Panther Commando

Chapter 2067: covert kung fu

In the dim moonlight, hundreds of meters above the hillside were covered in darkness, like a dark cloud covering half of the mountainside, and a pale blue cold light flickered on the top of the high mountain. There was a gentle breeze in the mountains, and the sound of "rushing" pine waves faintly entered Takahashi Moriki's ears.

Takahashi Moriki was overjoyed, and immediately understood that the light blue cold light on the top of the mountain was the moonlight reflected by the strange rock on the top of the mountain that he had seen across the lakeshore, and the dark cloud on the mountainside should be surrounding it. A large virgin forest on the mountainside.

He lay quietly on the edge of the bamboo forest, carefully observing the surrounding situation, and secretly said in his heart: "Damn, no wonder there were two opponents hiding in the forest just now, it turns out that this place is close to the dense forest on the mountainside. Look at it this way. Come, there must be a lot of these talented people with machetes and bows and arrows gathered on the edge of the jungle, you must be extra careful."

He carefully observed the terrain of the surrounding hillsides, and suddenly found that on the dimly lit hillside on the side of the bamboo forest, there seemed to be curved black belts, stretching from the dense forest on the mountainside to the downhill. He immediately understood that this must be a natural ditch washed out by running water during the rainy season.

He secretly rejoiced in his heart: Now that he is close to the densely defended area of ​​the opponent, no matter from which direction he approaches the hillside, he may be found by the guards of the opponent. Although the opponent does not have night vision equipment, these people are hunters who have been hunting in the mountains all year round. Certainly more than ordinary people, I happened to use this natural drainage ditch to secretly approach the jungle.

Takahashi Moriki thought of this, and immediately crawled quietly to the side of the forest. Just after climbing a few meters, there was a sudden "pop" sound of objects hitting his side. He was shocked, and immediately lay on the ground motionless, his eyes watched vigilantly outside the forest, lest the faint sound just made be heard by the other party.

At this moment, through the night vision device on his eyes, he saw that half of his body suddenly protruded from the hillside twenty or thirty meters away, and then he heard a slight "squeak" sound.

Takahashi Moriki was startled, knowing that the faint sound he made while crawling just now had aroused the vigilance of the guards on the hillside above. He was lying in the woods and didn't dare to move. At this time, he knew that any movement of his might provoke a whistling arrow.

He was frightened and lay motionless in the bamboo forest, with his head firmly on the grass, he didn't dare to look up, for fear that the night vision goggles on his face would reflect the light and attract the attention of the other party.

Time passed minute by minute in the darkness, and the nerves of Takahashi Moriki's whole body were tense. It can be inserted into his body exactly.

After five or six minutes, Takahashi Moriki heard a slight sound of the bowstring loosening, followed by a very low "swoosh" sound from the hillside above. He breathed a sigh of relief at this time, knowing that the other party had shrunk to the hidden object, he slowly moved his head to look up the side hillside, and sure enough, the figure that had been exposed just now had disappeared, and the dim hillside was silent.

He immediately looked at his side, and immediately realized that the sound just now was made by the long machete that he had captured, and the machete slightly collided with the bamboo stem beside him while he was crawling.

He glanced angrily at the machete hanging on his waist, stretched out his hand and slowly unsheathed the machete, scolding inwardly, "Damn, it turned out to be this thing left by that dead ghost, and it almost killed Lao Tzu. !" He angrily put the machete gently on the grass, and cautiously continued to crawl to the side of the forest.

At this time, he suddenly understood in his heart that he was holding this sharp machete, and in front of many other people who practiced martial arts, he would not be able to protect himself at all, but would easily expose his hidden figure. The long machete was much longer than the Japanese sword they used. He didn't use it well at all, so he might as well give it up now.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and Lingxiu Mountain is shrouded in the thick night. Takahashi Moriki abandoned the machete used by the captured Lingxiu disciples, and under the cover of night, he cautiously crawled up the side hillside, crawling slowly from left to right on the rugged hillside, his eyes tightly closed. Staring at the naturally washed gutter not far away.

At this time, Takahashi Moriki was wearing the camouflaged battlefield cloak, which perfectly combined him with the surrounding scenery. His twisting body did not make a sound while crawling. The breath was covered by the tactical cloak on his body, like a cold and poisonous snake twisting in the mountains, slowly marching towards the ditch not far away.

At this time, Takahashi Moriki has brought up all his skills for decades, and brought the hidden skills of his Takahashi family ninja to the fullest.

It wasn't long before Takahashi Moriki had used the cover of darkness, and quietly climbed to the drainage ditch dozens of meters away under the eyes of the hidden Lingxiu disciples above the hillside. He stopped behind a tall cluster of wormwood, raised his head and looked up the hillside through the gaps in the wormwood around him.

On the hillside two or three hundred meters above the side, a black figure was leaning on the back of the rock, sticking out half of his head and looking down the **** carefully.

Takahashi Moriki looked at the other person's with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and thought to himself: "What martial arts master? I crawled under your nose, and you still can't find it. Hehe, in our high school In front of the bridge family's ninja kung fu, there is no sect of stealth kung fu that dares to claim to be great!"

At this time, he was wearing night vision goggles, and he could clearly see the other person's figure hundreds of meters away. The other party did not have any night vision equipment. In this dark night, even if the other party had the best night vision, the effective sight distance would not exceed 100 meters, so Takahashi Moriki stared at the other party from behind the grass without any scruples. action.

He knew that at this distance, the other party would not be able to see his shadowy action just now. As long as he did not make any noise during the action, these disciples of Lingxiu Sect would have high skill, and he would not be exposed to the other party. in the eyes.

After a while, the figure of the other party suddenly disappeared behind the rock. Obviously, he did not find any abnormality after observation, and then retreated behind the rock to rest.

Takahashi Moriki turned his face to look at the surrounding hillsides. Seeing that there were no other Lingxiu disciples around, he took a deep breath, raised his eyes and glanced at the dark forest hundreds of meters away, then turned to the water beside him. Climb quietly into the ditch, and then follow the ditch full of pebbles to climb up the hill above...

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