Panther Commando

Chapter 2073: kill the sniper

With a very slight "humming" sound, a human-shaped thing in front of Cheng Ru swelled rapidly, and a complete tactical dummy swelled rapidly. The painted camouflage uniform and helmet on the body were very realistic, just like a special soldier dress up.

This is a tactical dummy specially designed by Yu Jing for the snipers of the Leopard Commando. It is equipped with a set of sophisticated mechanical devices, which are driven by miniature high-energy batteries. It is difficult to distinguish the true from the false on the battlefield. Pull the trigger to shoot and move in small areas. The low "hum" sound just now was the inflation sound from the air pump dedicated to this tactical dummy.

Cheng Ru then carefully placed the dummy behind a rock on the side, followed by placing the borrowed assault rifle on the rock, firmly fixing the gun body with a few rocks, and the muzzle facing the hillside where the sniper appeared just now. Then the dummy's left hand held the gun body, the right index finger was on the trigger, and then the bolt of the assault rifle was gently pulled.

He did all this quickly, and immediately lay on the back of the rock, and cautiously crawled behind a rock dozens of meters away from the side.

The Guoan soldier not far from him watched Cheng Ru's movements in surprise. It was not until Cheng Ru left that he realized that a figure had appeared out of thin air behind the rock. The figure was holding his assault rifle and aiming down the slope.

At this time, he realized that the special forces had actually created a tactical dummy at this moment. It seemed that he wanted to use his assault rifle and this dummy to attract the enemy's firepower.

Cheng Ru cautiously crawled forward on the hillside, climbed behind the rock on the side, took a quick look at the surrounding environment, identified two spare sniper positions, and then quietly stretched out his sniper rifle from the side of the rock in the dark, followed by He took out a small square box the size of a matchbox and pulled out a thin antenna, and then looked at the side tactical dummy and gently pressed the button on the remote control device.

Following his movements, an extremely weak green light lit up on the small remote control in his hand, and the side of the tactical dummy also trembled slightly. The tactical dummy had obviously been activated. ready to receive remote commands.

Cheng Ru was ready, and immediately put his head tightly on the cheek support of the sniper rifle, his eyes were fixed on the scope of the gun, and the muzzle of the gun was quickly aimed at the dark hillside below.

He made all preparations and ordered softly: "Attention to all the national security team members in the No. 1 area, you are not allowed to shoot without my order." Then he ordered in a firm tone: "Big Zhuang, two long bursts, I will kill the enemy. Snipers! Fire".

Following Cheng Ru's order, Da Zhuang's position immediately "bang bang bang", "bang bang bang"... The sound of machine guns sounded, and immediately stopped shooting and lay behind the rock. At the same time, Cheng Ru's left hand quickly pressed the shooting button on the remote control, and the automatic gunshots of "da da da", "da da da"... immediately came out of the tactical dummy, and the gun spewed out. The firelight immediately reflected the dummy's half-head out of the rock to flicker.

At this moment, a flash of fire suddenly flashed four or five hundred meters down the hillside, followed by a "pop" sound from the tactical dummy. The "da-da-da" gunshots from the rifle shooting still reverberated, and clusters of fire continued to spew out from the muzzle, and the slight "hissing" sound of air leakage at the dummy echoed on the hillside with the gunshots. .

At the same time as the faint flames flashed down the slope, "Pfft", Cheng Ru's hand had already pulled the trigger lightly, and the muzzle of the sniper rifle suddenly spewed out a cluster of weak flames, and he followed the gun to the side of a tree. Rolled away from behind the tree, then quickly shot out and aimed down the slope. In his scope, a black shadow turned up from behind a rock on the bottom of the slope, and then rolled over the hillside for two weeks before standing still on the hillside.

At this moment, a flash of fire burst out from the "whoosh" hillside, and a black grenade roared up the **** and flew straight to the location of the tactical dummy where the gunshots were still ringing.

Cheng Ru, who had just tumbled behind the tree on the side, turned his head and saw the fire from the bottom of the mountain, his heart tightened, holding the sniper rifle and pounced towards a rock on the side. At the same time, the machine gun sound of "bang bang bang" sounded immediately at Kong Dazhuang's location, covering the side Chengru and quickly moved his position.

"Boom", with a loud explosion, a flame suddenly exploded from the top of the rock where the tactical dummy was located. The stone fell on him with a thud, and the burst of fire immediately illuminated the hillside.

Cheng Ruyu jumped behind the rock and immediately turned his head to look at the side where the tactical dummy was. With the jet of fire, the gunshots of the assault rifles on the rock stopped abruptly, and a piece of gravel rolled in the air with a black shadow in it, followed by the rising gravel that landed on the hillside with a "slap" sound. .

Cheng Ru looked at the blown up dummy with a bit of misery in his heart. Although it was a dummy, in the end it was helping him kill the extremely threatening enemy sniper. This is his comrade in arms! Unexpectedly, from the time of appearance to the death of this, it only survived for a few minutes on this dark battlefield.

Several national security players not far away were also shocked when they saw the black shadow flying not far away! Just now, they had seen Lieutenant Colonel Cheng crawling behind the rock, but they didn't notice that he had quietly moved behind the rock dozens of meters away from the side, except that the national security team member who borrowed the gun knew that Cheng Ru had moved quietly. The rest of the staff thought that the sound of the assault rifle just now was a rain of bullets swept out by Lieutenant Colonel Cheng.

Now, when they saw the figure flying up in the flames, they all thought it was Lieutenant Colonel Cheng who was blown up by a grenade, and the eyes of every national security team member were red! Now they saw that the machine gunners of the special forces on the side had already fired at the bottom of the hillside, and immediately forgot what Cheng Ru had just ordered. They pulled the trigger one by one and swept down the hillside with the sound of Kong Dazhuang's gunshots.

On the dim hillside, there were clusters of mud stirred up by the hot bullets. After some withered grass and dry branches were hit by the bullets, clusters of sparks emerged, and wisps of black smoke rose up in the dim moonlight. The hillside with sparks of sparks seemed to be boiling, and the sound of intense gunfire echoed throughout the silent Lingxiu Mountains.

At this time, in the hunter's courtyard on the mountainside opposite Lingxiu Mountain, two old people were standing in the courtyard and looking up at Lingxiu Mountain opposite the lake. Behind the two old men, stood Wen Meng, who was fully armed with a sniper rifle, and the grandson of the old master, Xie Chao, and his granddaughter, Shanhua.

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