Panther Commando

Chapter 2036: howling bullet rain

Kameda's snipers hid under the rocks and looked back timidly, eager for the support of their companions behind him. He knows that his position has been locked by the opponent's sniper rifle, and as long as he dares to show his face, he will immediately become the opponent's target.

As soon as he turned his face, he saw a black figure flying on the hillside a few hundred meters to the side. , and the two people at the foot of the mountain were supporting each other and limping to the back. Both of them were wearing grass-green training uniforms, and they were obviously the observation posts of the other party who had withdrawn from the front.

He twisted his body and looked at the surrounding terrain with lingering fears, then turned around and raised his sniper rifle to the two people at the foot of the two side mountains, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he slowly put the **** of the gun on his shoulder, and cursed in his heart: "Damn, I have been locked behind this rock by the front sniper, but I see if you can escape the sniper muzzle of the two boys on the side!"

Just when he raised his gun and aimed at the black shadow running on the side of the hill, his eyes suddenly saw the black figure running on the side of the hill, and suddenly turned around without warning. The sound went straight to the foot of the mountain where he was swept.

He kicked his feet on the ground in shock, and quickly rushed behind the tree on the side that he was looking forward to just now. Just as he did so, the bullet shot from the side had hit the rock where he was invisible, and a piece of gravel whistled from the rock. fly.

Just when he was glad that he had avoided the opponent's bullet, his upper left arm suddenly became hot, and a burning feeling instantly spread to his brain. He immediately realized that he had exposed his figure when he saved, and was immediately shot by the sniper who locked him and hit his left arm. superior.

At this moment, he could not even bother to fire back, and when he landed, he held the sniper rifle in one hand and rolled along the hillside to a bush at the foot of the hill, leaving a dark red blood trail on the grass on the hillside.

It was Zhang Wa who was running on the side of the hill. After he followed Wan Lin to save, he immediately followed the foot of the hill to pick up the two injured Guoan players. At this time, after he approached the two Guoan team members from the foot of the mountain, he did not go directly to rescue the two team members, but ran directly to the side of the hillside, trying to outflank the two team members with limited mobility from the side and block the two tight-knit team members behind. The chasing enemy.

Just as he was running on the hillside, the voice of a leopard head suddenly came from the earphone: "Zhang Wa, there is a sniper under the mound at three o'clock, drive him out immediately! Quick."

Zhang Wa was shocked when she heard the voice of Leopard Head, and immediately understood that the sniper on the other side must have been suppressed by Leopard Head on her side, and could shoot herself and the two national security team members down the mountain at any time. He twisted abruptly while running, raised the muzzle, pulled the trigger at the foot of the mountain on the right, and shot several consecutive shots.

The assault rifle in his hand "da-da-da" and "da-da-da" spewed fiery snakes, and at the same time, his feet quickly threw himself behind a tree in front of him and stopped, his eyes fixed on the hillside on the side, I saw under a huge rock at the foot of the hill behind the mound, a black shadow was rushing out from under the rock, and then rushed behind a tree on the side of the hill, but the moment he saved from under the rock, his body was suddenly hit hard. After a moment, he leaned and rolled into a low bush at the foot of the mountain ahead.

From the falling figure of the opponent, he immediately judged that the leopard head had hit the opponent with one shot. He turned his head and shouted at the two national security players at the foot of the mountain: "Hide now!" He quickly took out one from the tactical vest. The new magazine was inserted into the assault rifle, followed by raising his foot and rushing towards the front hillside, the muzzle of the gun was still facing the direction of the opponent's sniper's stealth, shooting at the "da-da-da" and "da-da-da" points, for the following two snipers. A national security player provides cover.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eyes, he suddenly noticed a blue light flashing in front of him, and a small black shadow suddenly ran back from the hillside in front of him, followed by lightning and rushed towards the bushes at the foot of the opposite mountain. Zhang Wa was relieved, and immediately turned the gun and continued to run forward along the hillside.

At this time, his heart was on fire, and the two national security team members did not know how to observe the surroundings and hide their figures during the retreat. If it wasn't for Leopard Head's reminder just now, one of the two slow-moving Guoan members would have fallen under the enemy's sniper gun.

Now, Xiaohua, who had already run to the front to deal with the two chasing soldiers, must have heard the sound of her own gunfire, and turned her head to see the sniper who saved, so she immediately turned around and rushed back, now there is this fierce little friend After rushing up, the worries on the side have been lifted, and the injured sniper on the side is no longer a problem!

Just as Zhang Wa turned the muzzle and ran forward more than ten meters, a terrified scream suddenly came from the foot of the side of the mountain. A sneer immediately appeared on Zhang Wa's face, knowing that the opponent's sniper had fallen under Xiaohua's sharp claws! He accelerated sharply under his feet, threw himself behind a tree in front of him like the wind, raised his gun and aimed at the foot of the mountain in front of him.

At this time, two people dressed as hunters were turning from the foot of the mountain three or four hundred meters in front, and two black shadows had already flashed on the hillside behind them, rushing towards them.

The two enemies on the opposite hillside had obviously spotted Zhang Wa who was rushing forward from the The other side spewed fire snakes from time to time as they ran, and the bullets rained towards Zhang Wa's place. The hillside was swept, grass blades and sawdust fluttered by bullets on the hillside beside him, and some volleyed bullets roared over the hillside.

Zhang Wa quickly pounced behind the thick tree trunk in front of her, her eyes swept across the surrounding mountains quickly, and then she poked out an assault rifle from the side of the tree trunk, with the **** firmly on her shoulder, aiming at the foot of the mountain in front of her.

At this time, the two mercenaries who were chasing at the foot of the mountain were under the cover of the firepower of their companions behind them, quickly running towards the two figures running beside a rock in front of them, and raised their right hands to aim at the two wounded National Security team members.

Zhang Wa saw at a glance that the other party had raised the pistol. He didn't bother to aim carefully, and immediately pulled the trigger with his finger and swept downwards. A string of bullets whistled and sprayed out from the muzzle. Da Da" gunshots echoed in the mountains immediately.

A piece of gravel and mud splashed around the two mercenaries who had just turned around the foot of the mountain, one of them fell to the side with the sound of gunfire; Pa" is just two shots, and he turned around and fled behind regardless of the life and death of his companion who fell at the foot of the mountain. At this time, clusters of sparks had emerged from the trunk where Zhang Wa was invisible, and the bullets of the enemy in the distance had already flown following the fire from his muzzle.

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