Panther Commando

Chapter 2047: Takahashi's apprehension

Not long after, a shadow flashed in the dim bamboo forest. Takahashi Jiro turned his head vigilantly, and saw a thin figure quietly walking out of the bamboo forest on the side. His movements were extremely light, and there was no sound from his feet.

Takahashi Jiro knew in his heart that this thin black shadow must be the Yoshida who wanted to follow him and Saito to the top of the mountain. Sure enough, the visitor silently walked up to Saito, raised his hand and saluted, followed by a sharp look at Jiro Takahashi next to him.

Saito looked at him and whispered: "You follow me and this Takahashi Jiro, this is the cousin of our deputy head of Takahashi", then turned to look at Xiao Takahashi and introduced: "This is Yoshida ".

Yoshida and Takahashi Jiro raised their hands to salute each other at the same time, their eyes quickly looking at each other in the dim bamboo forest.

Saito then arranged a combat mission to Yoshida in a low voice, and then said to the two: "We are divided into two groups. The main task of Kameda and his party is to contain the opponent's strength. Our task is to choose the opportunity to secretly approach the top of the mountain to capture the treasure. Passing through the dense forest and approaching the top of Lingxiu Mountain, Yoshida and I are responsible for the cover, and Takahashi Jiro is responsible for entering the cave and grabbing the treasure!"

When he said this, there was a light in his eyes, and he stared at Takahashi Jiro closely. Takahashi Jiro looked up at Saito in astonishment, wondering how he would entrust such an important task to himself? Speaking of which, there must be a large number of protection personnel ambushed around the entrance of the cave, and the task of covering the mission into the cave is the most dangerous and arduous.

Seeing his surprised eyes, Saito explained: "According to the situation in the cave you mentioned, the cave is extremely cold, neither Yoshida nor I have the kind of feminine skills you cultivated, even if you enter the cave, you will be there. You are slow to act in this extreme cold, although your fire dragon pill can temporarily resist this cold, but you don’t have a deep internal foundation, your actions and thinking will definitely be affected, so you are the most appropriate person to enter the cave to grab the treasure.”

Takahashi Jiro nodded, knowing in his heart that he was the best candidate to enter the cave to carry out this last task. This was not Saito's retreat or other intentions, it was indeed a conclusion after careful consideration.

In the cave at that time, although I and the two mercenaries both ate fire dragon pills, the reaction of the two mercenaries was indeed affected, otherwise one of them would not have been hit by the gravel shot in the hall of the cave. . If it was outside the cave at that time, the mercenary who was already on guard would definitely have time to avoid the sudden rubble. Although the opponent's skill was extremely strong, the hidden weapon thrown out with his bare hands couldn't compare to the speed of the bullet.

Takahashi Jiro hurriedly nodded to Saito, and he really had some admiration for this mercenary's squad leader.

After he reunited with these mercenaries, Saito repeatedly asked every detail of his last operation. It seems that the purpose of those seemingly casual inquiries is to understand all aspects of the target and formulate a careful plan for this operation. Action plan. No wonder Kuroda sent him to carry out this arduous task. This person is indeed a rare talent with careful thinking, not simply an ordinary mercenary with a high level of technical and tactical skills.

Takahashi Jiro pondered in his heart, his eyes fixed on Saito, and he carefully analyzed his every order to prevent him from using himself as an outsider as cannon fodder.

Ever since he saw Saito and these mercenaries, he has always felt uneasy in his heart, lest these Yamaguchi security mercenaries treat him as an outsider, worried that they will throw him out and die when the battle is fierce. Speaking of which, he is an outsider, and he can betray his own wife and children at the juncture of life and death. How could he protect an outsider who he did not know before at the juncture of life and death.

Saito raised his eyes and saw Xiao Takahashi staring at him with straight eyebrows. He hesitated for a while in his eyes, and then he understood what he was thinking. He stared at Xiao Gaoqiao coldly and asked unabashedly, "Are you worried that we will get rid of you at the critical moment?"

Takahashi Jiro's face flushed, he really did not expect this Saito to be so sensitive, and immediately guessed the worry in his heart. He smiled awkwardly, then pulled out the pistol at his waist and said in a low voice, "My firepower is too weak right now, I'm worried if something happens..."

Hearing his doubts, Saito suddenly shot a cold light in his eyes, and replied coldly: "Don't worry, weapons are not a thing, as long as we enter Lingxiu Mountain, we may encounter each other's guards at any time, and they are there. Are you still short of weapons?!"

Takahashi Jiro was stunned when he heard the words, and then he understood what Saito meant: As long as you enter Lingxiu Mountain, you may encounter opponents with guns at any time. With the concealment skills of these people, you will definitely be able to quietly approach your opponents to obtain weapons. .

He grinned a bit, but he was actually worried that it wasn't this, and the answer just now was just a temporary excuse under Saito's questioning.

Saito didn't understand what he was thinking, he looked at this little Takahashi and continued to comfort him: "Although you are not our Yamaguchi security guard, we are all comrades in arms who are advancing and retreating together on the line of life and death. The action plan I have made now. , it is the three of us approaching the top of the mountain, and the rest are responsible for covering our actions. Once we enter the dense forest, we will face several times or dozens of enemies~ How could I abandon you? Besides, once you enter the cave and get that treasure, how could we abandon you!"

Saito really understands the concerns of this little Takahashi. Now that the action is about to start, he must try to dispel the concerns of this little Takahashi so as not to affect the execution of the plan.

The current situation has greatly changed from the information he obtained before he came. The original action plan was to deal with only some martial arts practitioners armed with bows, arrows and knives, but now there are military police with guns, This made him feel a strong unease in his heart.

In order to carry out this operation, he only brought eleven mercenaries, including himself and this little Takahashi only thirteen. In the short contact in the afternoon, there was another serious combat attrition. The four team members were killed by the opponent in one fell swoop. This really shocked him, and he felt depressed in his heart, just like the towering Lingxiu not far away. The mountain pressed down on his heart, making him feel quite breathless. So I quickly readjusted the action plan I made with the head of the regiment, Kuroda.

However, due to the lack of four team members below, Saito really felt stretched in the deployment of personnel. Only a few people had to face several times, dozens of times of opponents, and they had to climb the top of the mountain to complete such a arduous task. He did feel very troubled.

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