles in the hands of these mercenaries, and he seemed to have a long-lost feeling in his heart.

The weapons, equipment and movements of these mercenaries in front of him are basically the same as his teammates in the special forces. The way of holding the gun and the cold looks all make Takahashi Jiro feel familiar.

He stared at Saito, who was looking at the person who was coming, and thought to himself: Obviously Saito and his subordinates are all retired from the special forces, and they should all have quite good combat effectiveness. It seems that Kuroda attaches great importance to this operation, and the people sent are elites!

From this point of view, Kuroda must have consulted relevant people and knew the value of this gem, otherwise he would never have spent such a large amount of money and manpower to carry out this operation. Among this mysterious gem, he still does not know What a shocking secret is hiding!

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