Panther Commando

Chapter 2065: North Slope Nightcrawler

Wan Lin and the others were refreshed when they heard the screams in the dense forest in the distance, knowing that the fierce Xiaohua suddenly attacked again! Several people immediately picked up their speed in the dark jungle, swayed from side to side among the thick tree trunks, and quickly ran towards the direction from which the sound came.

Not long after, Wan Lin, who was running in front, saw a blue light flashing in the canopy in front of him, and a small black shadow suddenly rushed towards him from the tree in front. He was overjoyed, knowing that Xiaohua was rushing towards him, and it was close to the spot where the enemy was attacked just now.

He stopped, raised his hand and ordered a few people behind him to "stop advancing". He raised his hand to catch the rushing flower and pointed forward, letting it search forward. Xiao Hua's eyes flashed, and she jumped out of Wan Lin and ran into the dark forest in front of her.

Wan Lin raised his hand and waved forward, got up and followed with Zhang Wa and the three of them. Several people followed Xiaohua for 70 to 80 meters, and saw Xiaohua standing under a thick tree in front of her, her eyes twinkling. If there is a faint blue light, he is lying on the ground and staring at the surroundings.

Wan Lin and the others held their gun stocks tightly against their shoulders, and quickly ran to Xiaohua. They glanced down and saw a black figure in underwear lying motionless on the woodland next to the tree root where Xiaohua was. Apparently dead.

Zhang Wa, Dali, and Lingling didn't stop, they all ran around 20 or 30 meters with their guns, and then they stood behind a thick tree trunk with their guns and pointed their guns in the left, middle, and right directions. Provides a warning to the leopard head and small flowers behind him.

Wan Lin bent down and leaned the sniper rifle against the tree, then squatted down and turned the shadow on the ground over. Immediately, he smelled a strong smell of blood in his nose, and then he saw a man wearing only underwear. The thin man was lying on the ground.

Wan Lin's eyes swept across the opponent's body quickly, and found that the opponent's right thigh was hastily wrapped in several circles of bandages, his head was tilted aside, a deep claw mark was cut on the thin neck by Xiaohua's sharp claws, and the flesh was blurred.

Wan Lin raised his eyes and glanced in front of him, and immediately judged in his heart: This kid must be the black shadow who quickly exited the formation after triggering the mechanism just now, but he was in a hurry as he exited the retreat, and he was hidden in the panic. Xiaohua in the dark suddenly attacked, biting her thigh, and was carried away by her companion to escape the battle, but she did not expect that Xiaohua, who was sneaking up behind her, cut her neck with a claw.

Wan Lin looked coldly at the dark forest in front of him, and let out a sneer in his heart: "Hey, in this dark forest, no matter how rich you have jungle combat experience, you still can't escape the pursuit of our leopards! Son of a bitch, if you dare to come to me and make trouble in China, all of them will die!"

He looked at the other party's corpse immediately, and looked at the thin underwear on the other party's body and wondered: "Why is this kid's clothes gone?" He glanced around and suddenly found a long assault rifle thrown on the side. Reaching out and dragging the assault rifle in front of him, he recognized at a glance that it was a domestically-made Type 95 assault rifle equipped by a national security team member. It was obviously the assault rifle stolen by the opponent when he attacked the national security guard post before entering the forest.

Looking at the assault rifle, he suddenly understood: it must be the Takahashi who did not carry field equipment. Seeing that his companion was dead, he immediately took away his companion's protective equipment and all weapons, and kept the assault rifle he stole. here it is.

He looked at the assault rifle in his hand, and there was a sudden gleam in his eyes. He raised his hand and leaned the assault rifle against the tree. He picked up his sniper rifle and stood up from the corpse. He raised his hand behind the tree and gestured to Xiaohua. After a few times, ask the opponent in which direction to flee?

Xiaohua raised her head to understand Wan Lin's gesture, and then she stretched out from behind the tree, raised her right paw and tapped a few times in the forest in front of her right, indicating that the other party fled in that direction after being attacked. Wan Lin nodded, dodged from behind the tree and ran forward.

At this time, on the dim **** on the north side of Lingxiu Mountain, a black figure was slowly moving up the body in a curved ditch on the **** under the cover of the thick night, and the movement was extremely slow.

This person is Takahashi Saburo's third uncle, Takahashi Moriki. He threw stones on the hillside to startle a few hares that had settled in the grass, and after deceiving the opponent's guard post on the hillside, he quickly threw himself into the bamboo forest on the side, and then bent down and ran up the **** quickly.

He ran to the edge of the bamboo forest above the hillside, and immediately lay down behind a thick bamboo trunk, looking up at the hillside.

Under the moonlight, the hillside looked extremely dim. Pieces of rocks, small trees and patches of weeds were indistinctly visible on the hillside. A tall wormwood and a few small trees were swaying slightly in the breeze.

Takahashi Moriki was wearing night vision goggles on his left eye and watched the hillside carefully. Suddenly, in the dark, he found that half a figure appeared on the side of a rock. One person was sticking out half of his head and looking towards him, and there seemed to be a flash around him. of light and shadow.

Takahashi Morimu was startled, and he was about to lower his head, but then he thought that the other party was more than 200 meters away from him, and the slender light flashing around the other party must be the Lingxiu disciple mentioned by his nephew. The kind of machete they carry with them, and these martial arts practitioners do not have modern night vision equipment, so it is impossible for the other party to see themselves in such a dim night.

Lying on the edge of the bamboo forest, he raised his head coldly and stared at the other Sure enough, the other party's head turned in the other direction, and then he saw a head slowly sticking out of the rock, and turned his head. Look to the side of the hillside.

Takahashi Moriki let out a long breath, and suddenly felt a sense of relaxation in his heart. The guards he found one after another on the hillside were all the disciples of Lingxiu Sect. So far, he has not found those military policemen with guns on the northern hillside. From this point of view, this northern hillside is really a weak point in the opponent's defense.

He slowly retracted his head and carefully analyzed the current situation. Just now, he had heard the sound of gunfire and explosions from the front mountain. It was obvious that Jiro Takahashi and those mercenaries had already started a fierce battle with their opponents. He judged from the gunshots coming mainly from the hillside in the southwest, that the people in the mountain pass must be divided into two or three groups, one of which was trying to contain each other, while the other people took the opportunity to go deep into the dense forest on the hillside.

He raised his eyes coldly and glanced at the pitch-black hillside, and said to himself: "It seems that there are not many people from the military and police here, otherwise the mountain will not simply be guarded by these martial arts practitioners. Picked the right direction!"

He then quietly retreated a few meters into the bamboo forest, stood up and bent over and strode into the bamboo forest on the side, trying to avoid the hidden Lingxiu people on the hillside above, and looking for favorable terrain from the side hillside to approach the dense forest on the mountainside.

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