Panther Commando

Chapter 2037: brief firefight

Zhang Wa swept out a string of bullets and knocked down an enemy, immediately retracted the gun and hid behind the tree, her body tightly close to the thick tree trunk, holding the assault rifle in both hands and pointing to the tree, she shoved her head out to the side of the mountain in front of her. Look at your feet.

At a glance, he saw that the mercenary who had abandoned his companion was rushing towards the foot of the mountain. There was a cold light in Zhang Wa's eyes, and she suddenly retracted her head from the tree. While running wildly, he shot to cover the evacuation of his companions at the foot of the mountain.

Zhang Wa was already kneeling on one knee behind the tree. At this time, she heard the sound of the gunshots. She suddenly leaned out from behind the tree, and the assault rifle on her shoulder suddenly aimed at the foot of the mountain, her fingers following her He was about to shoot at the mercenaries running down the mountain.

At this moment, he saw at a glance the opponent who had already rushed to the foot of the mountain, and suddenly stumbled forward at the moment of turning over the foot of the mountain, followed by a red blood mist on the top of his head, a black The pistol then flew into the air from the opponent's raised arm.

Zhang Wa didn't bother to check it carefully, she raised the muzzle and pulled the trigger "da da da" at the distant hillside. A bunch of bullets that were going to sweep the mercenaries at the foot of the mountain immediately fanned out to the hillside in the distance. , and then suddenly retracted behind the big tree.

At this time, Zhang Wa already understood that the leopard head behind must have seen that Xiaohua had solved the most threatening enemy sniper, and immediately ran to the top of the mountain to establish a new sniper position, and quickly shot out the mercenary who was running away!

After Zhang Wa retracted back to the tree, she immediately turned her head to look sideways and rearwards. Sure enough, she saw that on the top of the mountain more than 100 meters high at 600 or 700 meters, several fires were flashing one after another, and the bullets flew straight to the distant hillside. . He knew that it was the Leopard Head who killed the enemy who was chasing the Guoan team, and immediately provided himself with fire cover from a long distance.

He immediately rolled over and lay on the ground, followed by the fire of the leopard's head, and quickly rolled behind a rock down the slope, followed by abruptly extending the muzzle of the gun forward behind the rock.

The sound of the enemy's gunfire on the distant hillside had ceased, and the two black shadows that were rushing towards this side just now turned around and drilled into the distant mountains, disappearing into a dense bamboo forest in a blink of an eye.

Obviously, the other party saw that the previous companions had been killed, and the other party had a sniper staring at him, so he immediately turned his head and retreated back. On the side hillside, there was a small black shadow running forward. Obviously, Xiaohua was chasing the two retreating enemies from the side hillside after picking up the opponent's snipers.

Seeing the opponent retreat, Zhang Wa immediately turned her head to look at the foot of the mountain behind. At a glance, she saw three figures in mountain training uniforms, who were quickly approaching the two national security team members who had been hidden behind the rocks at the bottom of the mountain. All three of them would attack The rifle was aimed at the foothills ahead. Zhang Wa immediately realized that this was Guoan's response team rushing over.

Sure enough, the three people at the foot of the mountain ran to the two national security team members. Two of them each carried an injured person and turned around and ran back. A few teammates retreated behind him.

Zhang Wa saw that the injured Guoan team members had withdrawn safely, and Xiaohua was chasing up from the side hillside alone. He quickly stood up and was about to chase the front hillside. At this moment, the voice of a leopard head suddenly came from his earphone: "Zhang Wa, withdraw!" A sharp whistle sounded from behind.

Xiaohua, who was running ahead, heard the whistle, and suddenly stopped the running figure, turned around and ran back, her eyes flashing with blue luster.

Seeing Xiaohua withdraw, Zhang Wa immediately turned around and retreated. He knew in his heart that Leopard Head must be holding a sniper rifle at the commanding heights behind, providing cover for the retreating national security team and himself. As he ran back, he raised his eyes and looked forward. There was a black shadow swaying on a mountain not far away, and it seemed that one of them was running back with the other on his back.

Zhang Wa's heart sank, knowing that there must be casualties among the Guoan players on the top of the mountain! From the sound of the gunshots just now, he had already determined that a sniper team in Guoan was on the top of the mountain, and the leopard's head must be at a high point nearby, holding a sniper rifle to provide cover for several of them.

He immediately rushed down the hillside and ran towards the side hillside. When I rushed to the bush where the sniper was just now, I saw a boy in special equipment lying on his back in the bush. The man's neck was bloody, and his arms were covered with sharp claws. One after another, bloodstains can be seen deep in the bones, and a long sniper rifle is thrown beside him.

Obviously this is the enemy's sniper just now. He must have been startled by the bullet he suddenly swept out, and then he was shot by the sniper rifle of the leopard's head. Then the little flowers that rushed over were cleaned up.

Zhang Wa glanced coldly around while running. The bushes were splashed with red blood, and a large pool of blood had gathered in the surrounding low-lying areas. The sniper was opening a pair of tarnished eyes, looking at the already The sky that has become dim, as if I don't understand why I suddenly passed away!

Zhang Wa quickly ran to the bushes under her feet, ran straight to the opponent's sniper, carried her assault rifle behind her as she ran, and then bent over suddenly as she ran past the boy, stretched out her left hand and picked it up The opponent's sniper rifle also pulled out the two magazines on the opponent's waist with his right hand, and then kept turning around and running towards the mountains behind.

The mountain, which was still reverberating with the sound of fierce gunfire, suddenly became quiet, and the sunset on the top of the mountain in the distance jumped abruptly. Suddenly it sank from the top of the high mountain, and the whole mountain became dark.

At this time, Wan Lin was lying quietly on the top of the mountain, the sniper rifle on his shoulder was slowly moving, his face was tightly pressed against the cheek rest of the sniper rifle and staring at the scope on the gun, his face was very gloomy.

In the brief exchange of fire just now, one of the national security team members on my side was killed and two wounded. Turning around and retreating to the back of the mountain, this shows that the opponent has a wealth of actual combat experience and is extremely adaptable on the battlefield.

And this was just an encounter in the mountains. In this short exchange of fire time, there were so many casualties on his own side, which really made him feel frustrated.

He knew in his heart that the Guoan spectator just now must have been killed by the opponent's sniper. Within the effective range of a sniper rifle, exposing your fixed target to a sniper muzzle with rich combat experience will definitely be difficult to survive.

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