Panther Commando

Chapter 2056: battle of wits

At ten o'clock in the evening, Kameda immediately ordered the two-person battle group on the side to move up the hillside according to the plan, while he himself led a sniper and two other mercenaries, scattered and hidden behind the hillside concealment, and raised their guns to cover. Two-person team in profile.

In the ensuing battle, Kameda had already judged from the sound of gunfire and fire on the hillside above that there were a group of recruits with no combat experience on the hillside. Most of the opponents pulled the trigger in all guard positions when they only saw one of their subordinates emerge. This is obviously not the action of experienced veterans.

In this dark, silent mountain night, the sound of gunfire and the flash of fire from the muzzle will immediately reveal their alert position, and veterans with combat experience will never shoot blindly at this time.

Kameda was hidden under the dim rock, turned his head and glanced at the hillside where Saito and the others were located in the southeast, and saw that there was a quiet shroud in the night, neither gunshots nor people could be seen. Immediately, a yin and yin smile appeared on his face, and he secretly said in his heart: "The mission of the few of them this time is mainly to attract the troops of the opponent's defenders and cover the Saito people to go up the mountain. Since the Saito people have not been discovered. , then I will have a good time with these new recruits who have no actual combat experience above!"

He then ordered the two-person team on the side to immediately fire two grenades up the hillside. It opened the prelude to the battle of Lingxiu Mountain. He knew that the more riotous he was on his side, the greater the chance that Saito and the others would secretly sneak into the top of the mountain.

But Kameda immediately found that the opponent's counterattack became more and more targeted. With a grenade fired by the opponent, he forced out one of his team members. Fortunately, the team member moved quickly, but was only scratched by a bullet. The bulletproof vest under the arm flew over, and was not incapacitated.

He saw that the opponent suddenly launched a strong counterattack, and immediately realized that this sudden situation must have something to do with the opponents who appeared in the afternoon. These are not the inexperienced recruits on the hillside who fired blindly. This is definitely done by veteran special forces with rich combat experience.

Just as he was hesitating whether his group should continue to attack, a group of grenades appeared on the other side's hillside, and he immediately understood that the other side was trying to force him out with grenades. Fortunately, his hidden position was far away from the mountainside and was not within the attack range of the grenade.

He was lying on the back of a rock and stared at the flames of the explosion, and then found that a member of the flank combat team was forced out by the opponent, and was then killed by a violent rain of bullets.

He looked at the teammate who was hit by the bullet, and a burst of anger burst out from his eyes. He waved to a teammate not far from the side, and the two immediately raised their guns at the rock with machine gun fire on the hillside. A grenade.

He immediately rushed behind the rock on the side and quickly avoided the hidden position that had been exposed, while the sniper and another firefighter in his group still raised their guns to monitor the hillside near the southeast.

At this time, Kameda rushed behind a rock on the side, and suddenly found that the muzzle of his sniper was also followed by a faint fire. His heart sank, and he immediately realized that his sniper must have found the opponent's sniper. Just now, his subordinate had been monitoring the hillside above, but now he suddenly shot, apparently aimed at the opponent's sniper.

He quietly leaned on the back of the rock and looked up at the dark hillside above. He secretly thought in his heart: It seems that the other special forces with rich combat experience must be ambushing on the hillside above. Those recruits have formed defensive positions on the mountainside.

He looked at the hillside that suddenly became quiet again, and quickly analyzed the opponent's strength in his heart: Judging from the firelight of the counterattack on the mountainside just now, most of the opponent's defenders had no experience in mountain combat. As long as the few of them adopt the tactics of interspersed and detoured tactics, they can definitely use the gap in the opponent's defense to rush into the dense forest on the mountainside.

But now there are several experienced special operators on this hillside, and they are absolutely incompetent in such unfavorable terrain. Whether it is firepower, terrain, or military strength, the few of them are in a weak position. At this time, forcibly going up the mountain can only be a dead end!

When Kameda thought of this, he immediately looked towards the dimly lit hillside in the west, and secretly said in his heart: "Damn, you are near the southeast, so I will lead people to the southwest to find a breakthrough. I see how many experienced special forces you have. Humans?" He knew in his heart that this was not the time to test combat literacy with the opponent alone, but now it was a battle of life and death in the mountains!

He made a few gestures to the surrounding team members coldly, followed by the sniper who was stooping and running back and pointed to the hillside in the southwest. cover, and crawled towards the west side of the hill. After he climbed out dozens of meters, the team members behind him also got up and crawled to the west side of the hill one after another.

The night was getting darker and darker, and the southern **** of Lingxiu Mountain, where the sound of gunfire and explosions had been heard one after another, suddenly became quiet. There was a stream of black smoke in the starlight, and a dark red fire was flashing on the dark hillside.

Wan Lin was lying in a bamboo forest near the mountainside of the moving face, turned around and glanced coldly at the hillside to the south, and was also secretly analyzing the enemy's situation: "In such a dark night, it is impossible to start a search, and the other party has a A mercenary with rich combat experience is very likely to become the target of the opponent once he shows up, and there is also a sniper on this hillside, this kid is too dangerous!"

He looked at the hillside quietly for a while, and suddenly asked in a low voice: "Wan Xiaoya, report your location?" Xiaoya's hurried voice immediately came from his earphone: "Report, Wu Xueying and I We are forcibly marching along the shore of the lake, and it will take about three hours to approach the northwest foot of Lingxiu Mountain.”

Wan Lin heard Xiaoya's rapid breathing, and knew that she and Wu Xueying must have heard the sound of the fierce battle here, and they were quickly approaching Lingxiu Mountain with their skills.

He immediately ordered: "After you approach Lingxiu Mountain, go directly to the No. 1 area on the west **** of Lingxiu Mountain, and meet Chengru in the dense forest on the mountainside. Be careful, you must travel in cover, the enemy may appear in that area at any time, I will Send Cheng Ru to lead Kong Dazhuang over, and you will form a battle group, with Cheng Ru as the leader!"

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