Panther Commando

Chapter 2066: Bamboo forest melee

Takahashi Moriki cautiously walked towards the side of the bamboo forest while turning his face to look at the mountainside outside the forest.

He knew that once he entered the darker forest, he could hide his figure with the help of the big trees. At the same time, he can use the visual advantage of night vision goggles to avoid the guardians of Lingxiu Gate. At that time, he can quietly pass through the dense forest and enter the vicinity of the top of the mountain according to the method of identifying the direction described by his nephew.

Just when Takahashi Moriki was making a wishful thinking in his heart, the sound of wind suddenly rang out in the pitch-black bamboo forest, "Whoosh", Takahashi Moriki turned his head sharply and looked at him, a cold light from the gap in the bamboo forest in front of him was rapidly flying towards his chest. Come!

His face changed suddenly, his upper body slammed back, his right hand quickly took out the dagger from the side of his thigh, and threw it vigorously from the bottom to the top of the wind! Between the lightning flashes, "Ugh", a strong wind swept across Takahashi Moriki's chest, and the icy breath made him breathless.

And the dagger he threw out vigorously while leaning back was like a shooting star in the dim bamboo forest, going straight to the gap in the bamboo forest in front of him!

"Yeah", with a low muffled sound, Takahashi Moriki had turned out to the right like a spinning top, and swayed a few times like a ghost, and in a blink of an eye, he had rushed to the forest on the right.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly flashed from behind a thick bamboo trunk, "Hey", a cold light slashed diagonally towards his shoulder from top to bottom!

Takahashi Moriki's thin body suddenly flashed a cold light from one side, his left arm suddenly protruded like a poisonous snake, and his left hand was like a snake's head with a wide mouth open. He pressed his wrist down, his right foot suddenly stepped up half a step, and his right elbow was raised at the same time and slammed into the opponent's chest.

"Yeah" Following the other party's muffled groan, his right hand rose again like lightning, and the palm edge of the palm slammed **** the other party's neck side with a "poof"!

Between the lightning and flint, Takahashi Moriki had already knocked down the two of them quickly, and followed his body and flashed behind the bamboo trunk beside him. The light quickly swept across the surrounding forest.

At this moment, the bamboo forest that had just been whistling with strong wind had quieted down, and thick bamboo stems stood motionless in the forest, as if nothing had happened just now.

Takahashi Moriki looked coldly at the woodland beside him, a black figure was lying on his back next to a thick bamboo stem on the side, the military dagger he just threw was stuck in his chest, and the sharp dagger was only on the opponent's chest. A section of the hilt was exposed, and the entire blade had been deeply inserted into the opponent's body, apparently killing him with one strike!

At his feet was another black shadow, and a long machete on the ground shone with a faint cold light in the moonlight through the bamboo shoots.

Takahashi Moriki glanced at the surroundings coldly, and secretly said in his heart: "This bamboo forest is very big, it seems that the few movements just now did not alert the surrounding opponents. Damn, it's really lucky to say that, after the two people in front of them found themselves In order to secretly attack, there was no alarm to notify other companions." He secretly exclaimed "Fuck!" He raised his feet and walked to the two who fell on the ground.

He knelt down on one knee and pulled up the black shadow that had been knocked unconscious by him on the ground. He glanced at the other party's face coldly, only then did he realize that the other party was a very stout local young man who looked only in his twenties. At the age of six or seven, he was closing his eyes and his head was slumped over his shoulders, apparently knocked unconscious by his own palm.

He looked at the other party's young face and shook his head gently, his hands slammed around the other party's head and twisted it hard, and the other party's neck bone made a slight "click" sound of neck bone breaking.

He gently placed the opponent on the grass, took a look at the gleaming machete on the ground, and said to himself, "Good knife!" He took off the scabbard from the opponent's waist and inserted the sharp blade of the machete into it. He then tied the knife and scabbard around his waist.

After doing all this, he stood up and walked to the other opponent. He pulled out his own dagger from Dufang's chest, wiped the opponent's clothes twice, and inserted it into the scabbard on his own leg. He thought to himself: Do you play sneak attack with Lao Tzu? You are still young! My Takahashi family is a ninja family, who is not a master at sneak attacks and hidden weapons? ! Based on the wind of the arrow just now, Lao Tzu has already determined the position of your kid. After shooting the arrow, you don't know how to hide immediately. Isn't this courting death!

Takahashi Moriki had a cruel look on his face. He glanced coldly at the corpses of two young and handsome disciples on the ground. He then straightened up and looked vigilantly at the dark bamboo forest. He bent down and ran up the hillside along the bamboo forest. go.

As he ran forward quickly, he secretly said in his heart: "What a **** fluke! When I grabbed that kid's wrist just now, the cold air from the other's wrist was so cold that he almost let him go. The internal skills he has practiced are indeed evil, but fortunately, this kid is shallow, otherwise it would be really difficult to subdue his opponents. It seems that he has not put down his kung fu over the past few years, and his reaction and kung fu still maintain the level of his prime, otherwise he would It is possible to fall into the enemy's sneak attack."

At this time, although he was lucky enough to deal with the other two, when the sharp arrow and the light of the knife flew, he really broke out in a cold sweat. He really didn't see the two talented disciples hidden in the forest just now. He always thought that the opponent would deploy defenses on the hillside with a relatively wide field of He really didn't expect that the opponent would also set up two people in this dense forest. doorman.

Fortunately, in the battle just now, the opponent did not sound the alarm in order to sneak up on him, otherwise he would be exposed as an invisible person under the cover of darkness. At that time, the difficulty of his actions would increase several times invisibly!

After the sudden attack just now, Takahashi Moriki no longer dared to relax in the slightest. He secretly used the secret inner strength of the Takahashi family, and tried his best to keep himself in the best state of action.

Having undergone special military training, he knew that it is impossible for a person to concentrate and maintain vigorous physical strength for long periods of time. Just now, it was because his physical strength had decreased during the long-term stealth, which directly caused his alertness to decrease, so that he didn't even notice the enemy in front of him.

Now he is on the hillside with the opponent's strict defense, as long as he is a little slack, he may lose his life because of this! This place has entered the back hillside of Lingxiu Mountain, and it can be described as a step-by-step crisis!

He cautiously approached the side of the forest with awe in his heart, quietly lying on the forest floor and crawling behind the thick bamboo trunks on the forest side above, then stopped behind a thick bamboo, raised his head, and his eyes were filled with fear. Looking up at the dimly lit hillside above.

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