Panther Commando

Chapter 2028: sad little bridge

At this time, the person in the hunter costume stopped in front of Saito, raised his eyes and glanced at Jiro Takahashi coldly, then stood at attention to Saito, and reported in a somewhat blunt R language: "Report, The surroundings are safe. We dived to the mountains eight kilometers away from Lingxiu Mountain and turned around, and found nothing unusual." "Are there no hunters around?" Saito asked while sitting on the forest floor, looking up at the person who came.

The man dressed as a hunter heard Saito's question and said hesitantly, "No... Yes, this mountain seems to be extremely quiet, and there are no people within dozens of kilometers, which is a bit strange."

When Takahashi Jiro heard the conversation between the two, he immediately understood in his heart that this disguised mercenary was really not from the R country.

At this moment, Saito looked at him suspiciously. Takahashi Jiro immediately understood that Saito must be asking himself, why is this place really different from the average mountain area, and why are there no people in the mountains? It is estimated that Saito is worried that the other party has evacuated the surrounding mountain people, and has set up an ambush nearby, waiting for these people to enter the pocket.

Takahashi Jiro saw Saito's doubts, and quickly explained: "This Lingxiu mountain area is located deep in the mountains, and the population is extremely sparse, and the nearby mountain residents know that this is the territory of Lingxiumen who practice martial arts, so Hunters rarely visit this area, and they try to stay away from this place when they hunt. In addition, the temperature near Lingxiu Mountain is much lower than the surrounding area, and nearby animals rarely visit here, so the population is extremely sparse. Most of the mountain people live on the opposite side of the warm lake.”

After listening to his explanation, Saito nodded, turned his face to the mercenary beside him and said, "Go down and rest." After the person raised his hand to salute, he immediately walked out of the bamboo forest quietly, his movements were very agile.

Takahashi Jiro stared at the back of the leaving mercenary, and thought to himself: It seems that the mercenary group of Kuroda is very mixed, and there are people from all countries. However, judging from the opponent's actions, these mercenaries recruited from abroad should not be weak.

This recruiting method of the mercenary group is indeed suitable for them to carry out operations around the world. This mercenary just now has a body similar to that of most local hunters. It is really difficult to tell the authenticity without looking closely. No wonder Yamaguchi Security is a mercenary in the world. The world broke into a certain reputation.

At this time, he looked at these heavily armed mercenaries, and suddenly thought of his cousin. Speaking of which, his cousin was one of the founders of this mercenary group, and as the deputy head of the mercenary group, the Yamaguchi mercenary group has grown to this day. I don't know how much hard work my cousin has spent, but I didn't expect that at this time, he was smashed into the sand and left in the land of Huaxia forever, and now there are no bones left!

Thinking of this, he looked up at Saito and asked in a low voice, "I wonder if you have any situation with my cousin?" Saito looked at him and hesitated and replied, "We are near the deputy head of Takahashi and they disappeared. Those who smuggled over from that mountain area have already been carefully surveyed in that mountain area.”

When Takahashi Jiro heard that they had been to the mountain where his cousin disappeared, he immediately stared at Saito with a longing look in his eyes.

Saito saw his straight eyes, his eyes drifted away from the other party's eyes and said: "We found several shell casings in that mountain, and also found a sniper rifle bullet casing near a swamp. The model is exactly the same as the sniper rifle used by Deputy Commander Takahashi."

He didn't continue talking, but Takahashi Jiro's face had turned pale, and he already understood the fate of his cousin in his heart! He was stunned for a while, then suddenly raised his hand and punched the bamboo stems everywhere.

His punch was filled with anger, the thick bamboo pole vibrated violently, and the dense bamboo branches and leaves above made a "crashing" sound. Several mercenaries sitting in the bamboo forest resting suddenly opened their eyes. "Clap!" He pulled the gun bolt and turned to aim at Jiro Takahashi.

Saito hurriedly waved his hands to the people around him, indicating that there was no situation, followed by looking at the thick bamboo stems that were shaking and nodded.

He has already seen from this fist that Xiao Takahashi struck out of grief and anger, and that this sickly Xiao Takahashi in front of him has a good skill. shake. It seems that this little Takahashi, like his cousin, is a family kung fu practiced since childhood, and his skills are not weak.

At this time, his icy eyes suddenly softened. The mercenary group is a group where the strong is king, and every mercenary in them worships the strong. Now that he saw that this little Takahashi still had such strength, he really changed the bad impression he had when he first saw him.

Saito saw that Xiao Takahashi's face was full of grief and anger and did not speak again, knowing that he already understood where the deputy head of Takahashi and the others were buried. We are all people who have experienced the hail of bullets. When this little Takahashi heard that he had found bullet casings on the edge of the swamp, and that he had been out of contact for so long, he should have understood the whereabouts of his cousin and those accompanying him.

Saito looked away from Xiao Takahashi's face, leaned his body on the thick bamboo stem behind him, closed his eyes slightly, and carefully recalled the passage of Xiao Takahashi and the others in Lingxiu carefully analyzed the strength of the opponent. Only by knowing the enemy and knowing his own side can he be invincible. He must understand the strength of the other side as much as possible, in order to ensure the success of his actions and avoid his own casualties.

He quietly recalled what Xiao Takahashi had just said, recalled the two mercenaries who died in the jungle, and tried to restore the scene at that time in his mind.

After he relived the scene at that time in his mind, an uneasy thought suddenly occurred in his heart: No, at that time, the three of Xiao Takahashi were all holding pistols and launching a sneak attack in the dark jungle, how could they be attacked by their opponents If the two mercenaries were killed in one fell swoop, a group of martial arts practitioners in the forest would not be able to resist the power of bullets no matter how powerful they were.

Moreover, the three of Xiao Takahashi were hiding in the dark jungle to launch a sneak attack, and they should never have been killed by their opponents holding a pistol in their hands. These mercenaries have a very strong individual fighting ability, and they still have a pistol in their hands. All this seems inexplicable. Could it be that this little Takahashi is hiding something? did not fully describe the situation at the time.

There was a look of doubt in his eyes, and he turned his head to look at the opposite Xiao Takahashi. At this time, Xiao Gaoqiao has gradually calmed down, and now he is leaning against the bamboo stem with his head lowered, tears flashing in his eyes, and his expression is very sad. It seems that he has a deep relationship with this deceased cousin.

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