Panther Commando

Chapter 2032: different hunches

Takahashi Jiro looked at the pale Saito and said in a low voice: "The rock structure on the top of this Lingxiu Mountain is extremely peculiar. The top of the mountain is surrounded by transparent rocks with cold air. The huge rocks will produce some strange things as the light changes. Reflected light, that kind of spectacle seems to be able to sway people's thoughts, it is indeed a very strange place."

Saito nodded and took a deep breath to calm himself down, then raised his head again and looked at the strange mountain top. This time, he didn't dare to raise the binoculars in his left hand in front of him, for fear that the clear sight would make him feel uneasy again.

Without the aid of the telescope, the top of Lingxiu Mountain in Saito's eyes seemed extremely distant, and he could only vaguely see the red light reflected by the giant sword on the top of the mountain in the distance. He stared silently at the red light standing on the top of the mountain in the distance, as if the bright red light was jumping in the distant sky. The jumping fire seemed to carry a huge energy, which still made him feel A heart-pounding feeling.

His heart sank! For these mercenaries who often shuttle in the hail of bullets, they have already had an inexplicable premonition of danger, and they also believe in this premonition very much, because these sudden premonitions once saved them at a dangerous moment. Their lives have allowed them to survive the perilous mercenary career until now.

Saito quickly retracted his gaze and slowly took a few steps back into the forest, and then slowly turned around and walked towards the depths of the bamboo forest with a gloomy expression. A word came out: "Rage, is the anger on the top of the mountain? How can you feel such a strange feeling before the action? It's so **** ominous!"

He walked into the depths of the bamboo forest without saying a word, sat down in the bamboo forest where he had just rested, and stared straight at the clusters of green weeds on the forest floor. A miraculous sight to see.

In fact, he himself did not realize that just now he looked at the red light reflected from the peak of Lingxiu Mountain, and immediately had a feeling of "anger" in his mind, which was directly related to his action itself, which was related to "Sunday Thinking about it, dreaming at night", the flickering red light on the top of the mountain in the distance aroused a feeling hidden in his heart.

Their action this time is to seize other people's treasures by force on other people's land. He has long understood that this is a matter of anger and resentment, and he knows that this will definitely ignite the anger in the hearts of these treasure holders.

That's why he just saw the pulsating firelight in the peak, and immediately had that strange feeling in his mind. In fact, this is the idea that has existed in his heart for a long time, but suddenly in front of this strange natural phenomenon It just popped out from the bottom of my heart, nothing strange.

Just when Saito was talking with another group under his command, Lingling, who was sitting in the bamboo forest halfway up Lingxiu Mountain and playing with the electronic countermeasure box, suddenly looked up at Wan Lin and said, "Leopard head, I found an unknown radio signal, southeast. Direction", Wan Lin, who was sitting under a thick bamboo stem, suddenly turned his head to look at Lingling: "Immediately determine the exact location of the other party!"

"The signal appeared for a very short time, and there was no time to accurately locate it, so I could only determine the approximate direction in the southeast direction," Lingling replied immediately. Wan Lin nodded solemnly, Zhang Wa and Dali who were sitting around also raised their heads nervously and looked at Wan Lin, both of their hands tightly gripping the weapons on their laps.

Wan Lin waved to a few people, stood up by himself, bent over to the bamboo forest, raised his eyes and glanced at the sun that was already hanging on the top of the mountain in the west, and then whispered to Cheng Ru and Da Zhuang who were lying in the gap between the big rocks in front of him: " Did you two notice anything unusual?"

"Report, everything is normal," Cheng Ru and Dali replied in a low voice, staring at the mountain without turning their heads. Wan Lin turned his head to look at the peak of Lingxiu Mountain behind. The long sword was flashing dazzling red light in the setting sun, and the red rays of light seemed to be flames flickering with the breeze.

Wan Lin stared at the top of the mountain, a strong premonition suddenly rose in his heart, and suddenly said to himself, "Come on, these **** have finally arrived!"

He lowered his head to the microphone and commanded: "Qi, immediately withdraw the guard posts 5 kilometers away from the surrounding mountains, set up guard posts 2 kilometers around Lingxiu Mountain, and change the guard posts from two to four. , pay attention to each other's cover at the monitoring position! The other party has approached this mountain area, and found that the person holding the weapon will be annihilated on the spot!" "Yes" Qi Hong's voice immediately came from his earphones.

At this time, Wan Lin had already determined that the other party was approaching this mountainous area, and Qi Hong's remote guard posts in the surrounding mountains were all in groups of two. The usual training of those national security team members was mainly aimed at various complicated situations in the city. Lack of mountain training and field experience

And these mercenaries who have sneaked in secretly are all veterans with rich mountain and jungle combat experience. Once the two sides come into close contact, they may cause irreparable damage to the national security team, so after judging that the enemy is approaching, he Immediately issued an order to Qi Hong to shrink the monitoring range.

The main purpose of his move is to shrink the troops and strengthen the defense strength of Lingxiu Mountain. At the same time, it also issued an order to destroy the enemy at any time, authorizing the national security team members to shoot immediately after confirming the identity of the opponent, so as to prevent the national security team from coming into contact with the enemy.

Wan Lin issued an order to Qi and then raised his head to face Chengru and Dali who were hiding on the rock and said: "The enemy is approaching. I have ordered the national security team members who are remotely monitoring from both wings to retreat. The two wings are moving, ready to provide cover for them at any time." "Yes!" Cheng Ru and Kong Dazhuang replied in a deep voice, and there was a murderous aura in their voices.

At this moment, Lingling's urgent voice suddenly came from the bamboo forest on the hillside behind Wan Lin: "Report, the radio signal in the southeast direction is active! Positioning is underway."

Wan Lin was shocked! Immediately in his mind, he reacted: As soon as he issued the order for the remote monitoring team to retreat, the radio signal in that area suddenly became active, which means that the mercenaries who were concealing reconnaissance in the mountains must have found the retreating national security team members. The two sides are very likely to be close at hand.

And the radio signal of the other party is active at this time, indicating that they are asking how to act? At this moment, the other side is very likely to attack the two retreating National Security team members to understand the deployment of our troops.

"Zhang Wa, come with me, the rest of the staff will keep an eye on it!" Wan Lin thought of this, and hurriedly ordered the sniper rifle beside him, then turned around and rushed towards the east hillside, the little flower beside him didn't say a word , passed him quickly, and flew out toward the east.

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