Panther Commando

Chapter 2040: emergency deployment

When the Chengru people around heard Zhang Wa's words, they also frowned, with worried expressions in their eyes. My own leopard commando team is seriously lacking now, and there are only a few players here. And the performance of these Guoan players just now was really not satisfactory.

These national security team members must have also received mountain combat training, but obviously their field training has not reached the required level. In actual combat, their weaknesses were exposed at once, otherwise they would not have such a big problem in the sudden encounter of the enemy. of casualties.

Wan Lin looked at Zhang Wa's worried expressions, pondered for a moment, and said, "Yes, I am also worried now, these Guoan players are very good, and it is no problem to face ordinary enemies. But now, they want to Facing the mercenaries composed of the best field special forces in the world, their individual strength will definitely have a lot of gaps with these mercenaries, at least they lack the actual combat experience that an excellent special forces should have."

Cheng Ru and several people looked at the dim mountains, with worried expressions flashing in their eyes. They also understood in their hearts that these Guoan players were chosen one by one, their training level must be high, and the personal qualities of these players must also be excellent.

However, actual combat and training are two different concepts. Once many soldiers with excellent training performance enter the battlefield, their tactical movements will be severely deformed due to tension, and they will fall under the enemy's bullets.

At this time, Wan Lin really felt extremely heavy in his heart. He suddenly realized that he underestimated the enemy. When he was determining the combat plan, although he considered the lack of actual combat experience of the Guoan players, he still underestimated these Guoan players, who had rich experience with them. Gap between mercenaries with actual combat experience.

Now the Huabao Commando is seriously lacking, Feng Dao, Bao Ya and Feng Yu brothers are still lying in the hospital, while Xiaoya, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying are staying at the martial arts conference venue again. He really felt stretched out.

At this moment, Cheng Ru looked at Wan Lin who was in deep thought, waved at Da Zhuang, walked out of the bamboo forest with him and returned to the rock, still lying on the cold rock and raising his gun to warn the two wings of Lingxiu Mountain. At this time, none of them dared to be careless, so he saw Wan Lin's contemplative look, and hurriedly took Da Zhuang back to his guard position.

Zhang Wa watched Cheng Ru and the two return to the rock guard, hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice, "Our troops really seem weak, are you considering transferring Xiaoya, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying?"

Wan Lin stared at the mountains outside the bamboo forest, pondering and did not answer. In fact, he is thinking about it now. Although there are quite a few members of the Guoan team, they are now guarding a large mountain with a huge area, and they lack actual combat experience and their combat effectiveness is obviously insufficient.

And there are really too few players with actual combat experience around him. If all three of Xiaoya and the three of them are transferred from the opposite martial arts conference venue, they can indeed greatly enhance their strength.

But in case these mercenaries don't get the treasure, they are likely to slip to the other side of the lake while running away. When these inhuman things are in danger, they will definitely jump over the wall and target those martial arts people. If there is no one there. , he is really worried! The other party is an outlaw with a gun.

He hesitated for a while in his heart, then bit his teeth, turned his head to look at Lingling and said, "Lingling, order Xiaoya and Wu Xueying to immediately rush to Lingxiu Mountain with Xiaobai; order Wen Meng to continue to covertly monitor the martial arts conference venue, once the gangsters with weapons are found. Immediately kill! Be sure to ensure the safety of the martial arts people across the lakeshore."

"Yes!" Lingling replied in a low voice, then immediately called Xiaoya and quickly conveyed Leopard Head's order. After the call, she immediately turned her head and reported to Wan Lin, "Report, Wan Xiaoya, Xiaobai and Wu Xueying will set off immediately."

Wan Lin nodded, stood sideways by the bamboo forest and stared at the mountains in the northeast direction. Wearing a yellow and green training suit, his body stood upright, and in the darkness, he merged with the thick green bamboos beside him. For the sake of oneness, only the eyes on his face were twinkling with two gleams.

At this time, in the bamboo forest on the mountainside of a large mountain in the northeast of Lingxiu Mountain, Saito is also standing on the edge of the bamboo forest, staring blankly at the dim mountains outside the forest. Beside him stands silently Takahashi Jiro with a pistol. .

In the afternoon, the second group of his subordinates had a brief contact with the opponent, and he lost four subordinates at once, which really shocked him! The other party is obviously not a simple martial artist from Lingxiu Sect. This must be a group of professional soldiers with strong military literacy.

At that time, after ordering two disguised reconnaissance men to attack the two observation posts, he then ordered the sniper team to report the situation of the battle at any time. and identity, otherwise he would not easily send a sniper team out for such a cover mission.

After his reconnaissance team discovered that there were surveillance personnel on the top of the mountain in the distance, he already knew in his heart that his pedestrian had been exposed. The original plan of secretly sneaking into the top of the mountain without alerting the opponent's defenders could no longer be implemented.

Therefore, when he received a report from Kameda from the second group that the two surveillance personnel of the other side were evacuating, he immediately ordered the two reconnaissance personnel who were already close to the other side to approach the Be sure to leave the opponent behind! He was thinking that since his group's intentions had been discovered by the opponent, he simply took down the two long-range lookout posts, and quickly figured out the opponent's strength and deployment, so that he could easily evaluate the opponent and improve his action plan.

But he really didn't expect that when two scouts in disguise approached the opponent, when they suddenly shot the other and injured one of them, the other party reacted very quickly, raised the assault rifle and swept out, obviously they had already targeted the two hunters. The dressed scout was vigilant, so immediately after the attack, he responded quickly.

After Saito heard the report, he immediately ordered Kameda to send a sniper team to respond, covering the two scouts and quickly taking down the two opponents. What he didn't expect was that the final outcome was that his subordinates with rich combat experience were all killed by their opponents! This was obviously far beyond his expectations, and he had to re-evaluate the opponent's strength.

Saito stood on the edge of the bamboo forest and stared in the direction of Lingxiu Mountain with a very solemn expression on his face. Takahashi Jiro, who was beside him, has been listening carefully to his command, and now he has understood the process of the battle.

Seeing that Saito was silent for a long time, he pondered for a long time and said in a low voice, "How could the other party have transferred such a group of people in such a short period of time, and the fighting power is still so strong? We didn't have these when we came here two days ago. Man, the opponent's moves are too fast!"

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