Panther Commando

Chapter 2033: emergency rescue

Wan Lin dashed forward behind Xiaohua, while facing the microphone and urgently ordered: "Qi, immediately order the team members two kilometers to the southeast to prepare for battle immediately and cover the retreating team members; order two long-range alerts. Sentinel to speed up the retreat, fast!"

He ordered in a hurry, and his feet had already picked up speed and flew out to the side of the mountain. The little flower on his shoulder also threw a dozen meters away when he pressed his shoulder at this time, and rushed towards the east mountain like a cloud of smoke.

At the same time, a figure flashed in the bamboo forest, and Zhang Wa ran down the mountainside to the east with an assault rifle. There were two low bolt sounds on the rock. Cheng Ru's sniper rifle and Kong Dazhuang's light machine gun were immediately loaded and aimed at the mountain in front of Wan Lin and the two. Man and Xiaohua provide preparations for cover fire.

At this time, in a bamboo forest on a mountainside more than ten kilometers away from Wanlin and the others, Saito was sitting in the bamboo forest and shouted coldly into the microphone: "Take the other two, and make sure to leave a living hole! Send a sniper team to cover. , in case the opponent has follow-up support personnel."

He just received a report from Kameda, the leader of his second team, that he found that two figures suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain where the reflection was found, and they were running quickly towards Lingxiu Mountain.

When he heard the report, his face immediately sank, and he thought in his heart: "If the other party is really a police officer equipped with weapons, it means that his own person has been exposed, otherwise the other party will not suddenly shrink the surveillance range! This is obviously afraid of remote vigilance. An accident happened to the personnel. Damn, since the other party has already discovered us, let's just leave two guard posts, so that we can find out what the other party is?" So he made a decisive decision and immediately issued an order to take down the other party.

After he issued the order, he jumped up from the bamboo forest as soon as he pressed his hands on the woodland, and quickly ran to the edge of the forest. The surrounding mercenaries who were resting on the woodland heard the sound of his jumping and opened their eyes suddenly. He stood up with guns in both hands, and immediately ran to the side of the forest.

Takahashi Jiro, who was sitting on the bamboo stem beside him, closed his eyes and rested, also jumped up from the ground, pulled out the pistol around his waist and followed Saito to the edge of the forest. He was still asleep and didn't know what was going on? I thought that the enemy had suddenly appeared, and the opponent had come around.

Saito hurried to the edge of the forest, raised his binoculars and looked towards Lingxiu Mountain. The mountains in the distance are undulating, only the peculiarly shaped peak on Lingxiu Mountain can be seen, and the surrounding mountains are very quiet in the sunset.

He hurriedly raised the binoculars and looked at the side mountain where the second group of his men were located. The position of his second group is two or three kilometers away from their first group, on the hillside on the side. He arranged this in order for the two groups to echo each other. Once a battle occurs, the two groups can support each other in a short period of time to avoid fighting alone.

At this time, Takahashi Jiro ran to the edge of Saito Mountain, and quickly raised the binoculars hanging on his chest to look at the side of the mountain, and suddenly saw two figures appearing on the side hillside, rushing down the hillside towards Lingxiu Run in the direction of the mountain. The two figures appeared and disappeared in the bamboo forest and grass among the mountains, and their tactical movements were extremely flexible and concealed.

Takahashi Jiro saw that his companions on the side had moved, and immediately turned his face to the bamboo forest beside him. Seeing that several mercenaries around him had been scattered on the edge of the bamboo forest, their guns were pointing in all directions outside the forest, and they were obviously ready to fight. Prepare.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It seems that these mercenaries have indeed undergone extremely good training, and there was no panic before the war, and the battle positions chosen by each of them are also extremely professional, and they are indeed a very powerful mercenary group, no wonder He will make a name for himself in the mercenary world."

After a period of time, the sound of pistol gunshots suddenly came from the mountains on the side, followed by two rapid series of assault rifle sounds of "da-da-da" and "da-da-da". .

Takahashi Jiro was startled and suddenly looked up to the side of the mountain. Several people from Saito's second group had already rushed to the foot of the distant mountain at this time, and were running quickly towards the mountain in front of him. has disappeared behind the foot of the mountain. And behind the distant mountain, the sound of assault rifles and pistols being fired intermittently was heard, apparently a chasing battle was launched among the mountains.

Takahashi Jiro turned his head to look at Saito, who was beside him, and saw that he was holding the binoculars motionless and looking at the mountains where the second group was exercising, with no expression on his face.

At this time, Wan Lin and Zhang Wa were running towards the mountains ahead. With the sound of gunshots in the mountains in front, Qi Hong's urgent report came from his earphones: "Report, two team members who were retreating from the mountains in the east were suddenly attacked, one was injured, and they are currently on the side. While retreating, the team I sent is going to respond! There is a sniper team two kilometers away, and we are ready to cover.”

"I am Leopard Head. We are approaching the northeastern mountainous area. Let the remote security team speed up the retreat. The sniper team will immediately kill the enemy when they find the enemy!" Wan Lin ordered in a hurry, and his feet flew towards the front of a building more than 200 meters high. The top of the mountain rushed to the side, and Zhang Wa, who was beside him, rushed towards the foot of the side of the mountain without a word.

Zhang Wa understood that Leopard Head was going to occupy a high point to establish a sniper point and cover the retreating Guoan team, so he followed Xiaohua's figure in front of him and ran straight to the mountain in front of the gunfire.

The two had already raised their skills, and after a while, they rushed past the three Guoan players who were running towards the mountains in front of them, leaving the three running Guoan players far behind like black smoke.

Wan Lin dashed to the top of the mountain that was more than 200 meters high in front of him. At this moment, a faint fire suddenly flashed on the top of a hill that was dozens of meters high in front of the side, followed by two flashes of fire.

At this time, two black shadows were running out from the foot of the mountain in the distance, as if they were running towards him with support. In the mountains hundreds of meters away behind the two shadows, two shadows were also moving up and down quickly. black spot.

Under the cover of a few big trees on the top of the mountain, Wan Lin stooped and ran quickly to the side of the mountain in front of him. From the corner of his eyes, he could see the situation of the top of the mountain in front of him. At this point, he had already seen the situation in front of him clearly. The place where the fire appeared on the top of the hill in front of him must be the sniper point set up by the national security sniper. He is now covering the two retreating team members in the mountain ahead.

The two shadows staggering from the mountain must be the two Guoan team members who had already been wounded and retreated. The two black dots in the distance were naturally mercenaries who were about to capture the two sentries.

But he frowned at the same time. The sniper fired several shots at the top of the mountain without changing the sniper position. This is a taboo for snipers, and it may attract the opponent's sniping at any time.

PS: The New Year is approaching, Bamboo Fragrance Bookstore would like to thank all of you for your companionship along the way, and wish you a happy New Year, all the best, and a happy family!

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