Panther Commando

Chapter 2049: Ghost in the Mountains

Saito said the latter, his words were very polite, but his tone had become very cold, and two small eyes suddenly flashed a light in the dim bamboo forest.

When Takahashi Jiro heard Saito's tone that suddenly turned cold, he raised his head abruptly and looked at Saito, and at a glance, he saw the shining dim light in his eyes.

At this moment, Takahashi Jiro suddenly felt that the person standing in front of him was no longer the pleasant Saito. The person in front of him seemed to have suddenly become a fox watching its prey in the dark. Beast-like ferocity.

Takahashi Jiro's heart was awe-inspiring, Saito's mercenaries were indeed stronger than the special forces he used to be in. At present, these mercenaries have not only received formal special military training in the army, but more importantly, they have experienced a lot of real bullets in the mercenary group, which is indeed unmatched by general special forces in the peaceful era.

The general special forces rarely have such actual combat experience, which cannot be obtained on any training ground, so their combat strength should be much higher than that of their former special forces.

He looked at Saito's gleaming eyes, and said in a firm tone: "Captain Saito, on behalf of the Takahashi family, I will definitely cooperate with your actions, and there will be no duplicity in your actions, and everything will follow your command. Now is not only your Yamaguchi security guard's only chance to get this gem, but also our Takahashi family's last hope, so we should all go all out to get this gem!" He said, raising his hand to salute Saito.

Saito's eyes were fixed on this little Takahashi's eyes. At this time, when he saw him raise his hand to salute him, his face immediately showed a look of relief, and he also followed his feet and raised his hands to return the salute. At this moment, both of them understood in their hearts: they were already grasshoppers tied to a straw rope, and no one could do without the other in action. As for what happened after winning the treasure, they could only come back from Lingxiu Mountain. Moreover.

Saito immediately raised his wrist to check the time, and lowered his command to the mercenaries standing upright in the bamboo forest and looking at him, "Everyone check the equipment, Kameda!" Tian immediately flashed out of the surrounding bamboo forest and stood in front of Saito like a ghost.

"According to the plan, set off with your people. Remember, exercise on Lingxiu Mountain at 22 o'clock on time!" "Yes!" Kameda raised his hands to stand at attention and saluted, then lowered his arms and turned to face the forest in a low voice. : "Let's set off for the second group!" He raised his feet and strode out of the forest.

Following Kameda's deep voice, five black shadows flashed out of the dim bamboo forest. Following Kameda's stride, he disappeared into the dim mountains outside the forest in a blink of an eye.

Saito, Yoshida, and Takahashi Jiro stood upright and looked at the Kameda people who came out. It was not until they couldn't see a few people that Saito turned around and waved to the two beside him, and sat down with his butt. He silently raised his head and looked into the air through the bamboo shoots above his head.

The night is getting darker and darker, a bright white moon hangs diagonally in the mid-air, and the stars in the sky are embedded in the dark night sky, flickering with silver brilliance.

The whole Lingxiu mountain area is shrouded in the vast night, the breeze in the mountains gently blows the lush vegetation on the hillside, and the swaying bamboo tips are making a "sand" sound.

Saito slowly turned his eyes down the mountain, and the endless lake in the distance reflected a bright moon in the sky. The calm water was showing a ** water pattern in the breeze, reflecting on the silver crescent moon on the lake. It's like swimming in sparkling water.

At this time, Takahashi Jiro and Yoshida were already sitting on the surrounding woods. Yoshida held his assault rifle and lowered his head and did not move. Takahashi Jiro turned his head nervously and glanced at Saito on the side. He suddenly found that in the On the eve of the battle, Saito's face seemed very calm, but the eyes that had shone like a beast just now were now bleak, and he was silently looking at a lake in the distance.

Takahashi Jiro nodded silently, thinking in his heart: After all, they are mercenaries who have gone through countless bullets, and the calm state of mind of the two people in front of them at this time is not comparable to those of him. Although I have participated in several real battles in the special forces, I can't compare with these old mercenaries who have been fighting in the mercenary market for many years. With this calmness before the war, I can It can be seen that the opponent's actual combat level far exceeds his own.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nervousness. Then he slowly looked towards the lake in the distance, as if the endless calm water could bring him a trace of peace.

The high peak of Lingxiu Mountain stands in the mountains, and the long giant broad sword on the top of the mountain is piercing the sky with its huge sword body high. The huge black eagle on the tip of the sword has been integrated with the thick night around it, as if it suddenly spread its wings and disappeared after the night fell. On the top of the high mountain, there is only the long sword reflecting the silver moonlight, emitting in the dark night. A sharp cold light.

At this time, at the foot of the dim mountain behind Lingxiu Mountain, a human figure was clinging to the bumpy mountains like a ghost, walking and stopping at the foot of Lingxiu Mountain. Clusters of dense wormwood and rocks just hide his This person is Takahashi Senki, the third uncle of Xiao Takahashi. Since the evening, he has used the dim light to hide his figure and set off in the direction of Lingxiu Mountain among the rugged mountains.

After several hours of concealed travel, Takahashi Moriki's body was soaked with sweat. At this time, he was lying under a rock, looking up at the foot of the mountain not far ahead.

Pieces of tall wormwood are swaying gently with the breeze, and the black mountains slowly extend upward along the hillside. On the hillside are scattered patches of dense bamboo forests, and the blackness on the hillside in the distance is dark. On the ground stood the dense virgin forest, and the sound of pines and waves was faintly reaching his ears.

Takahashi Moriki's eyes flashed brightly as he carefully swept across the surrounding mountains. On the way here, he had already discovered two surveillance posts hidden on the tops of the surrounding hills, but with the covert cloak he wore and his flexible movements, he had silently avoided the surveillance gaze of the other party. Finally came to the foot of the mountain.

He swept across the surrounding hillsides by the dim moonlight, and slowly climbed forward while lying on the ground. The tall wormwood and the rocks exposed in the grass just concealed his figure. The rustling sound was also integrated with the swaying sound of the surrounding bamboo forests and the sound of the pine waves on the mountainside.

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