Panther Commando

Chapter 2035: mountain sniper

The top of the mountain where Wan Lin is located is the commanding height of the surrounding area of ​​1000 meters, and the field of vision is extremely wide. It is right to observe the hill where the Guoan sniper team is located in front of the side, and the hill that is 600 or 700 meters away from where the opponent is.

He quickly moved his sniper rifle and aimed in the direction of the sound of the gunshot, and immediately saw a dark shadow through the scope, lying in a crevice of a rock on the opposite hill, raising the gun to shoot at the top of the mountain where he was.

After the other party fired a shuttle of bullets, he slammed his gun and retreated behind the rock. Obviously, seeing that his sniper had moved safely, he also wanted to retreat to the hill.

Wan Lin's muzzle was pointed at the rock where the opponent was, his finger lightly placed on the trigger, and his eyes swept coldly across the small hill through the scope. He knew that the sniper who had just been shot back by himself must be nearby!

Sure enough, under the mound dozens of meters behind the rock where the opponent's observer was, a tall wormwood was shaking violently. Obviously, the opponent's sniper had quickly retreated to the bottom of the mound under the cover of his companion. Get ready to rush out from behind the mound to find new sniping spots.

Wan Lin determined the approximate location of the opponent's sniper, and just moved the muzzle to deal with the sighting hand who was retreating from the top of the mound, when he saw a black shadow suddenly flashing out of the grass behind the mound. The cat waist quickly ran behind a big tree on the side hillside.

"Bastard, you want to run after sniping at my team? Wait, I'll take care of your spotter first, and then take care of you bastard!" Wan Lin scolded angrily from behind the gun.

At this time, Wan Lin already understood that the opponent's sniper must have found himself, the sniper who suddenly appeared, from the bullets he just shot, so he quickly rolled down the hill under the cover of his companions, and now the side of the hill is covered with Moving up the hillside with rocks and big trees, it was obvious that he wanted to get rid of the lock of his sniper rifle and look for the hillside with complicated terrain to counterattack.

Wan Lin's face was gloomy and watery, he ignored the sniper who was running away, but immediately moved the muzzle to the sighting hand who had just turned around and was about to jump off the rock, followed by the fingers of his right hand and gently pulled the trigger .

"Pfft", a bullet suddenly spewed out of the muzzle, whistling into the air ahead, the clear air in front of the muzzle immediately formed a vortex with the high-speed rotating bullet, the one who had just retreated from the rock was The black shadow that was about to run behind the mound fell down, and a cluster of red mist immediately rose from behind the mound.

After Wan Lin pulled the trigger, he immediately pulled back the rifle. Holding the gun, he rolled out behind another rock on the side. He quickly shot out the gun and aimed at the sniper who was rushing towards the hillside, followed by the index finger of his right hand. the trigger.

The interval between Wan Lin's two shots was extremely short. At this time, the opponent's sniper was flying on the side of the hillside. He suddenly heard a crisp "pop" from the top of the hill, and his eyes unconsciously looked sideways. When he went, he saw his companion planted on the mound with a red blood mist at a glance. He was shocked, the running figure immediately swayed, and the body that was moving forward quickly became hesitant.

At this moment, "woo", a bullet swept past him with a sharp whistle that pierced the air, and a heat wave almost burned his eyelashes, and he turned around in shock. He fired a shot in the direction of the opponent's ballistics, and after fitting in, he dashed behind the rock in front of him.

With the bullets whizzing past, a cold air immediately rose from his back spine, "whoosh" rushing towards the top of his head. He knew that he had just walked sideways with Death! Thanks to the brief hesitation at his feet when he saw his companion being killed, and the irregular changes in this rapid movement, he was lucky to save his life.

He didn't care to carefully observe the position of the opponent's sniper, and immediately jumped behind the rock in front of him, his heart beating violently. He knows that his current position has been locked by the opponent's sniper. At this time, as long as he dares to show his head, he will definitely be shot in the head by the opponent! The so-called bulletproof helmet on the top of the head is simply unable to resist the sniper bullets coming directly.

Holding the sniper rifle, he huddled tightly under the rock, and a chill emerged from the bottom of his heart. The sniper who locked himself now is by no means the first sniper who shot himself just now. The sniper level of this second sniper is definitely a battle-hardened top master.

While the opponent can kill his teammates, he can quickly change the position and quickly move the muzzle to quickly face himself, and in an instant, he can determine his own moving direction and speed, and accurately aim at his head. This is by no means an ordinary sniper can do. here it is!

Just now, the sniper and his spotter received an order from the team leader Kameda and rushed down the hillside behind to support the two companions in disguised reconnaissance.

The two had just run from the side mountain to the front mound, trying to cover their two companions who were chasing each other from the side. As soon as the two rushed to the small mound in front, they saw the faint fire of sniper rifles emerging from the opposite hill at a glance.

He and the spectator ran up the mound and immediately fell down, turned their heads to look sideways and behind, and immediately found the two sentries of the other side, staggering and running from the side a few hundred meters away, while they were chasing after a few hundred meters. his two companions.

At this time, the snipers on the opposite hill were continuously shooting at their companions, apparently covering the retreat of the two injured teammates.

He didn't bother to look for the best sniper Immediately lying on the mound, he stretched out the gun body, then fired a shot at the opponent's sniper position, and then hurriedly rolled behind a rock on the side, The opponent's spectator also suddenly appeared, and immediately shot at the sniper position he had just now.

He immediately stretched out the barrel from behind the rock, killed the opponent's spectator with one shot, then moved to lock the second sniper position transferred by the opponent's sniper, and fired a shot at the opponent's outstretched barrel , but following his position, he was hit by a bullet flying from the top of the mountain in the distance.

At this time, he was shocked, and immediately realized that the other party had a sniper! He quickly rolled out behind the mound, and ran quickly among the rocks and trees in the mountains under the cover of his companions, trying to get rid of the opponent's lock as soon as possible.

He already knew in his heart: the sniper on the hill opposite the sniper shot continuously at the sniper position, the opponent must have no actual combat experience, but now this sniper is obviously a very clever sniper, not only shooting his own spectator with one shot Knocked down, and was locked on the head by the opponent when he was moving quickly, this shows that the opponent has extremely rich sniping experience, and it is definitely not the rookie sniper who was locked by himself just now!

PS: The New Year is approaching, Bamboo Fragrance Bookstore would like to thank all of you for your companionship along the way, and wish you a happy New Year, all the best, and a happy family!

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