Panther Commando

Chapter 2060: Catching the grass to startle the snake

The night shrouded Lingxiu Mountain, and the lake under the southern **** reflected light blue starlight in the silent night.

At this moment, each national security team member did not dare to relax in the slightest, and lay motionless behind their respective bunkers, with a pair of vigilant eyes shining brightly, staring at the sight of the assault rifle, slowly Moved the muzzle to search for anomalies under the hillside.

At this moment, a deep voice suddenly came from everyone's earphones: "I'm Cheng Ru, order: The national security team members in the southwest of the No. 2 area immediately shoot at the bamboo forest area in this area, and use the firepower to give me the enemy. Force it out!"

Following Chengru's low order, "da da da", "da da da da"..., a string of flames erupted from the dark mountainside, and the violent gunshot resounded through the silent mountain again. The string of bullets swept across the bamboo forest in the southwest direction. The two bamboo forests that had just been calm were flying across the bamboo shavings in the whistling bullet rain, and the bamboo shoots that were broken by the bullets flew in the air with the bullet rain.

Seven or eight national security team members on the southwest hillside tightly squeezed the trigger of their assault rifles, and a string of bullets rushed towards the hillside below. They have all received orders from Qi Chu just now, knowing that the current battlefield commander has been changed from Leopard Head to Lieutenant Colonel Chengru, so now they heard his order and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

In the dim night, a string of flames spewed out from the mountainside. The bamboo forest below the southwest hillside was hit by the ferocious bullets, causing the bamboo leaves to fly, and the broken bamboo tips fell to the ground one after another.

At this time, Cheng Ru and Kong Dazhuang had already quietly climbed out of the ditch on the hillside under the cover of the gunshots of the national security team. Behind the two rocks, sniper rifles and light machine guns were immediately mounted above the rocks, and their muzzles were aimed closely at the hillside around the bamboo forest below the slope.

Soon, the dense rain of bullets by the national security team members on the mountainside had the expected effect. Cheng Ru and the two suddenly saw two black shadows flashing from the side of the bamboo forest from the scope, behind a low bush at the bottom of the hillside. Bend over and run west.

Obviously, the sparse bamboo forest below was not enough to cover the bodies of the two mercenaries from the bullet rain, so they quickly climbed out of the bamboo forest, trying to use a quick movement to avoid the bullet rain from the mountainside, and detoured to the west. Face the hillside and then choose the opportunity to enter the dense forest on the mountainside.

Cheng Ru slowly moved the sniper rifle and stared at the two shadows, then moved the muzzle to the bamboo forest on the side, and whispered into the microphone: "Dazhuang, kill these two boys down the slope!"

Following Cheng Ru's voice, "bang bang bang"... Kong Dazhuang, who was lying on the other side of the ditch, immediately pulled the trigger, and a string of fire suddenly shot out from the rock, followed by the low sound of machine guns.

A piece of splintered wood suddenly rose from the bushes under the hillside, and a rock behind the bushes was hit by the whistling machine gun bullets flying horizontally at any time, sparks flying everywhere. Two fast-moving shadows rolled out from behind the bushes, rolled down the hillside a few times, and then fell sideways on the hillside motionless.

Da Zhuang pulled the trigger and quickly killed the two mercenaries under the slope. Then he stopped shooting and hid under the rock. Then he was about to withdraw the machine gun above the rock, but just as he leaned down, the mercenary beside the bamboo forest below. A faint blaze of fire suddenly appeared behind a rock.

A hot wind swept over the machine gun that Dazhuang had placed on top of the rock, and hit a rock on the hillside behind him. on his head and body armor.

Kong Dazhuang, who had shrunk to the bottom of the rock, followed the bullets that flew by, the pupils in his eyes shrank suddenly, and a chill appeared on the back of his spine. It must have shot him in the head lying behind the gun!

Cheng Ru, who was lying on the back of another rock on the side, suddenly saw the faint flames emerging from the edge of the bamboo forest below.

With the fire from the muzzle of his gun, "Crack", a cluster of sparks immediately appeared on the rock on the side of the bamboo forest below, and then the bamboo forest next to him was shaken violently. Obviously, the opponent's sniper finished shooting. Quickly dodged the sniper position.

At this moment, the mercenary sniper on the edge of the bamboo forest also broke out in a cold sweat. He really did not expect that there were snipers around the opponent's machine gunners to cover his companions. Fortunately, after he fired a shot at the fire from the machine gun, he immediately rolled out from behind the hidden rock to the side of the bamboo forest, and the opponent's sniper rolled out. The bullet just hit the rock he had hidden just now, but it did make him break out in a cold sweat.

He hurriedly tumbled in the forest for a few more weeks, quickly moved away from the sniper position just now, and then tumbled under a rock down the slope.

Cheng Ru pulled the trigger and quickly rolled behind another rock on the side, the corners of his eyes had swept over the big and strong position on the side.

At this time, Kong Dazhuang was withdrawing the machine gun from the rock, holding the gun and rolling out behind a rock on the side, and quickly moved the machine gun position.

At this point, the people on both sides have already understood that the other side is a seasoned veteran, and no one dares to be careless with each other.

"Stop shooting!" Cheng Ru rolled behind the rock on the side, and then whispered into the microphone ordering the national security team members who were still shooting in the forest to stop shooting. The strategy of fighting the grass to scare the snake just now has paid off. The two boys who were originally hidden in the bamboo forest were driven out of the bamboo forest and eliminated in one fell swoop. The other party will definitely not dare to act rashly now.

Cheng Ru quietly hid behind the rock for a while, and then quietly extended his sniper rifle from the crevice in the rock in front of him. He was about to lean out and put the **** on his shoulder when two strands suddenly appeared in the direction of another bamboo forest below him. The firelight, followed by the sound of "whoosh" and "whoosh" objects passing through the air, Cheng Ru hurriedly retracted his body under the rock again, and leaned tightly on the grass behind the rock.

"Boom", "Boom", with the sound of two explosions, two groups of firelight followed them on the hillside tens of meters away. The red fire light illuminated the hillside red, and the huge explosion shook the nearby villagers. Both Confucian and Kong Dazhuang's ears were "buzzing".

The dazzling flames slammed into the air with the dirt and gravel on the hillside, and the fragments of the grenade flew in the air with a sharp smashing sound. The ground fell on the two Chengru people below the bombing point.

Cheng Ru and Dali leaned tightly behind their respective concealed objects, and when the fragments just flew through the air, the two suddenly raised their bodies from behind the gun and put the **** of the gun against their shoulders, their cheeks pressed against the **** of the gun. Looking in the direction of the bamboo forest.

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