Panther Commando

Chapter 2054: shoot rashly

Wan Lin originally wanted to use the strategy of frightening the snakes to let Zhang Wa throw a grenade to alarm the enemy, forcing the enemy hidden on the hillside below to show up. The hidden machine gunners around Zhang Wa were powerful enough to deal with the startled enemy.

But he didn't expect that with the two grenades thrown by Zhang Wa, the security guards on the southern hillside were the first to fire without waiting to target the enemy vigorously. Although this move forced an enemy out, it did not kill the enemy. At the same time, the fire from the muzzle also exposed the guard positions of the national security team members on the hillside to the eyes of the enemy below the hillside.

He protruded the gun body from behind the rock angrily, and quickly looked towards the southeast hillside, where there was not a single figure to be seen on the dim hillside. He bowed his head and was about to command Qi Chu not to shoot without authorization, but then he closed his mouth again.

He suddenly thought that it was the first time for these Guoan team members to experience such mountain operations, and they must be very nervous. They must have seen Zhang Wahe Dali take the initiative to attack, so they pulled the trigger involuntarily.

But once he gave the order not to shoot casually, these national security team members who had no actual combat experience were very likely to be at a loss when unexpected situations occurred later, and they would cause harm to themselves if they didn't make trouble, so he quickly put the words to his mouth again. The words were swallowed.

Seeing that no trace of the enemy was found on the dim hillside in front of him, he turned to look towards the north hillside, and then asked into the microphone, "Wa Zhang, report the situation?"

"Report, I just found a figure that was forced out by the explosion, and nothing else was found. At present, I have locked the opponent's hidden position, and the powerful muzzle is monitoring the hillside around the explosion point," Zhang Wa replied immediately.

"Received, continue to monitor!" Wan Lin's heart immediately calmed down. He understood that Zhang Wa and Dali saw the surrounding Guoan team members suddenly shooting, and immediately changed their positions to covertly monitor the movement on the hillside, and did not continue to shoot. With these two battle-hardened teammates watching over there, the other party would never dare to act rashly.

He immediately put his cheek on the cheek rest of the sniper rifle, his eyes fixed on the night vision sniper scope fixed on the gun, and he carefully observed the eastern hillside, followed by a burst of infuriating energy, slowly Scattered up the dim hillside ahead.

In the afternoon battle, these mercenaries must realize that the guards of Lingxiu Mountain are not only those who practice martial arts, and they will definitely re-evaluate this action plan. Now that the other party has appeared on the south **** below the cave, some of them will definitely appear on the southeast slope. Scattering up the mountain is their only strategy at present. And numerically, they are at a disadvantage.

He moved his sniper rifle coldly and searched for the hillside in the southeast. Xiaohua was lying on the back of a rock on the side. He stretched his head and slowly turned towards the hillside in front of him, and his two small ears kept flapping back and forth.

At this moment, two deafening explosions of "Boom" and "Boom" sounded one after another, followed by a fire from the southern hillside behind Wan Lin, and the hillside below the mountainside forest was instantly enveloped in a red glow. The fire was followed by a burst of violent gunfire, and a string of fire appeared on the hillside.

"Report" Wan Lin's earphone suddenly heard Qi Chu's voice, and the voice was very urgent: "The enemy on the southern hillside suddenly fired two grenades at my warning position, and two team members were injured by explosive fragments. I am organizing Counterattack!"

"Received, order the team members in other areas to stay on the spot and be vigilant!" Wan Lin replied in a low voice coldly, his eyes still fixed on the scope of the gun, and the muzzle of the gun moved slowly and swept the hillside in front.

At this time, Wan Lin already knew the enemy's strategy in his heart. The enemy who was hidden on the southern hillside just now had clearly seen the warning positions exposed by the national security team's shooting. The sudden attack at this time was obviously to attract his own troops and cover the others. The companions at the location acted, so his eyes did not leave his surveillance range.

Sure enough, with the sound of explosions and the sound of violent gunfire, a blue light suddenly flashed in Wan Lin's side of Xiaohua's eyes, and Wan Lin's scope also moved to the side. The wormwood clumps suddenly swayed, followed by silence on the hillside, while the green bamboos in a bamboo forest not far away swayed slightly.

"Attention to all security personnel in the southeast, focus on monitoring the bamboo forest in the No. 3 area to prevent the enemy from rushing into the jungle!" Wan Lin commanded in a low voice into the microphone.

He ordered in his mouth, his eyes fixed on the bamboo forest in the distance, and then he turned his gun to look at the southern hillside behind him.

The sound of gunfire on the southern hillside still resounded loudly. On the dim hillside, there were clusters of fire from the muzzle, while the enemy below the hill immediately concealed his body after firing two grenades. Can't see the opponent's figure.

Wan Lin frowned, and was about to give the order to stop shooting, when he suddenly saw a burst of fire on the halfway up the mountain where fire was emitting.

He raised the muzzle of the gun and glanced at the explosion, and saw that the explosion was on a hillside dozens of meters above a bamboo forest, and that bamboo forest was the same bamboo forest that the boy forced out by Zhang Wa's grenade got into. This kid must have jumped out of the forest just now and threw a grenade at the position where the Guoan team members were on the mountainside.

With the sound of the explosion, the guns of the national security team on the mountainside of UUkanshu immediately turned their direction and shot out firelight at the bamboo forest, which was splashed with downed bamboo branches and bamboo wood fragments.

As soon as the grenade exploded here, Wan Lin saw the side of a rock below the southern hillside, followed by a burst of fire, and a black shadow roared and flew up the hillside.

At the same time, Wan Lin saw that behind the two rocks close to him, two strings of fire suddenly erupted. The bullet accurately hit the rock below the hillside, and sparks splashed immediately on the hard rock.

Wan Lin knew that it was a rain of bullets fired by Dali and Zhang Wa. The two of them had been raising their guns to monitor the hillside below, and the guns were firmly locked on the hillside around the rock. At this time, seeing the other side emerging, they immediately launched firepower. suppress.

"Zhangwa, blow that rock up for me! Chengru and Dazhuang, show them some awesomeness! Damn, you really take us as rookies." Wan Lin stared at the rock that was bubbling with sparks. Roaring, the enemies on the southern hillside are obviously deliberately creating chaos, and now they must suppress the arrogance of the enemy, and they must not be restrained by these boys.

Following Wan Lin's voice, "Whoosh", a black shadow was immediately thrown out from the side of the rock where Zhang Wa was, and it rushed downhill along the rocks and trees on the hillside.

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