Panther Commando

Chapter 2046: Secret in the woods

Saito pondered for a while when he said this, and then said firmly: "Remember, we must give full play to the expertise of our team members with rich actual combat experience, and avoid positional warfare with the opponent's large troops. The purpose of your action is to contain the opponent. , instead of forcibly rushing to the top of the mountain!"

"Radio silence was implemented immediately after the operation began. I suspect that the opponent may have carried radio monitoring equipment. Otherwise, how could our operation in the afternoon have been discovered by the opponent so quickly? The opponent must have discovered the communication signal between us through radio monitoring. Therefore, a response staff was dispatched in time.”

"Yes!" Kameda replied in a low voice, then looked at the map and asked worriedly, "Are you bringing fewer people? We have a total of twelve people here, and now including Takahashi Jiro There are only thirteen people, but there has been a battle attrition in the afternoon, there are only nine people at present, you only bring two people, it is too dangerous!"

Saito turned his head to look at him and replied coldly: "Takahashi and Yoshida are both ninjas, and stealth operations are the specialty of ninjas. As long as you can attract those opponents who are good at jungle warfare, the rest will find out Not us. And it's useless to have more people on the top of the mountain, the three of us in full armor are enough to get the treasure!"

Kameda raised his eyes and glanced at Xiao Takahashi next to him, and suddenly remembered that the deputy head of Takahashi was a disciple of the R country's ninja family. This Xiao Takahashi must have also learned ninjutsu since childhood, and Saito and Yoshida also learned family traditions since childhood. Martial arts, secret lurking is their forte.

Saito immediately put away the map, raised his wrist and glanced at the time, and ordered in a low voice, "The operation starts at 22:00! It will end before dawn at 6:00 in the morning. By then, whether you receive my message or not, you must Lead the team to evacuate Lingxiu Mountain, hide and stand by at the predetermined location, and immediately lead the team back to China without any information from us for more than three days!"

After hearing this, Kameda immediately turned off the low-light flashlight in his hand, and replied in a low voice with a grim expression, "Understood!" Takahashi Jiro, who was beside him, heard Saito's words, and his heart jumped.

He knew that Saito had already explained the worst situation. If he did not get the treasure before dawn, it would mean that his group's actions had failed, and the second group led by Kameda could choose to retreat. If the few of them have not withdrawn from the battle at that time, it means that they have lost any support! Saito is ready to sink the boat.

Saito then said to Kameda: "The treasure on the top of the mountain is very strange. Once it enters the dense forest on the mountainside, all electronic equipment is blocked, and all kinds of positioning equipment are disabled at the same time. You ask Takahashi Jiro to explain to you in detail how they did it. out of the woods".

He then ordered Takahashi Jiro: "Tell me how to identify the direction in the dense forest." Takahashi Jiro immediately said: "Yes!"

He turned his face to Kameda and said, "Once you enter the dense forest on the mountainside, the compass will not work, you can only rely on experience to determine the direction, and you must not simply rely on the height of the terrain to identify the direction. From the bottom of the mountain, the dense forest is It surrounds the mountainside, and then extends to the top of the mountain along the terrain, but once you enter the forest, you will find that it is not just the high point or the direction of the top of the mountain. The complex terrain in the forest is likely to lead you to the side of the mountainside. Time If you don't grow up, you will definitely lose your way in the dark forest."

Hearing this, Kameda stared at this small Takahashi with some astonishment. When he came here, Saito once introduced him to the terrain here, and also mentioned that it is very easy to get lost in the dense forest on the mountainside, but he, an old mercenary, did not take it to heart. At that time, he naturally responded: Since it is a dense forest on the mountain, then The direction can definitely be determined according to the terrain. The high terrain must be the top of the mountain, and the low terrain must be the downhill direction. How can it be impossible to identify the direction?

Now that he heard Xiao Gaoqiao's introduction, he immediately understood the mystery. People in the bumpy forest could not see the terrain trend of the surrounding forest at all. It is very likely that the high point at this time was in the south. A high point could be to the north, and it was really hard to tell the direction.

Takahashi Jiro went on to say: "When I was fleeing from the forest, I wandered in the forest for a long time, and finally found that the forest was a single larch tree, which secretes turpentine, so I faced the south. Sticky pine resin crystals will appear on the trunk of the tree, and the bark on the sunny side is relatively smooth. I finally followed this to get out of the dense forest. This is the most concise way to determine the direction in the dark. "

"Of course, you can also use methods such as moss on the rocks to determine the direction, but you don't have the time to carefully observe and judge when you perform the task, and the light in the forest is extremely dark, and it is very easy to expose your target using artificial lighting."

He said looking at Kameda. Kameda nodded deeply, he knew that this was crucial to whether they could walk out of Lingxiu Mountain alive! In the fierce battle, everyone didn't have time to carefully identify the direction, but once they lost their sense of direction in the forest, they would most likely rush to the opponent's defensive gun.

Takahashi Jiro saw Kameda listening carefully to his introduction, and then continued: "In addition, there are many defensive mechanisms set up in the forest by the hunters of the Lingxiu Sect, you must be very vigilant, if you are not careful in the dark, you will be attacked. Those agencies are plotting and the last time we sneaked into the top of the mountain has alerted the other side, they will definitely re-arrange the protection measures of agencies and traps in a large area in the forest, so this time we have to be more careful when going up the mountain."

Kameda nodded gratefully, and then raised his hand to salute Takahashi Jiro to express his gratitude. He knew that the things Xiao Gaoqiao introduced were summed up by him at the juncture of life and death, and these experiences were directly related to whether his group of people could safely walk out of Lingxiu Mountain.

From this little Takahashi's introduction, Kameda had heard that he had told himself some of the secrets of survival in the forest that he had learned without any concealment, so he was indeed very grateful to this little Takahashi who collaborated for the first time.

When Takahashi Jiro saw Kameda solemnly saluting him, he quickly stood at attention and raised his hand in return. Saito looked at the two and nodded, and then said to Kameda: "Go ahead and prepare, give Takahashi Jiro two your grenades, he is not armed."

After listening to Kameda, he immediately reached out and took off two high-explosive grenades and stuffed them into Takahashi Jiro's hands. Then he turned around and said to Saito, "If you have no other orders, I'll go and gather the team members and arrange an action plan."

Saito nodded solemnly and said, "Okay, you can call Yoshida to me." Kameda raised his hand and saluted, turned and walked towards the side of the forest.

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