Panther Commando

Chapter 2053: Night Enemy

Suddenly, there were two "quack" nightingales from the silent mountain. The sounds were extremely terrifying and terrifying, and immediately after that, a faint sound of rapid wings flapping could be heard in the distance.

Wan Lin raised his eyes and saw that a dark shadow suddenly flew out of the dark night sky on the top of the mountain in the distance. It pierced towards the side of the mountain like an arrow from a string, followed by a sound of "Puleng" on the distant hillside. edge" sound.

Everyone who was hidden on the hillside vigilantly moved the muzzle of the gun in the direction of the sound, and immediately saw a black shadow rising from the hillside in the distance. One after another, a nighthawk was flapping its two huge wings from the hillside and rising, and the speed was getting faster and faster. In a blink of an eye, it had already flown into the high night sky, and then flapped its wings a few times. , soaring toward the lake in the high night sky.

Through the bright moonlight in the sky, everyone could see that it was a nighthawk hovering in the air, with two powerful eagle claws gripping a small animal that was still struggling. Just now, this ferocious nighthawk must have spotted a small rabbit-like animal on the hillside with its sharp eagle eyes in the air, so it stuck its head down, grabbed its prey, and lifted its powerful wings into the air.

Just as the national security team members who were hiding on the hillside turned their heads to watch the sky, Wan Lin's raised head suddenly lowered, and a gleam of light burst out in his eyes. Look down at the shoulder socket. At this time, the little flowers lying around stood up suddenly, and a blue light suddenly appeared from the two round eyes.

"Come out! If you don't come out, shoot!" A loud shout suddenly sounded from the hillside on the right, followed by the sound of pulling the bolt.

But before the words fell, a string of fire suddenly appeared in the dim grass below the hillside, and a burst of gunshots suddenly sounded from the hillside in the southwest direction where Wan Lin and the others were located, and then two firelights burst out from the fire. A black shadow quickly ran towards a bamboo forest on the side.

"Da da da", "da da da", the flanks of several rocks above the hillside followed with fire, and a rain of bullets swept towards the bamboo forest that was rushing towards the other side. In an instant, two black shadows had entered The bamboo forest on the side, followed by seeing the bamboo shoots above the bamboo forest swaying violently, and the noisy hillside immediately returned to silence, as if the sudden commotion just now did not appear at all. But at this moment, everyone's nerves have been tense.

Wan Lin stared coldly at the bamboo forest in the distance, and the voice of Qi Chu suddenly came from his earphones: "Report, the enemy has been tracked on the west side of the hillside in the No. 2 area. Do you want to pursue it?" !" Wan Lin ordered in a deep voice.

Just now, he and Xiaohua had discovered each other's tracks, and they were just about to covertly approach the target, but the two opponents who were moving in covertly on the hillside had already been discovered by the national security team guarding the mountainside, and they followed up and asked the other party's identity. The opponent's counterattack, and quickly got into the bamboo forest under the cover of firepower.

He looked at Zhulin and shook his head gently, thinking in his heart: The training received by Guoan's people is obviously different from that of his field troops. They must wait for their opponents to fight back. It will quickly lock the location of the incoming person. Even if the identity of the other party is verified, it is necessary to ask aloud on the basis of locking. It will not leave any chance for the other party to counterattack. Once the enemy's trace is determined, it will shoot without hesitation.

He raised his sniper rifle and slowly swept the hillside below, and said softly to Zhang Wa and Dali who were on the side: "The other side has approached the foot of the mountain, and only two of them were found just now. There must be other enemies on the hillside below." Gun stared at the dim hillside below and pondered for a while, and then whispered: "Zhang Wa, make some movement 300 meters away from the side hillside where the shadow appeared just now! There may be enemies there."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Wa rushed out of the bamboo forest in a flash, bent over and ran towards the west side of the hill. Wan Lin followed in a low voice and ordered: "Strength, cover with machine guns. The rest of the team members pay attention to the movement of the surrounding hillsides, and don't reveal their position unless it is absolutely necessary. You are on the spot, and I will look to the southeast."

After he finished speaking, he made a light gesture to the little flower that had drilled into the bamboo branch above his head. He carried his sniper rifle and turned around to drill towards the southeast mountainside. He knew in his heart that the opponent must be approaching the dense forest on the mountainside by means of a scattered attack. Since there are enemy trails on the south slope, it is very likely that the enemy is approaching on the southeast slope.

Lingling's radio monitoring in the afternoon showed that the enemy was in the southeast at that time, and now the enemy on the southern hillside has shown traces, and there must be an enemy on the southeast hillside approaching the dense forest on the mountainside.

On the dim hillside, Wan Lin's body was like a stream of flowing black smoke, passing by the bunkers of the national security team members on the mountainside like a fly. A small black shadow with a faint blue light next to him followed him closely. around.

The national security team members who were lying in the bunkers on the mountainside turned their heads to look at the passing shadows in astonishment, and immediately understood that the special forces had activated. At this moment, two loud noises, "Boom" and "Boom", suddenly came from the southern hillside, followed by two firelights that suddenly burst from the southern The bright fire instantly blew the southern hillside. It's glowing red!

The national security team members on the hillside immediately turned their heads and looked down at the hillside below. A black shadow suddenly burst out from under the firelight, and a string of bullets swept towards the hillside, and then they saw the black shadow swiftly sideways. Pounce in the dark.

At the same time, "da-da-da", "da-da-da"..., a burst of gunfire followed on the mountainside where the mountainside national security team members were located, and a string of bullets roared towards the mountainside where the fire was rising.

"Bang bang bang, bang bang bang" In the darkness above the hillside, there was also a strong and dull sound of machine gun fire, and a string of flames swept towards the black shadow emerging from the hillside.

Wan Lin quickly swept the corners of his eyes to the side and rear as he ran. The fire on the southern hillside was splashing with mud and rubble that had been hit by bullets. The black shadow that had just jumped up had disappeared. They were also startled by the sound of gunshots and explosions, and flocks of frightened figures fluttered under the starlight.

"Stop shooting!" Wan Lin ordered into the microphone angrily, followed by jumping towards the back of a rock in front of him, and when he landed, he extended the gun body from the side of the rock facing the dimly lit hill in front.

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