Panther Commando

Chapter 2038: shrink line of defense

Wan Lin raised his gun to monitor the mountains ahead, and carefully analyzed the battle situation just now in his mind.

The two national security team members who retreated from the front guard position were obviously caught off guard when they were suddenly shot and wounded by the two mercenaries who were concealed and tracked. Fortunately, the other party did not carry an assault rifle or the like in order to cover his identity. Weapons, and the two national security team members responded in a timely manner. After being attacked, they quickly shot and forced the two opponents back. Otherwise, the two national security team members would have been in danger at the time.

Judging from the current situation, the two national security team members reluctantly retreated here after being attacked by the large firepower of their assault rifles. And here happens to be the second surveillance point arranged by Qi Hong, so the sniper team at the second kilometer saw their team members and immediately shot at the two shadows chasing from the side of the mountain, trying to cover the two returning players.

But the sniper team of Guoan was obviously inexperienced, and didn't notice that a sniper team would suddenly burst out from the side. After firing several shots in a row, they didn't change the sniper position quickly, and were followed by the opponent's sniper. Sonic tracked down his sniper position, and then let the spotter who was covering him lose his life.

Wan Lin felt a chill down his spine after analyzing this. He really did not expect these national security team members to have so little experience in mountain combat that they would make such a big omission on the battlefield. Moreover, it was still in broad daylight, and the enemy had not yet launched a large-scale operation. Once the enemy started to act at night, the subsequent battle would be...

At this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of unease in his heart. He raised his eyes and looked at the foot of the mountain. Several reinforcements from the Guoan team had already retreated to the back of a mountain behind the two injured team members, and Xiaohua was running towards him.

On the side of the hillside, Zhang Wa was also carrying a captured sniper rifle, and among the scattered trees and rocks in the mountains, he flew over to the foot of the mountain on his side, and now he was approaching the foot of the mountain. . The mountains where the enemy retreated just now were blocked by the rolling hills, and the situation in the distance could not be seen at all.

Wan Lin saw Zhang Wa turn over the foot of the mountain where he was invisible, and Xiao Hua had already jumped up to the top of the mountain where he was, so he silently pulled back the sniper rifle, turned his head and ordered to Zhang Wa who was parked at the foot of the back mountain: " Retreat!" Holding a sniper rifle, he bent over and ran down the top of the mountain, and ran to the back foot of the mountain with Zhang Wa and Xiaohua.

At this time, the sun had already set, and the whole mountain seemed to have suddenly dimmed, and the scenery in the mountains became shadowy. Wan Lin and Zhang Wa escorted several Guoan team members back to their station on the west side of Lingxiu Mountain, and then returned to the bamboo forest where Qi Hong was.

Wan Lin walked up the mountain to the south, and from a distance, he saw Qi Hong standing on the edge of the bamboo forest with a nervous expression, holding a telescope to observe the hillside outside the forest.

Wan Lin and the two approached the bamboo forest, and Qi Hong quickly walked over to them. As he walked, Wan Lin asked in a deep voice, "Report casualties?" "Report: One of the two long-range guard posts was hit by a bullet to cause a penetrating wound in the leg, and the other injured his leg while supporting the wounded to retreat and counterattack. The sniper team's sighting crew at the two-kilometer defense line was hit in the head by the opponent's bullet, and has already been sacrificed!" Qi Hong replied with his feet upright and his eyes red.

Wan Lin walked past Qi Hong with a gloomy expression, followed by striding into the bamboo forest. He walked into the bamboo forest and immediately stopped next to a thick bamboo trunk. He turned gloomily and looked at the dim mountains outside the forest without saying a word. Qi Hong and Zhang Wa followed the bamboo forest and stood behind Wan Lin. His face also looked very ugly.

At this moment, Lingling's voice sounded in Wan Lin's earphones: "Report, during the gunfire just now, the enemy's radio activity was very frequent, I have located the enemy, and the other party is within ten to fifteen kilometers southeast of our location. ", "Received, continue to monitor!" Wan Lin replied in a deep voice.

Wan Lin stood on the edge of the bamboo forest and pondered for a while, then turned his head and said to Qi Hong: "You have to withdraw all the team members from the outer guard, and focus on forming a line of defense under the forest. Be sure to instruct the team members to build battle bunkers according to the specifications, and pay attention to each and every time. The bunker position of each team member must be in the field of vision of the surrounding team members, so as to avoid being attacked by the enemy in the dark." After speaking, Zhang Wa called with a gloomy face and strode into the depths of the bamboo forest.

At this time, he was really annoyed. There were casualties as soon as he came into contact with the enemy, which filled his heart with a kind of anger. This was not only anger at the enemy, but also at the technical and tactical level of the national security team members. Disappointed.

It is also a helpless move to shrink the defense line and remove the surrounding guard posts. The strength of these national security team members is simply not comparable to those of mercenaries with rich combat experience. Once discovered by the enemy, it is very likely to be dangerous. It is better to simply give up the surrounding guard. , Concentrating troops to build a defensive line directly on the mountainside, anyway, the enemy's goal is Lingxiu Mountain, and it will appear here sooner or later.

Qi Hong was stunned when he heard Leopard Tou's order, then understood the meaning of Leopard Tou, and replied "yes" in a low voice, and immediately conveyed Leopard Tou's order to the microphone, and then turned around and followed Leopard. Head into the bamboo forest.

The situation just now, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Qi Hong has listened to the team members with sprained legs describe them in detail, knowing that if the two Leopard team members hadn't come out in person and arrived in time, all four of his team members would most likely have fallen under each other's guns. This first contest can be described as a narrow victory. One of our own was killed and two wounded, but the opponent was killed by four. Judging from the number of casualties, my side still won a small victory.

But at this time, he really felt depressed in his heart. The team members he brought have all undergone very strict military training, and all of them are outstanding young men who are one-of-a-kind. Regardless of their skills and various military qualities, they can be considered excellent, but what? So many problems were exposed as soon as they arrived on the real battlefield? And there were casualties just in contact with the enemy, which really made him, an old Guoan player, feel uncomfortable.

Wan Lin stood by the bamboo forest and thought for a while, then turned his head to see the expression on Qi Hong's face, and knew that he was also feeling uncomfortable.

He took a deep breath to calm his emotions, raised his hand and patted Qi Hong's shoulder lightly, and said solemnly: "Mountain combat is different from urban combat, and it is also very different from normal training. The technical and tactical level that is usually trained strictly requires a stable and keen battlefield psychological quality.”

"Your usual training may be different, and the field combat has not been trained completely according to actual combat, otherwise it will not cause such a large number of casualties.

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