Panther Commando

Chapter 2041: incredible

Saito still looked at the shadowy mountains in the distance, and whispered: "This is obviously not an ordinary police officer. Those police officers are only good at urban combat, and their weapons are also light weapons with weak lethality. There is no such strong combat power in the wild mountains, is the person coming from the special forces of the armed police force?"

At this time, he really felt astonished. The mercenaries under him had followed him on many combat missions. All of them were veterans who had emerged from the hail of bullets. In the complex terrain of mountain warfare, ordinary policemen If it was completely wiped out, he wouldn't believe it even if he was killed!

He is confident that his mercenary team, which is composed of retired special forces from various countries, has not been able to keep all of them in the mountains in the mountain warfare of similar numbers. And those who can wipe out the four subordinates, only those special forces who are familiar with mountain and jungle operations have such comprehensive strength.

Takahashi Jiro nodded, looked at the lake in the distant mountains rippling with the breeze, and said in a low voice, "Could it be their armed police force?"

Saito pondered and replied: "It is possible! But if it is the special forces of the armed police, their training level is quite high. The special forces of the armed police are mainly to deal with emergencies in cities, wild mountains, jungles, etc. It's not the main subject of their training, if it's an armed police force, it's really amazing." He said, lightly Yaoyao's head, with an incredible look in his eyes.

Takahashi Jiro nodded silently after listening to Saito's analysis. At this moment, his heart was as heavy and depressed as a big rock. He turned his head and looked in the direction of Lingxiu Mountain, a worried look suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he secretly said in his heart: The third uncle has approached this seemingly peaceful mountain, and the guards of the other party are all such powerful special forces. Then my third uncle is too dangerous!

He thought to himself, his right hand unconsciously reached out to touch the phone in his jacket pocket, wanting to inform his third uncle of the situation in time. But his hand stopped as soon as he touched the phone. The third uncle has cut off all contact with him, and now he can't be contacted at all!

His heart suddenly jumped wildly, as if he saw the third uncle running in the dark mountain, followed by a group of fierce pursuers, and the whistling bullets were flying past the third uncle. !

Takahashi Jiro's face instantly turned pale, he slowly released the phone in his pocket in fear, turned his face and suddenly found Saito beside him looking at him with strange eyes. With a shudder in his heart, he quickly took out a piece of chocolate from his side pocket and said to Saito: "If our opponents are all such well-trained special forces, then our actions will be difficult!" Said He peeled off the chocolate wrapper, broke half of the chocolate and handed it to Saito.

He was really afraid that his actions just now would arouse Saito's vigilance. Once these ruthless mercenaries knew that there were other members of his Takahashi family coveting the gem, these people would definitely swallow the treasure alone after obtaining it. He will never give his own Takahashi family a cent, because it was his Takahashi family who broke the agreement of common action first.

Saito glanced at him, waved his hand, and replied coldly: "No, I analyzed it carefully. From the report of the four of our team members fighting each other, the combat quality of those guards is not high, otherwise It will not be discovered by our team members and suddenly injured. Moreover, my sniper reported before the death that he had killed one of the opponent's sniper team. It is estimated that the other party sent reinforcements to keep a few people in the second team. down, and these reinforcements are our real opponents."

When he said this, he muttered to himself: "Being able to kill four of our team members shows that there are indeed experts who are skilled in mountain and jungle combat, but the number will never be too many, otherwise they will not Those rookies will be sent to guard."

At this moment, he has carefully recalled the battle situation, and immediately judged the combat strength of those guards.

He murmured in a low voice, a cold light suddenly shot out of his eyes, turned his head to look at Xiao Takahashi and said firmly: "There will never be too many powerful people on the other side, or the few vigilant people in front will not be so short-lived. In the battle of time, we were killed and injured by our people! Hehe, the battle just now can only be said to be a winner and a loser.

After he finished speaking bitterly, he turned around and walked into the bamboo forest. As he walked, he ordered into the microphone: "Kameda, bring your second group and join me immediately."

The sky gradually darkened, and the mountains were shrouded in darkness. Several pale blue stars were already hanging high in the gray night sky, and they were twinkling with dim starlight.

At this time, in the mountains to the northwest of Lingxiu Mountain, a black shadow was slowly moving between the rugged mountains, like a poisonous snake crawling slowly in the rocks and grass, flickering.

This shadow is Takahashi Jiro's third uncle, Takahashi Moriki. After killing the hunter in the afternoon and disguising himself, he immediately turned around the foot of the mountain in front and strode towards Lingxiu Mountain, but after turning around the foot of the mountain in front, he suddenly noticed a faint reflection from the top of the mountain in the distance.

He, an old special forces soldier, immediately realized that this must be the light reflected from the observation equipment in the hands of the other side's guards. He was startled, turned his head to look back at the empty mountains behind him, accelerated his pace and walked towards the foot of the side mountain, and when the side of the mountain blocked the opponent's sight, he suddenly picked up his speed and ran towards the mountains in front.

He knew that he had been exposed to the eyes of the other party's surveillance personnel. If the other party had doubts about his identity, he would definitely send someone to this area to search. And the corpse of the hunter who was killed by himself was just a simple camouflage, and it is very likely that the opponent will find it. At that time, the opponent will definitely send someone to follow it.

Therefore, when he saw that he had stepped out of the surveillance field of the person on the top of the mountain in the distance, he immediately accelerated to the side of the mountain. He knew that he had to get away from this mountain as soon as possible.

He ran fast through the rugged mountains, and soon came to a small river. He stopped and looked at the streams of twinkling on the hillside in the distance, then jumped into the river upstream, and ran quickly upstream along the icy stream.

Takahashi Moriki has been running along the winding river for more than ten kilometers. Then he turned to look behind him. Seeing that there was no one in the mountains behind him, and there were no pursuers following him, he jumped ashore. He quickly ran to a bamboo forest on the side of the hill.

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