Panther Commando

Chapter 2057: mountainside attack

Wan Lin gave Xiaoya and Wu Xueying an order, and then ordered into the microphone: "Chengru, immediately lead Kong Dazhuang to secretly sneak into the No. 2 area of ​​Lingxiu Mountain to prevent the enemy from detouring to the west forest and invading the top of the mountain. At present, Wan Xiaoya Wu Xueying and Wu Xueying are approaching Lingxiu Mountain, and they will be under your command when they arrive! Be sure to pay attention to the sniper on the other side and find opportunities to kill him!"

"Yes!" "Yes!" The firm voices of Xiaoya and Chengru came from his earphones. Wan Lin issued two orders in succession, and then ordered into the microphone: "Zhang Wa, Yang Xiaoling, Wang Dali", "Come!" The voices of the three of them sounded in his earphones at almost the same time, "Immediately come to the number three where I am. Regional Meeting".

Wan Lin's orders followed one by one. He had already calculated the enemy's intention at this time, so he quickly adjusted the deployment of his troops. He then turned his head to look at the south slope, and ordered in the direction of Qi Hong of the National Security Action Team: "Qi, the No. 2 area on the south hillside will be handed over to you to defend alone, and my people will go to No. 1 in the east and west directions. , No. 3 area, report in time if there is any situation."

Qi Hong was stunned when he received the order, and immediately understood the meaning of Leopard Head's order. He had already exchanged fire with the enemy just now. The other party must have seen that a large number of defense personnel from the military and police gathered in the No. 2 area on the southern hillside. The number of mercenaries is limited. No matter how strong they are, they cannot force a breakthrough from this position. Now, if they want to continue up the mountain, they can only try to approach the dense forest of Lingxiu Mountain from both wings. He immediately answered into the microphone: "Yes!"

He immediately ordered the national security team guarding on the slopes of the two wings to be more vigilant, and to cover the leopard team members to cover the No. 1 area in the west and the No. 3 area in the east.

Qi Hong issued an order to his team members, then knelt on one knee beside the annoying bamboo forest where he was, raised his binoculars and looked up the slopes of the two wings, with a worried look in his eyes.

Although the few mercenaries just tentatively attacked the mountainside, the opponent's technical and tactical level has been revealed in this short exchange of fire.

The mercenary who took the lead to fire on the mountain just now, in the dense bullets of his own team members, jumped into the bamboo forest on the side from a hidden place unscathed. These national security members shot and fired for a long time, and they didn't know where the rest of the enemy was hiding?

At this time, he really saw the real strength of the special forces and mercenaries with rich mountain combat experience, such as Hua Leopard. Although he has also undergone strict military training, he really lacks actual combat experience, especially the lack of this kind of complex in complex Practical experience in the mountains.

Qi Hong looked at the pitch-black hillside on the side, and felt a little dejected in his heart: even as the deputy director of the operations department, it was the first time he had experienced such face-to-face mountain combat, and he still had no experience in such mountain combat. Fortunately, I have fought on the national security front for many years, and I have fought face-to-face with various enemies many times. I will not panic when faced with various complex situations. I still have a relatively stable psychological quality. The team members were so flustered.

After finding the enemy's tracks on the dim hillside just now, the team members fired randomly without waiting for an order. He wanted to order to stop shooting, but he was really worried that the enemy would sneak up to the team and carry out a sneak attack. He himself really lacked command in field operations. And actual combat experience, and the commander Leopard Head didn't make a sound just now, so he didn't stop his team from shooting.

Now, when he heard that several members of Leopard Head actually divided their troops to the east and west hillsides, leaving him alone to face this important area in the south, and the opponents have extremely powerful combat strength, he was really a little uneasy, and at the same time I am also worried about the few leopard team members.

After Wan Lin issued the order, he turned his head and saw that Zhang Wa and the others were stooping and running towards him quickly. He immediately raised his sniper rifle and turned around to cover the dim hillside to the south.

The gunshots and explosions that sounded just now suddenly disappeared in the mountains. Scattered red sparks were scattered all over the southern hillside shrouded in the night, still showing the traces of the battle just now, as if to remind the hidden people on the hillside: This is still the place. It is a battlefield where a rain of bullets may erupt at any time.

Wan Lin coldly raised his spear to face the southern hillside. He knew in his heart that it was only temporary tranquility on the battlefield, and the opponent must be moving towards the side hillside under the cover of the dark night. In such dim night vision conditions and complex mountains, it is impossible for him or the national security team members on the mountainside to find these mercenaries with rich mountain combat experience.

It wasn't long before Zhang Wa, Dali and Lingling rushed into Wan Lin's hidden bamboo forest in the dark. Wan Lin stood up from behind a thick bamboo trunk with a grim look, and whispered to several people: "Fight. Formation, let's go!" Said, with Xiaohua raised her feet and ran towards the southeast hillside.

Under the cover of the night, the four of them rose and fell in the bamboo forest and tall wormwood on the hillside, flickering and disappearing, and they moved quickly approaching the dense forest on the side of the mountain.

Just as the few people approached the dense forest on the side, a burst of gunfire from an assault rifle suddenly sounded, and the flames spewed out from the muzzle of the guns suddenly shot out nearly a thousand meters in front of Wan Lin and the others. A muffled hum followed from a dozen meters away from the side, and a black shadow rolled towards the side hillside with the sound of Lin and the others were shocked! The enemy actually escaped the vigilant gaze of several national security team members on the mountainside by taking advantage of the night, and sneaked to the side of the mountainside. The gunfire must have been the attack on the national security team members in the mountainside bunker!

Several people immediately fit in and rushed towards the rocks and bushes on the hillside, raising their guns and aiming forward. On the dimly lit hillside, there were short bursts of fire, "da-da-da" and "da-da-da", followed by three black shadows suddenly jumping up from the dim hillside, and the front side of the chest was spraying firelight against the hillsides on both sides. , while rushing towards the dense forest above the hillside.

Wan Lin didn't bother to aim carefully, he moved the muzzle and pulled the trigger lightly towards the fast-moving figure, followed by the sound of Wang Dali's machine gun, and a string of bullets flew towards the three black figures in front of him in a fan. Go, use firepower to support the national security team on the side of the mountain.

At this time, the distance was a kilometer away, and the enemy was not within the effective range of the assault rifles in Zhang Wa and Lingling's hands. All the sniper rifles and light machine guns with a longer range in Wan Lin and Dali's hands spewed flames, while the assault rifles in their hands were only within the effective range. Zhang Wa and Lingling did not shoot.

At this time, Zhang Wa and Lingling each hid behind a rock, and looked at the hillside in front of them through the scope of the gun to prevent the enemy from jumping out of the nearby pitch-black hillside.

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