Panther Commando

Chapter 2043: Tactical Cloak

Takahashi Moriki hurriedly put the phone back into his backpack, reached out and took out the locator from his pocket and glanced at it, then took out the map and used the dimmed light to determine his exact location, followed by putting away the map from the rock on the top of the mountain. Then he stood up, bent down and walked down the **** near Lingxiu Mountain.

Takahashi Moriki walked on the dim hillside, secretly saying in his heart: No matter what the other party's background is, he must approach Lingxiu Mountain in secret, and he must not be discovered by the other party's guards. Judging from the gunshots, Takahashi Jiro must have joined those mercenaries and led them towards Lingxiu Mountain from the southeast. The direction of their movement should be the front mountain near the entrance of the top of the mountain. At present, my position is close to the back mountain of Lingxiu Mountain. The entrance to the top and bottom of the back mountain has been blown up by Takahashi Jiro. This must be the weak point of the opponent's defense. gem.

Takahashi Moriki thought of this, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he sneered in a low voice: "Hey, let those mercenaries lead the way first, I happened to sneak up from the back mountain! The mussels fight, the fishermen gain, so you can have fun on the front mountain!"

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he picked up his speed and trotted down the hillside, and then at the foot of the hill, with the help of clusters of bushes and undulating rocks, he hid his figure and ran towards Lingxiu Mountain.

Takahashi Senki's speed was extremely fast, appearing and disappearing in the dark and undulating mountains until he approached Lingxiu Mountain for about two kilometers, when he suddenly bent down and ran behind a big tree on the side of the mountain, followed by creeping under the tree. Then, slowly crawled under a rock on the side.

At this time, twinkling stars have risen in the sky, the green mountains have been shrouded in night, and the scenery between the mountains has become hazy.

Takahashi Moriki slowly climbed under the rock on the side, and immediately lay on the grass and quietly listened to the surrounding movement. There was only the sound of gusts of wind floating bamboo leaves and treetops in the mountains, and some resounding echoes in the surrounding grass. The "rustling" sound of low-level creatures crawling, the dim mountain area is very quiet in the breeze and insects.

Takahashi Moriki lay quietly under the boulder and listened for a while, then slowly took out a pair of low-light night vision goggles from the backpack behind him and put it on his face, then stuck his head out from the edge of the rock and looked vigilantly towards the surrounding mountains. go.

In the dim starlight, the green bamboos and small trees in the mountains are swaying in the breeze. The swaying shadows are like slender figures standing at the foot of the mountain and on the hillside. The bamboo tops and the branches and leaves of the trees emit bursts of "wow". sound.

Takahashi Moriki watched the surrounding mountains nervously, then slowly took out a small package from the backpack behind him and slowly opened it, and then slowly draped a yellow and green cloak over his body, and immediately put the cloth out of the cloak. The strap is fastened to the neckline and is worn on the head following the cap on the cape.

This is what he specially asked for an old comrade who was still an officer in the special forces before he entered China. This is a new type of field cloak that prevents infrared detection. A new material for infrared detection, the material is composed of a mixture of nano-powder with infrared absorption function, special fiber and pigment. This kind of fiber added with nano-powder has a very strong absorption effect on the infrared rays generated by the human body, which can not only prevent wind , Rain and snow protection also has the function of keeping warm, and the texture is light, which is very convenient for special operators to hide in mountain and jungle operations.

If the guard of the other side carries infrared detection equipment, he can put on this cloak to cover the infrared light emitted by himself as much as possible, and can effectively avoid the reconnaissance of the other side.

He, an old special forces team member, understood in his heart that the principle of infrared detectors is to use an optical imaging objective lens to receive the infrared radiation energy distribution pattern of the measured target, and then reflect it on the photosensitive elements of the infrared detector, so as to obtain the infrared radiation of various objects. Thermal image.

The monitoring principle is actually to convert the invisible infrared energy emitted by objects into visible thermal images, and then use the heat distribution images emitted by various objects to determine various scenes.

Now that he has this high-tech cloak that prevents the heat from emitting from his body, coupled with his very professional concealment actions, it is difficult for the other party to find his whereabouts in this dim light.

Takahashi Moriki looked at the modern cloak that had covered his body with satisfaction, and couldn't help but sigh: "The technology is developing too fast now, when I was a special forces soldier a few decades ago, I still used a thick smear on my body. To prevent the heat from escaping from the body and being discovered by the other party's infrared equipment, I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, there is already such an advanced and agile anti-infrared detection umbrella!"

In fact, he also knows that this new type of material has already been used on the bulletproof vests of the special forces, and those mercenaries who smuggled in must have already put on such tactical protective equipment. But he himself came here by plane, and he couldn't carry special combat equipment at all. He could only find some light and portable equipment.

He was ready to stop, raised his hand and grasped the handle of the dagger tied to the outside of his thigh, then stuck his head out from the edge of the rock and looked towards the mountains. At this time, he judged that the other party had set up guard posts five kilometers away from Lingxiu Mountain, and now that he was close to two kilometers, more intensive observation posts would definitely be deployed here to communicate with the guard posts in front of him. Echo and cover. So he came here and immediately made corresponding preparations to prevent himself from being exposed to the eyes of the other party's guards.

His eyes slowly swept across the dimly lit mountains in front of him, and he secretly said in his heart: Although this place is close to the back mountain, it may not be the key direction of the opponent's defense, but the opponent will definitely set up security personnel here, and it is absolutely impossible to let others climb the top of the mountain at will. . And now he is alone and without a gun, once discovered by his opponent, I am afraid that the chances of escaping are very slim. Therefore, you must be extremely cautious, and use the cover of darkness as much as possible to get close to the top of the mountain and wait for an opportunity to seize the treasure!

He quietly observed the undulating mountains nearby, then slowly climbed out from behind the rocks, crawling forward along the rugged mountains at the foot of the mountain like a snake, and his movements were very fast.

Their Takahashi family is a hereditary ninja family, and stealthy marching is their specialty, and it is also their capital to save their lives on the battlefield.

At that time, Takahashi, the deputy head of Yamaguchi Security, led the team to go deep into Wanlin's hometown and prepared to carry out the assassination mission. He used this kind of ninja kung fu that was passed down from his family, and secretly passed through several cordons set up by the spy camp under the cover of night. Quietly approached the foot of the mountain where Wan Lin's house was.

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