Panther Commando

Chapter 2051: Operation Night

Takahashi Moriki was overjoyed when he looked at the grass in the distance, and his eyes were fixed on the bright eyes of the small animals in the grass. It is the nest of a few hares, and I happened to use these little things to escape."

He immediately stretched his hand under the rock, gropingly picked up a stone the size of a pigeon egg from the ground, then weighed the weight in his hand, slowly knelt up from behind the stone, and then used the technique of throwing out a hidden weapon, He slammed the stone in his hand to the side and threw the weeds out of it.

"Pfft", the stone hit the grass in the distance accurately, the small stone only made a slight impact sound in the grass in the distance, but it was very abrupt and loud in this quiet and dim mountain. Takahashi Moriki threw out the rocks and stuck his body tightly under the rocks, sticking out half of his head and staring at the rocks on the hillside.

With the sound of the stone falling into the grass, two shadows suddenly emerged from the side of the rock, followed by a "squeak" sound of pulling the bowstring. At this moment, three small black shadows suddenly appeared in the grass from which the stone fell, jumping and jumping quickly towards the hillside on the right. Several undulations had approached another tall wormwood pile on the side.

At the moment when Takahashi Moriki turned to the right and was blocked by the rock, his body flashed ghostly from behind the rock on the left, like a puff of smoke in the darkness, and rushed towards the bamboo forest several meters away on the left. He plunged headlong into the thick bamboo forest on the side.

At this time, the two Lingxiu disciples hiding behind the rock on the hillside above heard the sound from the bottom of the slope, and immediately leaned out from the right side of the rock, pulled the bowstring, and aimed at the grass on the right side, and saw clearly what jumped out below. It was a few hares. The two of them were about to let go of the long arrows in their right hands to hunt down the prey in front of them, but they seemed to feel something afterward? The two suddenly turned around from behind the rock, holding bows and arrows full of bowstrings and aiming towards the bamboo forest on the left.

At this time, the bamboo forest was swaying gently with the breeze, and the sound of the swaying bamboo tips echoed faintly on the hillside, and there was not a single person on the dark hillside. The two looked at each other in surprise, then moved their bows and arrows and turned around to look for the hares that had just appeared, but the rabbits had long since disappeared. The two slowly loosened the drawn bowstrings and muttered in a low voice. What? Then he disappeared behind the rock again.

The moment Takahashi Moriki took advantage of the hare to divert the attention of Lingxiu's disciples, he quickly rushed into the bamboo forest, and immediately lay on the edge of the bamboo forest, turned his face and glanced coldly in the direction of the two shadows on the hillside, then immediately Looking down at the watch in his hand, the luminous pointer on the watch just pointed to twenty-two o'clock. He put down his arms, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and went deep into the bamboo forest...

When the night fell, at the foot of the dim mountain on the southern **** of Lingxiu Mountain near the lake, a few shadows were slowly climbing up the **** with the help of undulating rocks and grass.

Three of them suddenly stopped at the foot of the mountain near the southeast of Lingxiu Mountain, while the other six black shadows in front continued to move along the **** near the foot of the mountain, quietly moving to the south slope. This group of figures is exactly the group of Saito and Kameda divided into two groups.

After nine o'clock in the evening, Kameda, the leader of the second group, led his five team members, and had quietly climbed to the south **** of Lingxiu Mountain in the dim light. The main purpose of their operation this time was to cover the Saito group who had been staying on the southeast hillside to reach the top of the mountain.

On the dimly lit hillside, Kameda divided his five team members into two battle groups. One team consisted of two team members, and the second team was led by three team members including a sniper. Now a group of two people are on the hillside more than 300 meters west of him, carefully moving slowly to the south hillside, and he and the other three team members carefully follow behind them.

The crawling movement of the few people was extremely slow, and the low "rustling" sound of crawling in the dark had been completely covered up by the "rushing" sound of water from the lake at the foot of the mountain. The positions of several people are staggered from left to right, so that once someone is discovered by the opponent, they can form a fire cover between them, and whether they are advancing or retreating, they can start operations with the support of their companions.

According to the order of the team leader Saito, Kameda led the team quietly from the bamboo forest to Lingxiu Mountain after dark. With the cover of darkness and excellent tactical moves, several Yamaguchi team members actually deceived the Guoan team members. Several observation posts set up around Lingxiu Mountain quietly approached the foot of Lingxiu Mountain.

Lingxiu Mountain, shrouded in darkness, was silent and silent. After Kameda led the people to climb to the southern **** of Lingxiu Mountain, he immediately took advantage of the increasing darkness of night to find hidden objects on the hillside and lurked, quietly waiting for Saito's regulations. action time.

At this time, Kameda was lying behind a bush on the hillside, his eyes fixed on the slowly moving watch hand on his wrist. Just when the watch hand showed twenty-two o'clock, Kameda tapped the microphone lightly, Order the surrounding team members to immediately hide and go up the mountain to start operations.

And when he issued the action order, he immediately turned off the communication equipment on his body. The three team members not far from him also raised their hands to turn off the individual radio station on their body, and got up and slowly climbed up the hill.

At this moment all Yamaguchi team members turned off their own communication facilities at the same time as the operation began, and implemented radio silence on the battlefield to prevent the other party from using electronic detection equipment to determine their location.

At this time, on the dim southeastern **** of Lingxiu Mountain, three black shadows were crawling upward at the same time, and these three people were a group composed of Takahashi Jiro and Yoshida personally led by the Yamaguchi team leader Saito.

Saito saw that the action time he had ordered in advance had come, and immediately raised his arms to Xiao Takahashi and Yoshida, who were hidden six or seven meters behind him. Climbing out, I saw that he was on all fours, and his body was almost suspended in the air, and he quickly climbed up the hillside, and in a blink of an eye he surpassed the position where Saito was in front of him.

Takahashi Jiro crawled up very carefully behind him. He looked up at Yoshida, who was crawling fast in the dark. He couldn't help but feel a little horrified. He didn't expect that this thin-looking Yoshida was so agile in this complex terrain. The mountain was crawling so fast, and there was not even a single sound.

He climbed to Saito's side, turned his head and took a look, then took a deep breath, his forearms stretched forward alternately, and his body was also suspended on the hillside, using the ninjutsu from his Takahashi family, he quickly moved towards the hillside. Climb into the bamboo forest on the side.

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