Panther Commando

Chapter 2039: Chief's order

Wan Lin looked at Qi Hong and continued: "Tell the team members to strictly follow the tactical movements taught by the instructors during the training. Those are all summed up with blood lessons, not pretentious. In the battle just now, you Both the snipers and spotters made fatal mistakes, which led to such tragic casualties!"

He said and shook his head gently, feeling really sad for these casualties. He paused, then continued, "Have you brought a sanitation worker? Do you need someone from me to see your wounded?"

When Qi Hong heard Leopard Tou's concerned question, he answered gratefully. "Report: The injured team members are not life-threatening, our health staff has dealt with them, and there will be no danger for the time being."

Wan Lin nodded, looked up at the mountains and said, "It's going to get dark soon, you divide the team members who are guarding the hillsides into two groups. Keep those on duty awake."

"In addition, you will personally check the bunkers constructed by the team members in a moment. You must choose the position of the bunkers according to the tactical specifications. In the firepower configuration, strive to intersect side shots and oblique shots, and combine light and dark. , use firepower to suppress the enemy under the hillside, and must not allow the enemy to approach the frontier of the defensive position."

He pondered for a while, and then he warned: "We have already contacted the opponent just now, and the opponent will definitely re-evaluate our strength, so their actions will be more careful, and the attack will be more ruthless, we must make each of our team members In a state of war, be vigilant!"

"Yes!" Qi Hong replied with a serious face. He knew that this leopard head repeatedly told him to pay attention to safety, just because he was afraid that his team members would suffer from lack of actual combat experience.

When he first came into contact with this young leopard head, he was still conceited that this leopard head was overthinking, wasn't it just a few gangsters who wanted to steal? How powerful can they be.

But the first time he met the enemy just now, his team members suffered casualties. This has proved that Leopard Head's prudence is indeed not groundless and unfounded, and the opponent's strength is indeed not to be underestimated.

At this moment, Lingling's voice suddenly came from Wan Lin's earphone: "Report, Deputy Director Wang Molin's phone", "Turn around!" Wan Lin replied quickly, then turned around and walked to the edge of the bamboo forest.

He stood on the edge of the forest and whispered into the microphone: "Report, I'm a leopard head!" After listening quietly for a while, his face became very gloomy, and then he said firmly: "Yes, make sure to complete the task, you must Let this group of people pay their debts with blood! We must not let them leave this beautiful mountain area! Please rest assured, chief."

After he cut off the communication, he turned around and walked in front of Qi Hong, scolding angrily: "These bastards!" Then he said, "Deputy Director Wang is calling!" Several people around quickly got up and stood at attention, watching silently. he.

Wan Lin then said in a deep voice: "After receiving my report, Deputy Director Wang has notified the local police to take back the body of the hunter I found. He also received a police report that the local police had also found the body of the hunter in the mountains to the east of Lingxiu Mountain. The corpses of the two hunters were also very professional, and their clothing and hunting tools had been taken away. Deputy Director Wang judged that the group of mercenaries had entered the Lingxiu Mountains, and the purpose of killing was to facilitate reconnaissance in disguise. He ordered us to …”

When he said this, he slammed his feet together and stood up straight, and then he loudly conveyed Wang Molin's order: "This group of murderers must be wiped out, and those who dare to commit crimes in China will be killed without mercy! They must be **** debtors. Blood compensation! Never let them live away from this beautiful mountain area!"

When he said this, there was a sudden murderous aura in his tone! The little flower on his shoulder suddenly stood up, and two big round eyes suddenly burst into a blue luster; Zhang Wa, who was standing beside Wan Lin, also suddenly followed Wan Lin's firm voice. As soon as he mentioned the assault rifle in his hand, a fierce aura emerged from his body at the same time.

The surrounding forest was instantly enveloped by the thick murderous aura emerging from the body of the two and one beast. The weeds standing upright on the forest floor seemed to follow this murderous aura, and the blades of grass suddenly tilted towards the surroundings.

Qi Hong's body stood upright, and a horrified look suddenly flashed in his eyes. Wang Molin's order also made him tremble, but the fierce murderous aura emanating from the leopard players around him made him feel a tremor in his heart.

He suddenly understood at this time, no wonder this leopard commando has such a great reputation, it is not just because every member of their team is an excellent special combat team with unique skills and high technical and tactical level. The invincible murderous aura emanating from each of the team members is enough to make any enemy shudder! You can make any enemy fall under their guns!

Qi Hong's eyes followed with the same murderous aura, and he repeated in a cold and deep voice: "Those who dare to do evil in China will be killed without mercy! They must pay their debts with blood! They must not be let go of this beautiful scene. Mountains!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Wan Lin and said with a serious expression: "I will go back now to inform the team of the enemy's atrocities and pass on the command of the leader!" Wan Lin Qi Hong immediately raised his hand to salute , turned around and strode out of the bamboo forest, his footsteps seemed extremely firm!

Wan Lin watched Qi Hong walk out of the bamboo forest with bright eyes, and then turned around and waved to Zhang Wa, who stood at attention, and led him and Xiao Hua back to the bamboo forest where Dali and Lingling were, and then whispered into the microphone, turning the Cheng Ru and Kong Dazhuang, who were alert on the rock, shouted.

He gathered a few people around him, briefly informed them about the situation just now, and then said: "In the afternoon battle, we have already exposed our strength, and the opponent must have guessed that there are people from our military and police here to help defend. Lingxiu Mountain, so the opponent's actions will definitely be more cautious. At present, they have lost four people, and they must be drumming in their hearts, and they will definitely re-evaluate the difficulty of their operation. Hmph, it is not that easy to take away our treasures from China. !"

After listening to Leopard Head, Zhang Wa turned to look at the bamboo forest where Qi Hong and the others were on the side of the hill, and said in a low voice, "These Guoan team members have too little actual combat experience, and their fighting movements have been deformed in the tense situation. Fortunately, the opponent just now It's just a sniper team that rushed over to respond, otherwise the two long-range guard posts may be difficult to return safely. To tell the truth, I'm starting to beat a drum in my heart now, if the opponent touches under the cover of the night, these national security team members may..."

He didn't continue talking here, but turned his head to look at the few people around him with a worried face.

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