Panther Commando

Chapter 2058: rush into the jungle

Just as Wan Linhe and Vigorous shot were fired, the other three suddenly rushed towards the side hillside as if they had foreseen it, not only dodging the bullets, but also dodging the two flames spewed by the Guoan team members not far from the side of the hillside. , followed by the three black shadows, and a few clusters of fire came out to both sides, and several clusters of bullets roared towards the mountainside on both sides and where Wan Lin and the others were.

After Wan Linhe shot vigorously, he immediately rolled behind the side cover while holding the gun body. As soon as the two of them tumbled behind a rock on the side, a string of bullets whistled and flew over the heads of Wan Lin and the others.

Wan Lin rolled behind the rock on the side, and immediately extended his sniper rifle from the side of the rock, with the **** firmly on his shoulder, his eyes fixed on the distant hillside through the scope.

As the bullets flew by, the flames on the hillside in front were fleeting, and the three shadows in the darkness were already under the cover of the bullets, rolling out of the hillside quickly to the side, and then suddenly jumped from the ground, in a blink of an eye Suddenly, he rushed to the side of a raised pile of rubble.

Wan Lin's gun had just moved to aim at the pile of rocks below, but the opponent's figure suddenly jumped up from a bush on the side and plunged into the dark jungle on the mountainside, moving very quickly.

At this time, several national security team members who were hidden around the mountainside leaned out from their respective bunkers and pulled the trigger at the location where they shot each other. Clusters of fire erupted from the rocks and bushes on the mountainside, and there was silence. Suddenly, bullets rained down on the hillside, and the sound of gunfire was deafening.

Wan Lin moved the muzzle quickly, his eyes fixed on the flickering figure of the opponent, and he couldn't help sighing inwardly: "The opponent's three tactical movements are really skilled, the direction of rapid movement is irregular, and the muzzle of his own muzzle is not at all. Unable to lock them down, these people are indeed extraordinary. It seems that the people sent by Yamaguchi Security this time are indeed elites with rich mountain combat experience."

Wan Lin saw that the other party had already plunged into the dense forest, and the gunfire of the Guoan team members was still incessant. The bullets fired from the mountainside on both sides formed a rain of cross bullets on the mountainside, but the enemy had also opened up from the Guoan team members who had just attacked. The gap, rushed through the warning line set on the mountainside, and plunged into the dark jungle.

"Stop shooting!" He quickly gave the order to the surrounding national security team members into the microphone, then turned around and pointed to the side of the dense forest at the surrounding Zhang Wa and a few people, then raised his hand and patted the little flower beside him, suddenly slammed out of the grass Jumped up in the middle, and rushed towards the side mountainside with Xiaohua. Zhang Wa, Dali, and Lingling beside him also sprang up from the darkness, and they rushed towards the dense forest on the mountainside like a cloud of smoke.

As soon as the gunshots in the southeast direction where Wan Lin and the others were located stopped, a fierce gunshot suddenly sounded in the southwest direction where Cheng Ru and the others were running. The explosions of two grenades, "Boom" and "Boom", also sounded one after another, and two clusters of firelights rang out. Following the explosion from the mountainside in the southwest, the dark mountainside was suddenly illuminated by the rising fire.

Wan Lin and the others, who were running towards the dense forest on the mountainside, did not seem to hear the sound of gunfire and explosions coming from the side of the mountainside. Crossing the cordon formed by the surrounding national security team members, he rushed into the dark jungle.

At this time, Wan Lin and several people already understood in their hearts that gunshots suddenly sounded from the southwest at this time, which only means that the enemy over there heard the gunshots on their side and suddenly opened fire on the hillside above, trying to contain their own forces, Covering the distant companions and rushing into the jungle, the enemy's main attack direction must be on his side, so Wan Lin and the others did not stop at all, and rushed into the dense forest above the mountainside at a high speed.

Wan Lin rushed into the dense forest, immediately disappeared behind a thick tree trunk and stopped, raised his hand and ordered Zhang Wa and a few people behind him to stop advancing and be vigilant on the spot. He raised his sniper rifle and rushed into the forest towards the shadows just now. Aim in the direction of .

At this moment, the voice of Qi Chu came from his earphone: "Leopard Head, one of our security teams in Southeast No. 2 area was attacked, and one was killed and one seriously injured! An assault rifle and three spare magazines were missing at the same time! Three An enemy has burst into the jungle."

Wan Lin's heart sank immediately after hearing Qi Hong's report. In the battle just now, the opponent must have used the hidden skills of others to secretly approach a bunker of a national security team member, and then suddenly attacked a national security team member in the bunker, and shot and injured another national security team member who came to the rescue. .

He frowned and pondered for a while, before he ordered in a low voice: "Order all the national security team members who are on guard on the mountainside to immediately withdraw 50 meters down the **** from the original warning position, rebuild the cordon, and be alert to the two under the **** and the dense forest. direction, the injured team members immediately withdraw from the battle!"

At this time, he already understood that the enemies in front of him suddenly appeared from concealment in order to seize the guns in the hands of the national security team members and threw themselves into the jungle. Since the other party suddenly seized the gun, it must be used by the Takahashi who escaped from the mountain.

This Takahashi was shot with a pistol in the jungle, and he must have no field weapons on his body, so when they were hiding and approaching the dense forest on the mountainside, they suddenly appeared and attacked the guarding national security team members, and snatched the weapons in the hands of the national security team members and rushed into the jungle. .

From this point of view, my original judgment is correct. This hillside is the direction of the opponent's key Among these mercenaries, only this high bridge who has been on Lingxiu Mountain is familiar with the specific situation in the mountain, so The position where he is located is the key attack direction of the enemy. Moreover, this kid was born in a ninja family like Takahashi, and his hidden movement must be very amazing. He secretly sneaked under the eyes of the Guoan team members without being noticed.

Wan Lin raised his gun and slowly swept through the dark jungle in front of him. The dense forest in the night vision goggles showed the shadows of green trees, and there was not a single person in the forest.

At this time, Wan Lin did not rush into the depths of the jungle to follow, but carefully analyzed the enemy's situation. He is the on-site commander of this operation. Now he can command the battle by radio at the edge of the forest, but once he goes deep into the forest, the radio signal will definitely disappear, so he must convey the relevant orders before entering the forest, and at the same time Hand over command on the hillside.

He swept across the jungle in front of him, and whispered into the microphone: "Qi, now an enemy has broken through the line of defense and entered the jungle. I'm about to enter the jungle to track, and the wireless signal will be interrupted. Therefore, the battle outside the forest is handled by Chengru. The lieutenant colonel takes full command of my command, and you focus on preventing the enemy from breaking through the jungle! Remember, you must not let an enemy escape from the Lingxiu Mountains!"

"Yes! Never let an enemy escape from the Lingxiu Mountains!" Director Qi's voice was very firm, with a strong murderous aura in his tone.

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