Panther Commando

Chapter 2045: Adjust the plan

At this moment, Saito's heart is full of annoyance. He knows that the action plan he made with the regiment leader Kuroda before coming here is very different from the current actual situation and cannot be implemented at all.

The plan made at that time was based on the situation introduced by Takahashi Jiro. The plan was to face only some people who practiced martial arts, at most some local police officers with pistols, and did not consider facing the regular armed police at all. or military units. But the current situation shows that the other side not only has security personnel equipped with military weapons, but also special operators who are familiar with mountain and jungle operations.

Therefore, Saito understands that he must re-evaluate the balance of power between the enemy and the enemy, and formulate a new action plan according to the current situation, otherwise it is impossible to sneak up to the top of the mountain to grab the treasure. Knowing yourself and the enemy can make the best possible plan possible. Kameda was on the battlefield at the time, and every detail of the battle he knew was crucial to him perfecting his plan of action.

Kameda heard the team leader's question and immediately reported: "After I received the order, I immediately ordered two disguised reconnaissance team members to secretly approach the opponent, and at the same time ordered the sniper team to quickly rush to respond, and then I also took the remaining personnel to the enemy. The direction of Lingxiu Mountain leaned over. It stands to reason that I arranged it this way, even if I encountered the opponent's response personnel, it was enough to deal with it, at least to cover the two team members who captured the opponent and returned safely."

He said with a look of frustration in his eyes, glanced at Takahashi Jiro next to Saito, and seemed to complain that the information he provided in advance was inaccurate. He then continued: "At that time, my sniper team detoured from the side of the mountain, and when they approached less than two kilometers from Lingxiu Mountain, the two reconnaissance team members in disguise had injured each other and were retreating. Sentinels, and pursued their opponents with all their might in the mountains."

"But just as our two reconnaissance team members were about to take down each other, my sniper team suddenly reported that a sniper team of the other party had been found on the nearby mountain top and was shooting to cover the retreat of our companions. I immediately ordered him to eliminate the other party's sniper. , take down the two wounded sentries as soon as possible.”

Kameda introduced the battle in detail, and then looked at Saito with some trepidation. He knew that this seemingly amiable squad leader was actually a ruthless smiling tiger. He was extremely skilled in his skills. Once his subordinates made a big mistake in action, he could suddenly break the opponent's neck at any time.

After listening to his detailed introduction, Saito was silent for a while and suddenly said: "You said that when you were observing from the back, two figures suddenly appeared in the mountains in front. They killed our four team members. You are right. Impressions of the two."

Kameda hesitated for a moment and said, "I was rushing to pick up at that time, and the distance was far away, and I only saw a dark shadow running through the mountains in the distance. The speed was extremely fast, and the tactical movements were very standardized. According to my sniper at the time According to his report before his death, he had already discovered the shadow, but the opponent's movement speed was too fast to be locked with a sniper rifle, so he chose the strategy of suppressing the opponent's sniper first. According to his report at the time, he killed the sniper in one fell swoop. The sniper was also locked in position by him and did not dare to show his head."

When he said this, he said thoughtfully: "Later he reported that he was locked by another sniper who suddenly appeared, and the sighting sniper was killed in the process of covering him. ".

After hearing this, Saito frowned and analyzed: "From this point of view, the latter two are the real opponents. These two must be the elites of the special forces. The former ones were nothing to worry about! They killed four of us at that time. They rescued two of their teammates, but they did not pursue you. From this point of view, they were obviously under-strength, so after rescuing the two observation posts, they immediately withdrew to Lingxiu Mountain.”

He stopped talking here and looked up at Takahashi Jiro and Kameda next to him. The two of Kameda nodded, Takahashi Jiro said: "Your analysis is very reasonable, otherwise the other party has discovered our people and will never give up the pursuit, this only shows that these people with rich combat experience are not many. I am afraid that the lonely army will be ambushed by us.”

Kameda looked at Takahashi Jiro and nodded. He was just a team leader, and Saito didn't explain the ins and outs of the matter to him, so he didn't know the identity of Takahashi Jiro, and he kept thinking about the origin of this person.

Saito heard Xiao Takahashi's answer, raised his eyes and saw Kameda looking at the stranger with questioning eyes, he introduced in a low voice, "Kameda, this is the cousin of our deputy head of Takahashi, he has already arrived. Crossing the top of Lingxiu Mountain, we are the only people among us who have seen this treasure."

When Takahashi Jiro heard Saito introduce himself, he hurriedly bowed to Kameda and introduced himself: "First meeting, please take care. My name is Takahashi Jiro, and I just retired from the domestic special forces."

Kameda looked at him intently, and immediately understood that this treasure must have been discovered by this kid, and cooperated with his own mercenary group, hoping to jointly obtain this treasure.

Saito immediately took out the fire dragon pills that Takahashi Jiro gave him from his backpack, and said to Kameda: "According to Takahashi Jiro, the climate on Lingxiu Mountain is different from the surrounding environment. The fire dragon pills specially prepared for us by the You send this, five pills per person, once you enter Lingxiu Mountain and feel unwell, take one pill immediately.” He said, and handed the bottle with pills in his hand to Kameda.

Kameda agreed, took the bottle, turned and walked towards the dim forest edge, took out five pills and stuffed them into his jacket pocket while walking, then walked over to the forest edge and handed the bottle to a subordinate who was on guard at the forest edge, and then explained After a while, he walked back.

Seeing Kameda coming back, Saito immediately took out the combat map, bent over and spread it on the grass, then crouched down and waved to the two of them. At this time, it was getting darker and darker in the forest. Kameda took out a low-light flashlight and squatted down. He turned on the flashlight to shine on the map, and Takahashi Jiro also squatted down.

Saito stared at Lingxiu Mountain on the map and said: "The situation has changed now, and the action plan we originally formulated needs to be adjusted." He looked up at Kameda next to him, and Kameda nodded quickly, knowing that the team leader To redefine the action plan.

Saito raised his finger to the map and continued: "Kameda, we are still divided into two groups according to the original plan. I will take Takahashi Jiro and Yoshida as a group and secretly sneak into the mountains from the southeast. You and the rest of the team will form a second group. , approaching Lingxiu Mountain from the southern hillside, you scattered the dense forests close to the mountainside in the action, and once discovered, you immediately used the complex terrain on the mountain to disperse the attack, and the focus was to attract the opponent’s defenders and cover our actions.”

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