Panther Commando

Chapter 2042: professional judgment

Takahashi Moriki got into the bamboo forest, and quickly hid behind a few thick bamboo trunks. He raised the binoculars hanging on his chest and looked at the mountains behind him. After he was sure that no one was following him, he gasped violently and sat down. on the grass in the forest.

He gasped for a while before his breathing gradually calmed down. Then he raised his hand and put the backpack on the ground. He reached out and took off the mountain boots on his feet and poured out the stream water that was poured into it. Then he straightened his two sore legs and leaned against the ground. On the thick bamboo stem at the back, he closed his eyes and rested. The long-distance running in the river just now really exhausted all his physical strength.

He rested for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes again, he turned his head and raised his binoculars uneasy and looked down the river at the foot of the mountain to the mountains behind him. When he saw that there were still no chasing soldiers, his heart really settled down. .

He turned his head and put down the binoculars, took out some food from his body and slowly put it into his mouth, chewing slowly while closing his eyes slightly and thinking: "The other party sent people to track with hounds, criss-crossing the mountains. In the stream, it is impossible to find their own traces. Damn, the other party has arranged a guard post a few kilometers away from Lingxiu Mountain, which means that the other party must be a military policeman, and those ordinary people who practice martial arts in the mountains have not yet. Such vigilance."

Takahashi Moriki slowly finished eating the food in his hand, opened his eyes and looked up at the top of his head. Through the gaps in the bamboo shoots, he saw that the sun had set in the west, and the bright mountains just now had dimmed.

He then closed his eyes again while steadily recovering his strength, while thinking about the next course of action. He was alone on this trip, a lonely ninja who was hiding in the mountains. It was impossible to get any support during the operation, and he could only rely on his own covert movement to avoid opponents.

To get close to Lingxiu Mountain, he could only wait for the dark cover of night to approach the mysterious mountain. From the experience just now, it can be seen that the other party has obviously arranged observation posts five or six kilometers away from Lingxiu Mountain. There must be more guards near Lingxiu Mountain, so he can only wait for the night to fall. action.

Thinking of this, he immediately raised the kettle and took a sip of the cold stream water, then rested his head on the thick bamboo stem behind him.

In the evening, Takahashi Moriki, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly heard a faint sound of gunfire. His whole body jolted, opened his eyes suddenly, turned over and lay on the grass in the bamboo forest, stretched his right hand to his waist and pulled out the dagger, and looked out of the bamboo forest in horror.

His first reaction was that the pursuers might be coming! But he immediately judged from the faint sound of gunfire that the battle site was far away from him.

He lay on the grass and listened intently for a while, and immediately judged from the faint intermittent sound of gunfire that it was the sound of assault rifle fire. He was shocked, this must be a fight between the Yamaguchi mercenaries and the military police here. He turned around and observed the outside of the forest, then quickly put on his boots and jumped up, the backpack on the ground on his back went out of the bamboo forest, and quickly ran to the side of the mountain.

He ran up to the top of the mountain, quickly slumped behind a rock, raised his binoculars and looked in the direction of the gunfire. The sound of gunfire in the distance was echoing intermittently in the mountains, but the rolling hills blocked his vision, and he couldn't see the battle in the distance at all.

He put down the binoculars and listened quietly with his head sideways, and then he judged that the gunshots came from the southeast of Lingxiu Mountain. He followed and held his breath again, carefully distinguishing the firearms used by both sides from the faint sound of gunfire.

Gradually, Takahashi Moriki, an old special forces soldier, finally heard the sounds of assault rifles and pistols firing very professionally. From the sound of gunfire, he immediately judged that this was a small-scale encounter.

His face sank immediately, and he secretly said in his heart: Although he didn't see the exchange of fire between the two groups of people with his own eyes, judging from the intermittent gunshots, the other party was definitely not an ordinary police force, who could be like those mercenaries composed of special forces. In the fierce battle, the troop guarding Lingxiu Mountain is absolutely extraordinary, and it should be a special force with certain strength!

He knew in his heart that when recruits first entered the battlefield with real guns and live ammunition, they would definitely have to raise their guns and shoot blindly in a panic. The sound of gunfire at that time should have been the continuous strafing of assault rifles, and it would never have been such an intermittent burst of fire. Only strictly trained special operators or veterans who had been on the battlefield would shoot with a specific aim.

Moreover, his location is far away from the place where the gun sounded. There are still snipers fighting in the trouble, and the sound of the sniper rifle is extremely weak, and it is impossible for him to reach his ears from a long distance.

He closed his eyes and listened attentively for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at the mountain behind him, and suddenly he had a question in his heart: just now, he had discovered the reflected light from the distant top of the mountain, which showed the tactics of these guards. The movements are not very professional. A special force with rich combat experience will never make such a low-level mistake.

But how could they get entangled with those mercenaries? If it was an ordinary fighter, it should have been solved by Yamaguchi, a mercenary with rich mountain combat experience.

At this time, he had already judged from the vague gunshots that there were not many people on both sides of the, so he really had doubts in his heart.

After a short time, the sound of gunshots coming from the distant mountains suddenly stopped, indicating that the short battle just now was over. Takahashi Moriki looked at the mountains in the distance with some doubts, then shook his head slightly and looked up at the sky.

The sky had already dimmed, and the dark red sky that had just been lit by the setting sun had turned into a dark gray. He took a deep breath, raised his hand and took out the satellite phone that had been cut off and put into his backpack. He wanted to call and ask his nephew, Jiro Takahashi, what happened in the battle just now?

Now he really wants to know what kind of troops the other party stationed here for protection belonged to? Because he wants to secretly approach Lingxiu Mountain alone, he must have an understanding of those guardians. His finger just pressed the power and was about to turn on the phone, but suddenly a flash in his mind, and the pressed finger quickly stopped.

He looked at the satellite phone in his hand and suddenly thought: "Damn, why did you think of contacting Jiro again! Turning off the communication tool is to prevent those mercenaries from knowing that he is here, and calling Jiro now will definitely attract those mercenaries. Doubt. Besides, who knows if the troops guarding here are equipped with electronic monitoring equipment, if they are equipped with such advanced positioning equipment, once they make a call, they will definitely arouse the vigilance of the other party! This is their home base."

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