Panther Commando

Chapter 2068: rushing water

The night is getting darker and darker, and the sound of the pine waves from the dense forest echoes gently on Lingxiu Mountain.

Takahashi Moriki carefully moved his body little by little in the ditch, lest he would drive the pebbles of different sizes in the ditch to make noise. The distance from where he entered the ditch to the dense forest on the mountainside was only three or four hundred meters, but he carefully climbed in the ditch for more than an hour before he saw a dense forest above his head.

Takahashi Jiro's chest rose and fell sharply, but he tightly suppressed his breathing, lest the rapid breathing spread out and aroused the vigilance of the surrounding Lingxiu disciples.

At this time, apart from a dagger and two grenades, he had no other self-defense weapons at all. On both sides of the ditch, there were open fields overgrown with wormwood and scattered with rocks. Once discovered by an opponent, he would not be able to escape safely from the sharp bows and arrows of many Lingxiu people.

He looked up at the dark forest in front of him, and was not in a hurry to climb in. He knew in his heart that the more at this time, the less he could rush for success! He is currently unable to guess whether there are guards on the edge of the forest above the ditch, and after this long period of slow luck, his physical strength has seriously declined. Once he rushes to act, he may expose his whereabouts and fall short!

Takahashi Moriki lay quietly in the ditch, recovering his strength, and listened carefully to the movements around him. Suddenly, there was a faint "rustling" walking sound in the forest in front of him. The sound was extremely weak, but he had already judged that the other party was in the dense forest not far above his head.

Takahashi Moriki's whole body was stretched, and he lay motionless in the icy ditch. The place where the person in the forest was walking was obviously close at hand, and he judged from the sound from the foot of the person that the person's footsteps were extremely light, and he must be a person with profound skills in the Lingxiu Sect.

Takahashi Moriki quickly held his breath. He knew that these people with profound skills had already practiced the senses and touches of their whole bodies to a level far beyond that of ordinary people during their long-term practice. A man of great skill found it.

Lying nervously in the ditch, he listened carefully to the footsteps in the forest, silently judging the opponent's movements in his heart, and clenched the handle of the saber tightly in his right hand just in case. The sound of footsteps in the forest was extremely slight, but the slight sound reached Takahashi Moriki's ears, but it was like a deafening drumbeat, which made his heart beat wildly.

The sound of footsteps in the forest gradually drifted away. Just as Takahashi Moriki breathed a sigh of relief, the footsteps suddenly stopped, and then a low voice came out, as if someone was lurking in the forest. What are the people in the forest asking? After a while, the voice disappeared, and the sound of footsteps in the forest followed, and the sound became weaker and weaker. It was obvious that this person with profound skills had already walked deep into the forest.

Takahashi Moriki breathed out a long breath. He was about to get up and crawled into the forest that was just a short distance away when suddenly a rustling sound came from not far from the side, followed by the sound of footsteps from the side. He came to the ditch where he was.

Takahashi Moriki was shocked! The sound was obviously coming from the ditch where he was invisible. He put his head tightly on the bottom of the ditch, and his body quickly moved slowly to the side of a pit, then curled up into a ball and pressed against the bottom of the pit, his right hand tightly. Holding the dagger around his waist, he quietly grabbed a grenade with his left hand, in case the opponent found him and quickly killed the approaching person, and quickly rushed into the jungle in front of him with the help of the explosion of the grenade!

At this time, his body was curled up in a deep pit in the ditch, and his whole body was tightly covered by a grass-like camouflage cloak. In the dark night, it really looked like a rock covered with moss at the bottom of the ditch.

The footsteps got closer and closer, and then I saw a black figure appearing from the edge of the ditch. With the sound of clothes fluttering, a column of water flashing white light under the dim moonlight suddenly poured towards Takahashi Moriki's body. The strong smell of urine rushed into the nostrils of Takahashi Moriki, who was lying tightly at the bottom of the ditch!

"Bastard! Are you courting death?" Takahashi Moriki lay motionless at the bottom of the ditch, but he was already cursing in his heart. He clenched the grenade and the dagger tightly in both hands, and at this moment, he scolded the ancestors of the people by the ditch, the eight generations.

The sound of running water lasted for more than a minute, and the urine splashed in the ditch from time to time from the rocks at the bottom of the ditch splashed onto Takahashi Moriki's face. The unpleasant smell made him feel nauseated. , but he didn't dare to move at all, in his heart he could only beg the other party to solve it quickly and get out of the way!

The person by the ditch finished the solution happily and drippingly, then comfortably tied his trousers, and then raised his head to the sky and yawned a big yawn, and then he turned his body and mind and walked towards the distant hillside with satisfaction.

At this time, Takahashi Moriki dared to gently turn his head to the side, his burning eyes staring at the back of the other party's departure, until the other party disappeared behind a cluster of tall bushes on the side of the hill, and then turned his resentful eyes. He took it back and cautiously crawled into the dense forest ahead.

He climbed down the ditch into the dense forest for two or three meters before he stopped, and listened intently for a while in the forest, and then slowly stuck his head out and looked into the surrounding dense forest through the night vision device.

There were thick tree trunks growing in the dark forest, and there was not a single figure in the gap in the forest. After carefully observing the surroundings several times, he raised his hand and wiped it on his face, splashing urine on his face. I wiped away the and then quietly climbed out of the ditch for a few meters, then slowly stood up at the edge of the dense forest along a big tree as thick as one person, and looked up to the outside of the forest. .

At this time, he was shocked. On the hillside more than ten meters outside the forest, the figures hidden behind the rocks and in the bushes appeared under his condescending gaze. There were as many as a dozen people, walking along the edge of the forest. A line of skirmishers was formed, a long curved bow was placed beside each one, and a scimitar that shone coldly in the moonlight was tightly clenched in his hand.

Takahashi Moriki did not expect that the opponent had arranged so many defenders at the edge of the forest. When the boy on the other side was flooding him just now, as long as he moved a little, he might have attracted a dozen salvos from the surrounding bows. Had to be shot like a hedgehog.

He looked at the dark shadow shrouded in the dim moonlight below, and a cold breath came out of his heart. He understood in his heart that although the back mountain was not guarded by military and police, it was equipped with a large number of Lingxiu disciples. Although these martial arts practitioners only have these ancient silent bows and arrows in their hands, once they are discovered, the danger is not much less than that of the military and police armed with modern guns.

Besides, these disciples are all hunters and have good martial arts skills, so they really can't be careless! Fortunately, these people do not have modern night vision equipment, and he has already taken the lead in terms of effective vision.

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