Panther Commando

Chapter 2050: Ninja Patience

Just as Takahashi Moriki approached the grass at the foot of the mountain, a sound of flapping wings suddenly came from under a rock in front of him, followed by a black shadow that flew out from the weeds around the rock. Screaming in the air, he flapped his wings vigorously and flew out more than 20 meters away, then fell on the hillside and quickly drilled into a bamboo forest on the side of the hillside.

Takahashi Moriki was startled, knowing that his actions had disturbed the pheasant who was resting in the grass in front of him, he quickly stopped and leaned tightly in the grass, turning his head to look at the dim hillside.

Just as he turned his face to the side and looked up, "Whoosh", a fierce wind suddenly sounded from the hillside, and a black shadow penetrated into the grass in front of him like lightning, followed by a "poof"! Takahashi Moriki was startled and instinctively wanted to roll behind a rock on the side, but then he lay still in the grass, holding a grenade around his waist tightly in his right hand, and stared at the rock in front of him with his head turned. grass.

In the grass on the hillside three or four meters away from him, a cluster of feathers was shaking violently, and a low "hum" sound was coming from the front. He suddenly understood in his heart that it was a long feathered arrow shot from the hillside!

Immediately there was a cold air in his heart! If he moved slightly just now, he would definitely be exposed to the opponent's sharp feather arrows. This feather arrow must have been alerted by the pheasant, and suspected that there was someone in the grass below, so he shot an arrow tentatively.

There was silence on the hillside. Takahashi Moriki stared nervously, looking up the hillside in the direction the feather arrow had just shot. The hillside shrouded in the moonlight was full of shadows, only the shadows of bamboos and tall grasses swaying in the mountains, but no one was seen.

Takahashi Moriki's nervous mood suddenly calmed down, a look of joy flashed on his face, and he secretly thought: This must be a feather arrow shot by a hidden hunter on the hillside with a curved bow! This shows that the guards here are mainly those who practice martial arts on Lingxiu Mountain, not the police officers with guns. In this way, his plan to hide from the back mountain and approach the top of the mountain is correct. This is indeed the weak point of the opponent's protection.

He waited quietly, knowing that he had accidentally disturbed a pheasant just now, and the other party would definitely use this place as the key monitoring direction. Now you have to lie still in the grass and wait.

Takahashi Moriki lay quietly in the grass, trying to adjust his breathing, his face seemed very calm. He is a master of the Takahashi ninja family. Concealment and patience are the magic weapons for their ninjas to survive in a complex environment, and it is also his forte.

Time passed slowly in the darkness, and Takahashi Moriki lay motionless in the grass, his head pressed against the grass, and his side face looked up the hillside from the gap in the grass.

There was not a single figure to be seen on the silent, dimly lit hillside. Half an hour later, Takahashi Moriki moved his body slowly, his eyes fixed on the slope. There was no response on the hillside. He took a deep breath and slowly twisted his thin body. Under the cover of the night, he slowly moved towards a dense bamboo forest on the side hillside.

When he cautiously crawled for dozens of meters and approached the bamboo forest, his writhing body finally stopped under a huge rock. He lay down under the rock and took a deep breath, knowing that he had temporarily escaped the danger just now.

The sharp arrow that shot down from a height just now was inserted in front of him with a fierce wind noise, which really made him fear for a while. Hearing the sound, the sharp arrow that the other party shot so quickly hit his hidden grass so accurately, which means that the other party must be an experienced hunter in the mountains, and the other party's hidden location must be within 100 meters, otherwise the other party's bow and arrow will not be able to. There will be so much force inserted in front of him.

Only these hunters who have practiced martial arts can quickly bend their bows and shoot arrows after finding the target, and hit the target so quickly and accurately, and the force is so strong!

Takahashi Moriki was lying on the back of the rock, trying to recover his strength. He had already used all his skills in the short tens of meters of snake walking just now, trying to avoid making noise when his body touched the rocks on the ground. Facing this kind of experience on the hillside A rich hunter, he really did not dare to be careless.

Takahashi Moriki rested for a while, and after his breathing had calmed down, he slowly poked out half of his head from behind the rock, and carefully looked at the hillside above with the help of the night vision goggles on his face. The moonlight at this time was very bright, and the pale silver moonlight sprinkled on the hillside, as if covering the bumpy hillside with a thin silver blanket, illuminating the scenery in the mountains faintly.

His eyes swept across the surrounding hillsides quickly, and he had a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery in an instant, and he quickly retracted his head behind the rock. Under this bright moonlight, the effective line of sight on the surrounding hillsides can reach hundreds of meters. He really did not dare to expose his head to the other party's surveillance vision for a long time.

With a brief glance just now, he had already taken the surrounding terrain into his eyes. The upper left hillside of the rock where he was standing was a lush bamboo forest, and there were several huge rocks 60 to 70 meters away on the upper right hillside. The hunter who shot the bow and arrow just now must be hiding behind those rocks.

He frowned and lay motionless behind the just now he took a risk and climbed here from under the opponent's eyelids, but there are dense weeds growing on the hillside of dozens of meters, which is convenient for him to hide. His body shape, but now the rock he is standing on is only a few meters away from the bamboo forest on the side, but it is an open field without any cover. He dared not act rashly.

He looked around anxiously. Behind the rock on the top side must be the guard posts set up by these Lingxiu disciples. The other party would never leave this observation position, which is convenient for monitoring the bottom of the mountain, so he had to find a way to divert the other party's gaze.

Otherwise, he would not be able to covertly enter the bamboo forest on the side, and entering the bamboo forest was the way he could quickly head up the mountain.

Just when he was anxious, his eyes were suddenly attracted by a tall wormwood bush on the right hillside. The wormwood grows next to a rock, the tall wormwood is swaying gently with the breeze in the mountains, and a few sparkling luster is looming from the grass.

There seemed to be some small animals living there in the tall grass, what seemed to be noticed at this time? Shaking his head, he looked around vigilantly. And the tall grass is located on the right side of the hidden rock of the opponent's observation post on the hillside.

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