Panther Commando

Chapter 2059: Murder in Silence

Qi Hong really didn't expect that the battle had just begun, and his team members suffered heavy casualties one after another, and an assault rifle was snatched away by the enemy, which made him really feel an uncontrollable depression and anger in his heart.

After Wan Lin heard Qi Chu's answer, he immediately informed Cheng Ru that his group was about to enter the dense forest, and asked him to adapt to the situation of the enemy in the southwest, and let him take over his command and command the battle outside the forest.

After he gave the order, he immediately waved at Zhang Wa and the three behind him, raised his foot and dodged from behind the tree, bent over with a sniper rifle and drilled into the depths of the jungle...

At this time, Cheng Ru and Kong Dazhuang were following the cordon of the Guoan team below the dense forest on the mountainside, and were moving quickly towards the southwest hillside.

Just now, when the gunshots were heard from the southeast direction where Wan Lin and the others were, two black shadows suddenly flashed out of the bamboo forest below Cheng Ru and the two of them, followed by two firelights spurting out of the shadows.

Cheng Ru glanced at the other party, and immediately shouted into the microphone: "Hide!", following his voice, Kong Dazhuang raised the muzzle behind him and pulled the trigger, and a string of flames immediately swept towards the bamboo forest below him. , used the sound of gunfire to remind the surrounding Guoan team members to pay attention, and then Yu Chengru rushed to the back of the rock beside him.

With the explosion of fire, two series of rapid gunshots followed from the side of the bamboo forest below. The bullets roared and hit the hillside around Kong Dazhuang and Chengru. ” fell on the two and a group of national security team members, followed by two groups of explosions that exploded from dozens of meters in front of them.

Cheng Ru and Dali already understood that the opponent suddenly launched an attack at the same time as the gunshots on the leopard's head, obviously in response to the gunshots of their companions in the southeast. Now the distance between their position and the enemy is still 600 or 700 meters, not the grenade. Within the effective attack range, the opponent appeared and launched an attack at this time, the purpose was to cover his companions from the leopard head and their pursuit, not to rush up the hill.

At this time, the national security team members on the mountainside escaped the blast fragments, mud and gravel, all of them leaned out and pulled the trigger into the bamboo forest. Fragments and branches and leaves flew towards the edge of the bamboo forest.

Wan Lin and Dazhuang protruded their guns from behind the hidden stones, and aimed coldly at the hillside below. At this time, the bamboo forest below was already silent, only the broken bamboo flying across the sky was dancing in the moonlight.

Cheng Ru frowned, moved his sniper rifle and glanced at the hillside in front of him, turned around and pointed to the dense forest above the hillside to Da Zhuang behind him, and ran up the hillside with his gun in hand. Kong Dazhuang, who was behind, immediately understood what he meant, and hurriedly ran up the hillside by the bullet rain swept out by the Guoan team.

At this time, the position of the two on the hillside was just below the cordon of the national security team members on the mountainside. In the dense rain of bullets shot by the national security team members, they could not move to the hillside below at all, and could only use their firepower to cover the team members. Behind, from the edge of the jungle to the west side of the hill.

The two entered the dense forest quickly, and immediately ran to the west hillside along the big trees at the edge of the forest, then rushed out of the west dense forest, and silently bent over and rushed towards the rock pile on the hillside below.

At this time, the two national security team members were lying behind the rock piled bunker respectively, raising their guns from the rock crevices to the downhill, and nervously moving the muzzles of their guns to search for the enemy's traces.

Cheng Ru and Kong Dazhuang suddenly emerged from behind the two nervous Guoan team members. The two team members turned around in horror and were about to turn their guns. Cheng Ru quickly whispered a contact code, reported his identity, and then contacted him. Da Zhuang was lying on the back of a rock, and quietly extended his gun forward to aim at the hillside below.

At this time, the gunfire had stopped, and there was black smoke rising from the bamboo forest 600 or 700 meters below the hillside. The sparks that were still burning flickered and dimmed, and the hillside was silent.

Cheng Ru slowly moved the muzzle and swept the hillside below, and suddenly found a black mark on the side of the hillside covered with weeds, extending along the hillside to the foot of the hill. His eyes lit up, and he immediately aimed the scope at the black trace, only then did he see that it was a curved ditch extending down the slope.

He was overjoyed, knowing that this was a ditch formed by the rainwater accumulated on the mountain flowing down the **** when the rainy season came. The rainy season has just begun, and the ditch must be very dry, just like a natural corridor-shaped battle bunker that zigzags down the hillside.

Cheng Ru then pointed to the ditch on the side of the two Guoan team members beside him, and then made another gesture of fire cover.

When the two national security team members saw Cheng Ru's gesture, they immediately raised their hands and responded with an "Understood!" gesture, then gently pulled the gun bolt. They have been notified by Qi Hong that the current battle is under the acting command of Lieutenant Colonel Cheng Ru of this special team, so now that they heard the commander's order to provide cover, they immediately understood that the two special team members were going to take the initiative!

Cheng Ru saw the gestures of the two Guoan team members, turned around and pointed to the ditch on the side of Da Zhuang, followed by a gesture of departure, retracted the sniper rifle in front of him, and crawled to the side while crawling, Da Zhuang. Then he slowly moved his body and climbed out from behind the rock.

On the dark hillside, Cheng Ru and the two moved their bodies without making any sound, and their movements were extremely slow. The two national security soldiers raised their guns and stared nervously at the hillside below. The corner of their eyes swept across the hillside on the side from time to time, lest the two special forces make noises during their crawling and alarm the enemy under the hillside to be attacked by fire.

The ditch is only 20 meters away from the hidden position of the Duoan Although the distance is not far, there is an open field in the middle, only a small weed grows on the hillside, and the movement is slightly larger. It is very likely to expose the figure and be attacked by the enemy.

Cheng Ru and the two took advantage of the cover of darkness to crawl on the hillside and stop and go. Under the nervous eyes of the side players, he disappeared into the ditch at once.

The Guoan team members on the hillside saw that Cheng Ru and the two had disappeared into the ditch, so they let out a long sigh of relief, and then leaned behind the gun and stared at the hillside below.

At this time, the sound of gunfire could no longer be heard on the entire Lingxiu Mountain, but the hearts of every national security team member on the mountain were beating violently. This kind of intense gunfire and the silence after the explosion made every team member even more nervous. Everyone understands that there is a great murderous intention behind this silence, and no one dares to relax their vigilance at this moment.

Time passed minute by minute, more than an hour passed, but the hillside was still silent, as if the battle had ended with the sound of gunfire and explosions an hour ago.

Recommend a friend's military masterpiece "Memento of the Dragon Guard", a masterpiece describing the legendary journey of the special forces

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