Panther Commando

Chapter 2075: Despair in the dark

On the west side of Lingxiu Mountain, Kameda, the second group leader of the mercenary team, was lying on the bottom of a rock on the hillside.

At the beginning of the battle, he took five team members to provide cover for his captain Saito, but now, only one of his five team members is left. In just a few hours of fighting, his team members were almost lost, which made him feel hopeless for this mission.

Kameda glanced at the men lying around, then turned his head silently, reached out and counted the ammunition on his body. There was only one spare magazine for the assault rifle left on his bulletproof tactical vest, and only the last grenade. , only the last two grenades hung on his left shoulder.

After Kameda counted the few ammunition reserves left on his body, his heart felt as heavy as a mountain. He turned his head and glanced at his companion not far away, and secretly said in his heart: "It is estimated that the ammunition on his body is almost the same as his own, it is close to I'm running out of ammunition and food. I didn't expect a seemingly simple mission, how could a group of opponents with such powerful combat power suddenly appear?"

Kameda really didn't want to understand. Judging from the overall strength of the opponent, most of the people who formed the cordon on the mountainside were recruits and had no field experience at all, but there were a few rare field masters hidden inside. , After a few hours of fighting, four of his team members fell on the hillside, and they all lost their lives in the hands of these masters.

He is already a veteran of the Yamaguchi security guard. He has experienced countless bullets among the mercenaries with his team leader Saito, but he has rarely encountered such a difficult task. On this pitch-black hillside, their every move seemed to be in front of the opponent's eyes.

Everything in front of him really made Kameda feel jealous of the few ghostly opponents who followed him closely. He looked up at the dim hillside above his head and thought to himself: Damn, those tough opponents must be waiting for him on the hillside above. He had secretly moved from the southern hillside to the western hillside under the cover of the night, just to avoid these tough opponents, but the other party must have guessed his intentions, maybe waiting for him to take the bait on the dark hillside above. !

Kameda thought of this, looked up at the dark forest on the mountainside, and suddenly hesitated in his heart: Are the two of them continuing to advance towards this dense forest that is so close at hand? Do you continue to follow Fujita's orders until six in the morning?

He looked at the dim hillside above and was undecided. The dense forest on the hillside and the lake below the mountain were making the sound of rushing pine waves and the sound of water waves hitting the lake shore. There was a burst of irritability in my heart.

If you continue to go to the hillside, you and your companions will most likely be buried on this hillside, and the sniper on your side has been killed by the other side. There is no sniper's cover now, and once the two of them are against those tough opponents, it is estimated that the possibility of even retreating is extremely low.

He hesitated and glanced at his companion on the side. Under the faint starlight, his companion was also turning his head to look at him, obviously asking for the next move. At this moment, he has seen a look of fear just like himself in the shining eyes of his subordinates.

He raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was already four o'clock in the middle of the night, and it was just over an hour before the six o'clock ordered by Saito. If he quit at this time, once the boss Kuroda knew about it, he would definitely not be able to eat. Go, and it does damage his reputation as a veteran mercenary.

He bit his teeth and cursed in his heart: "Damn, if you have a life or death, you will fight again! At least you have to stick to the retreat time node of six o'clock, otherwise your fame will end here!"

He turned around abruptly and made a few gestures to his companion not far away. Using tactical sign language, he ordered him to detour to the side. Mountainside jungle.

The other party hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand and made a "understand" gesture, and then slowly climbed towards the bamboo forest on the side hillside. Seeing that his subordinates had already moved, Kameda silently prepared the last grenade, and then slowly climbed out from behind the rock and quietly climbed to a bush above the hillside.

At this time, Cheng Ru was lying in a bush under the dense forest on the west hillside, holding his gun and staring at the hillside below. Several dozen meters away from his side, Kong Dazhuang's machine gun was mounted between two rocks, and the icy muzzle was also facing the hillside below.

The dimly lit hillside was quiet, and the effective sight distance of the night vision goggles on their faces was less than a kilometer, so they could only see the blurry scenery on the hillside in the distance, the small trees and The tender bamboos are like swaying figures in the dark, and it is difficult to observe the movement of the hillside below. Moreover, the bursts of "whoosh" from the lake in the distance and the forest behind them also covered up any noise from the hillside.

Cheng Ru and Kong Dazhuang stared closely at the bottom of the hillside, they both knew that the opponent was below, the dim light and the bumpy hillside provided the enemy with a huge natural protection umbrella, which was impossible at all. Observing the position of the enemy, at this time they did not dare to relax in the slightest.

On the hillside below the dense forest on the west side of the hillside, several national security team members were lying in the bunker they had constructed, holding guns at the bottom of the slope. Only thirty or so people from the National Security team came here to carry out this mission. With such a small number of people to set up defenses on the huge Lingxiu Mountain, it was impossible to seal the entire hillside tightly.

At this moment, Cheng Ru was lying behind his sniper rifle aiming at the dim hillside below, but he was carefully recalling the battle situation from the beginning of the battle to the present, ready to judge the opponent's next move strategy.

As of now, he notes that four enemies have been annihilated. At the beginning of the battle, he shot and killed an enemy who was blasted out by a grenade on the rock on the mountainside that was alert at the time, followed by Da Zhuang and shot two enemies who were forced out by Zhangwa's grenade with a machine gun. Using a tactical dummy, the enemy's snipers were attracted to kill them with one shot. As a result, there are currently four known enemies who died under their own guns.

Judging from the fire from the enemy's muzzle in the battle just now, the enemy on the southern hillside was only six or seven in size. Now it seems that the enemy has been killed by four people, and there will never be more than three people on the hillside below.

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