Panther Commando

Chapter 2055: boiling hillside

Cheng Ru and several people on the mountainside were lying in their hidden places, with the muzzle of the gun facing the rock near the foot of the mountain, and the corner of their eyes was paying attention to Zhang Wa who rushed out.

Taking the cover of bushes and exposed rocks on the hillside, Zhang Wa hid his figure and ran down the **** for about 100 meters. Then he saw him suddenly disappear behind a bush, followed by a rock to the side. Climbing behind, Cheng Ru and the others saw a flash of fire suddenly erupting from the rock, and a grenade whistled towards the rock near the foot of the mountain. Another rock on the side tumbled out.

Obviously, Zhang Wa saw that the enemy's position was beyond the effective range of her grenade, so she quickly rushed down the hillside and shot the grenade, and then avoided her shooting position.

With the flames spewed by Zhang Wa, a black shadow immediately flashed from the rock pile on the hillside below, and the fish leaped towards a bush on the side. Obviously, he saw the fire from Zhang Wa's location, knew that the explosives were flying towards him, and immediately rushed to the bushes on the side.

"Bang bang bang", "Pfft" immediately erupted from the mountainside with one shot and one weak light, and then "Boom" a group of firelights rose from the rock pile below the mountainside.

Watching Wan Lin in front of him on the southeast hillside, when he heard the sound of the explosion behind him, he immediately turned around and turned his gun to aim at the firelight. He happened to see the black shadow that he had just saved, and suddenly it was like a broken kite in the air. , plunged into the hillside below, and then rolled down the hillside, and then the surrounding grass swayed violently. It was obvious that the other party had been hit by a bullet, but it seemed that the injury was not serious and he did not lose his movement. ability.

Wan Lin turned his gun coldly and looked towards the side of the hillside. He knew that there must be someone hiding behind the bushes or rocks under the hillside. At this time, the sound of gunshots from Chengru and Dazhuang on the rock had disappeared. When several people saw that the other party was hit, they immediately stopped shooting and quickly moved the shooting location.

Wan Lin immediately moved the muzzle to look at the rock on the mountainside. Sure enough, he saw two black shadows flashing on the rock. Cheng Ru and Da Zhuang had quickly jumped off the rock and were stooping and running into the bamboo forest behind. come over.

The huge rock they were on protruded out of the hillside, and it was indeed a good observation spot, but once exposed, it would immediately become the eye-catching target of the opponent's attack, so the two immediately jumped off the rock and retreated to the back hillside after shooting.

The two had just jumped off the rock when two round objects, "唿" and "唿", suddenly rose from the bottom of the hillside and flew straight to the rock where Chengru and the two were just now.

"Chengru, Dazhuang, covert!" Wan Lin shouted into the microphone hurriedly, followed by his fingers and pulled the trigger quickly, "Pfft", "Pfft", two clusters of faint flames immediately appeared from his muzzle , he fired two shots at the southern hillside, then turned around and rushed to a bush on the side, and the little flower beside him rushed out at the same time.

He and Xiaohua had just thrown out, "Crack", a cluster of sparks immediately appeared on the rock where he had been invisible. Obviously, the opponent's sniper had already paid attention to the area where Wan Lin was. , immediately shot to cover his accomplices.

At this time, on the huge rock where Cheng Ru and Kong Dazhuang were just now, there were two huge firelights "Boom" and "Boom", followed by a violent explosion.

"Qi, order the defenders on the southern hillside to blast out the **** with grenades!" Wan Lin immediately commanded loudly into the microphone as soon as he landed in the bushes.

"Yes!" Qi Hong's voice followed. After a short time, I saw six or seven fist-sized **** rising from the mountainside, whistling and flying down the hillside. Apparently, when Qi Hong heard Leopard Head's order, he immediately dispatched several team members to crawl under the hillside, and immediately threw out the grenade after approaching the enemy's position.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"... A series of explosions followed, and flames immediately rose from the hillside near the foot of the mountain. The shock wave of the explosion carried clusters of dirt, rocks and grenade fragments, whistling. Fly into the air in a fan shape.

At this time, Cheng Ru and Kong Dazhuang, who had already got into the bamboo forest, immediately fell down beside a few thick bamboo trunks by the bamboo forest. Lingling on the edge of the bamboo forest was lying on the back of a rock at the edge of the forest. The assault rifle in her hand was shooting fire on the side of the rock hundreds of meters down the slope, obviously covering the retreat of Cheng Ru and the two.

The huge explosion flames on the rock carried the gravel, and fell overwhelmingly to the dim hillside. Lingling saw Cheng Ru and the two get into the bamboo forest, and immediately rolled away from the shooting spot just now. The hillside outside the forest.

Cheng Ru and several others avoided the falling gravel and explosive fragments, and also lay on the edge of the forest and raised their guns to aim down the slope. At this time, seven or eight groups of violent flames had erupted on the southern hillside, and the huge explosion sounded particularly loud in the silent mountain forest.

Cheng Ru and several people lay quietly in the bamboo forest, the muzzle in their hands immediately aimed at the hillside illuminated by the fire, a figure was rolling down the hillside and moving quickly down the hill, and Cheng Ru's sniper muzzle followed. A cluster of flames followed, and the long sniper rifle shook slightly.

Lingling and Kong Dazhuang on the side looked through the and saw the figure that was rolling fast against the hillside at a glance. Suddenly, with the sound of Chengru's gunshot, it flew off the grass and followed like a broken line. It landed on the hillside like a cloth bag, and then slid down a few meters horizontally and stopped, motionless.

At the same time, the gunshots of the national security team members on the mountainside rang again violently. One by one, the national security team members suddenly leaned out from the hidden stones and grasses, raised their guns by the fire on the hillside below, and pulled the trigger. Strings of bullets roared towards the hillside below with a hot wind.

The enemy's sudden attack just now had injured several national security members in the mountainside bunker. At this time, they saw a few special forces suddenly start attacking the enemy down the slope, and several of their companions were ordered to throw out grenades to force them out. When they encountered an enemy, a group of people immediately put out their guns with red eyes, and fired desperately at the hillside below.

At this time, Cheng Ru and several people in the bamboo forest on the mountainside were all lying quietly in the forest and raised their guns to face the hillside below. Zhang Wa and Dali, who were 100 meters away from the side, also hid behind a tree and a rock respectively, raising their guns and facing the hillside coldly. The bullets hit the bottom like a boiling hillside.

It was Saito's second group who suddenly launched an attack on the southern slope. After the sky darkened, Kameda, the leader of the second group, and the five team members took the cover of the night to divide into two fighting groups and quietly lurked on the southern **** of Lingxiu Mountain.

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