Panther Commando

Chapter 2074: cold spring

The old man and the old head of the Wan family stood quietly in the dimly lit small courtyard, with serious expressions on their faces. Shan Hua nervously held Wen Meng's left arm tightly, her big eyes flashing. With a frightened look.

From the faint sound of the first gunshots at night, the old man of the Wan family and the old master have already come to the courtyard, quietly staring at Lingxiu Mountain in the distance. The heavy drumsticks beat **** the hearts of several people. The old head and Xie Chao had to lift their feet to walk down the mountain several times, but they were all pulled back by the old Wan family and Wen Meng.

There was a fierce light flashing in the eyes of the old head, and the seemingly thin body exuded waves of cold air. Wen Meng and several people unconsciously took a few steps back. The cold temperature in the mountain area made several people feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

The old man of Wan family stared for a while at the flames that appeared in the distant mountains, turned his head and glanced at the old master, and saw that he was the same as Xie Chao and Shanhua behind him, with a nervous look on his face. The old man grinned and said in a low voice, "Brother, there are my grandsons over there, don't worry, your Lingxiu Mountain treasure will never be snatched away by those bastards."

The old man comforted the old head in his mouth, but his eyes glanced in the direction of Lingxiu Mountain again, and there was also a worried look in his eyes. Wan Lin and several people have excellent killing skills, but there is a battlefield where bullets are haunted. No one can guarantee that the flying bullets have eyes to avoid their disciples and grandchildren.

At this time, it was the early spring season. The temperature difference between day and night in the mountains was very large. A gust of mountain wind blew, and several people felt chills. The old man of Wanjia turned his head and looked around, and saw that the mountain flower who was holding Wen Meng tightly was shaking slightly in the cold wind. The cold and nervousness made the little girl's face turn pale. The old man of Wanjia shook his head gently, knowing that Shanhua had no internal strength foundation, and it was difficult to resist the wind chill at night in such a cold and late night.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the old head's arm and then comforted: "Brother, it's no big deal! Isn't it just a few bastards? I can't run away from them! Hehehe, it seems that we can't sleep tonight. Let's go back to the house. , I'll tell you how my disciples and grandchildren cleaned up these **** when these **** attacked my hometown. Look at Xiaoshanhua's freezing. Shanhua, let's go, go back to the house and listen to grandpa's advice You tell stories".

As the old man said, he took the old head and walked towards the fire-lit wooden house. Xie Chao and Shanhua raised their eyes and glanced deeply at the other side of the lake. Looking in the direction, there is still a worried look in his eyes.

As Shan Hua walked, she held Wen Meng's arm tightly with her small hands, while Xie Chao's right hand kept tightly gripping the hilt of the military dagger at his waist, and there were cold lights in his eyes. Xie Chao is the young master of Lingxiu Sect. There are many disciples and the treasure in Lingxiu Mountain, but he is far across the lake at this time. No wonder his heart is so nervous.

Wen Meng was pulled by Shanhua to the door, and then whispered to Shanhua: "You go into the house and listen to Grandpa Wan's story, I'll take a look here." With that, he gently pushed the nervous Shanhua into the house.

She knew that her grandfather was disturbed by watching the old master, so she wanted to pull them into the house to tell the story of Leopard Head and the others killing the enemy, and divert their attention. At the same time, it also relieves the old man's own nervous mood. Now their relatives are fighting with the enemy in the sound of gunfire and explosions, and everyone will feel nervous and anxious.

The old man of Wanjia walked into the wooden house, turned his head to look at Wen Meng who was standing outside the house, and said kindly: "Girl, the wind in the mountains is hard, come in in a while." Wen Meng quickly agreed and then gently pulled the door of the room. He walked towards the courtyard with his sniper rifle, his eyes staring at the flashes of fire from time to time in the distance, his eyes filled with worry.

At this time, Wen Meng's mood was indeed very complicated. A group of comrades are now fighting on the fierce battlefield, but she has become a bystander standing in the mountains in the distance, which makes her, a sniper with extremely stable psychological quality, agitated. She thought several times. He asked the microphone about the battle situation in front of him, but then he forcibly suppressed the desire in his heart and gave up the inquiry.

In fact, she also understands in her heart that the courage on her shoulders is not easy. Once the enemy appears in the martial arts conference venue with thousands of people at the foot of the mountain, it may cause harm to these civilians. At that time, she has to bear the burden of protecting so many civilians by herself. The responsibility on the shoulders is not easy at all.

Although there are two masters of martial arts, the master and the old master, but the opponents are gangsters with modern weapons. Once they jump over the wall and use powerful weapons, it is difficult for them to be stopped by pure martial arts.

At this time, the whole mountain was shrouded in dim moonlight, and the crooked moon in the sky was already hanging diagonally in mid-air, and a chilly breeze blew across the mountains, swaying the bamboo forest in front of the hunter's courtyard. There was a slight "whoosh" sound.

Wen Meng stood alone in the dim hunter's courtyard, two big eyes flashing with a glittering light, staring at the fire from time to time on Lingxiu Mountain in the distance without blinking.

The light from the fire in the wooden house behind her filtered through the window lattice, illuminating the front of the house flickering. Grandpa is slowly telling the story of Yamaguchi mercenaries sending two teams of mercenaries to his hometown to take The old man's voice is sometimes low, sometimes high-pitched, and the tones are mixed The sound of the spring water slowly flowing down from the side of the Hunter's Courtyard is like the long drum sound echoing in the sound of the gurgling spring water in the middle of the night, which is very distant.

Wen Meng stared at the dark mountains in the distance, holding the long sniper rifle in her hands tightly. She wanted to go to the fierce battlefield in the distance, and felt heavy for her courage. She stared at the distance. , while listening to the earphones in his ears, lest he miss the call of the leopard head.

The pace of time is slowly moving forward in the darkness. It is already past three o’clock in the middle of the night. The crooked moon in the night sky has risen above Lingxiu Lake, and the stars are hanging high in the night sky. Glittering pale silver light.

The wide lake at the foot of the mountain reflects a little starlight, the middle of the lake reflects the crooked moon in the sky, and the calm lake is rippling with the breeze. The tall crescent moon and the stars seemed to be frozen in the night sky, motionless, but the reflection on the water seemed to be flowing with the ripples of a **.

There are still sporadic gunshots from time to time on Lingxiu Mountain, and occasionally there are one or two violent explosions. The bursting firelight illuminates the dark night sky with flickering and red lights.

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