Panther Commando

Chapter 2072: dangerous sniper

The forest is pitch-dark, only dim moonlight and starlight pass through the gaps in the dense canopy, sending a little light into this dense, pitch-black jungle, and it is difficult for ordinary people without night vision equipment to stay in this pitch-dark forest. Action, even with night vision equipment, it is easy to get lost in such a place.

Wan Lin and the others all rushed forward with Xiao Hua anxiously. The figures of several people walked through the thick tree trunks from left to right, with anxious expressions on their faces.

It has been several hours since they entered the forest. Although they have been closely following behind the enemy, they have not directly confronted the opponent. The figure of the opponent is like a loach in the water, as if it is right in front of you. Those who are slippery or not can't grasp the opponent's body at all.

Just when a few people were anxious, "da-da-da", "da-da-da", "bang-bang-bang"..., bursts of faint gunshots suddenly came from the top of the tree canopy behind them.

Wan Lin and the others hurriedly stopped and looked behind them. There were bursts of gunshots accompanied by "Boom" and "Boom" explosions. From the sound, several people immediately judged the sound of gunfire. The sound of the explosion came from the west side of Lingxiu Mountain. There were worried expressions in the eyes of several people. There was Cheng Ru and Kong Dazhuang chasing the enemy. Now I don't know if Xiaoya and Wu Xueying have joined them.

The gunshots sounded from the west **** of Lingxiu Mountain, where Chengru and the others were. Just now, Cheng Ru and Kong Dazhuang were on the southwest hillside, using the strategy of smashing grass and scaring snakes, and ordered the guarded Guoan team members on the mountainside to use firepower to force out several mercenaries in the bamboo forest below the hillside. The other mercenaries rushed down the hillside and fled from the foot of the mountain to the west of Lingxiu Mountain.

Cheng Ru immediately ordered Xiaoya and Wu Xueying who were coming to speed up their progress, and then quickly ran to the west mountainside with Kong Dazhuang.

The two ran fast on the hillside while staring at the foot of the hill, preventing the enemy from rushing up from the hillside under the cover of darkness. When the two of them just ran along the rugged hillside to the west side, a burst of gunfire rang out from their west side of the mountain. Several fiery snakes were swept down the mountain from the mountainside, and the hillside below also appeared. Several flames.

Cheng Ru and Dazhuang hurriedly rushed to the front of the hillside behind two trees as thick as one person, raised their guns from behind the trees and poked their guns towards the hillside below. At this time, the gunshots of the national security team members were still ringing on the mountainside. Four or five fire snakes were spraying bullets at the bottom of the hillside, while the dim hillside below was silent. Only the bullets fired by the national security team members hit the rocks below. Clusters of Mars burst out from above.

Cheng Ru and the two sneaked behind the tree and quickly raised their guns and swept the hillside below, but there was not a single person on the pitch-black hillside. Cheng Ru frowned and was about to call into the microphone to order the Guoan team to stop shooting, but suddenly found that a spark suddenly appeared from the foot of the mountain below him, Cheng Ru was shocked! Just as he was about to turn the muzzle, a series of machine gunshots rang out from behind the big tree twenty or so meters away by his side.

Obviously, the big gun was aimed in this direction, so I saw this faint fire at a glance, and immediately determined that the opponent's sniper was shooting, so I pulled the trigger and swept a long burst to the foot of the mountain, followed by a sudden burst of fire. Retract the gun body, hold the machine gun and pounce behind a few rocks on the side.

Cheng Ru's muzzle immediately aimed at the foot of the mountain. He knew that the opponent's sniper must have moved the sniper position after firing a shot, and now he must be waiting for an opportunity to find a target at another sniper point around the foot of the mountain.

At this time, the gunshots of the Guoan team members on the mountainside had stopped, and Cheng Ru, from the faint voices on the mountainside, immediately judged that a Guoan team member had been injured by the opponent just now, and the team members next to him were urgently bandaging him. , and someone whispered into the microphone to call "hygienist".

It was pitch black at the foot of the mountain, and the hillside on the side suddenly fell into a dead silence. The intense gunshots came to an abrupt end with the sound of machine guns swept out by Kong Dazhuang just now.

Cheng Ru frowned and slowly moved the muzzle and swept across the hillside below. There was no one person in sight under the hillside. He secretly said in his heart: What a cunning opponent. After the sudden attack, he immediately disappeared and changed his position. It seems that the opponent is indeed Different.

He swept across the hillside below, then turned his head to look at the position of the national security team on the mountainside, and saw a black figure stooping and running to the side along the trees and rocks in the mountains. It was obviously the health worker who was running to treat the bullet who had just been hit. players.

Cheng Ru was shocked! I didn't expect that the Guoan people would dare to run under the muzzle of the opponent's sniper. Although he was bent, he could still see his upper body that was hidden and appearing at the bottom of the hillside. Cheng Ru hurriedly faced the microphone. He shouted angrily: "Health worker, you are courting death! Get down! Crawling forward!"

Following his voice, the team member who was stooping and running dashed behind a rock. At this moment, a cluster of sparks suddenly appeared on the rock behind the "pop" sanitation worker. Kong Dazhuang's light machine gun next to Cheng Ru's side also rang a few times, apparently shooting another long burst at the position of the opponent's sniper to prevent him from continuing to shoot.

Cheng Ru quickly turned his eyes to the sight again, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead! If the hygienist just moved a little slower, the bullet must have penetrated into his head!

There was not a single person to be seen under the dimly lit hillside, the endless lake below the mountain made a "swoosh" sound of hitting the banks in the breeze, and the faint moonlight reflected on the lake surface, sparkling bastards! It's really good to hide, this sniper must be killed, this person is too dangerous! Cheng Ru scolded secretly in his heart, and quietly crawled over behind the rock on which Kong Dazhuang was lying on his back.

He quietly climbed to Da Zhuang's side, and said to Da Zhuang in a low voice, "Judging from the gunshots below, there should be three enemies, one of whom is a sniper, this person is too dangerous! I will try to kill him, you are here Provide cover around!"

"Yes!" Kong Dazhuang replied in a low voice, leaning on the back of the machine gun and staring at the dim hillside below.

Cheng Ru then crawled to a bunker of the Guoan soldiers on the side. He rolled into the bunker, waved his hand in a low voice to the team members who were about to raise their hands in a salute lying in the bunker, and ordered in a low voice, "Lend me your assault rifle." With that said, he reached out and took his assault rifle from the stunned Guoan member, turned and crawled to the side.

Cheng Ru quickly twisted his body on the dark hillside and climbed to the side for 40 or 50 meters before he stopped in a pile of rocks on the hillside, sat up behind a large rock, and raised his sniper rifle. He glanced around, then sat behind the rock and took out a square bag from his tactical backpack, then quickly opened it and laid it behind the rock, then lowered his body and started to operate quickly.

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