Panther Commando

Chapter 2077: risking death

Cheng Ru quickly moved the muzzle of his gun and looked in the direction of the bamboo forest where the enemy had just rushed, thinking in his heart: Is the enemy going to bypass the western hillside and move towards the northern hillside?

Thinking of this, he immediately moved the muzzle of his gun to take a look at the hillside on the northwest side, and cursed inwardly: What a cunning mercenary, he really used small animals to detect the firepower distribution of the national security team. Now the enemy suddenly opened fire, obviously wanting to use the firepower to scout the positions of the sniper and the machine gunner, it seems that the other party is indeed afraid of them.

In the previous battle, the opponent must have realized that the two of them are the opponents that threaten them the most, so they sent one person to suddenly attack to judge the position of the two of them, so as to try to avoid them in the following battle. two of them.

Cheng Ru immediately retracted his sniper rifle, lowered his body and commanded into the microphone: "Da Zhuang, covertly move to the northwest side of the hill!" "Yes." He immediately heard a loud and loud response from his earphones, and followed Cheng Ru to watch. When Da Zhuang stepped back from the rock with a machine gun, he crawled and moved towards the dense forest behind him.

Cheng Ru followed and said into the microphone: "Wan Xiaoya, Wu Xueying, the enemy may be moving towards the hillside on the northwest side of you, be careful!" "Yes" Xiaoya and Wu Xueying's voices followed.

Cheng Ru issued an order and quickly crawled towards the edge of the jungle behind him with a sniper rifle. On the hillside shrouded in darkness, he quickly twisted his body and climbed over the bunker of a national security soldier, then got into the dense forest behind, then stood up with a gun, and ran along the edge of the dense forest to the north slope. past. At this time, Kong Dazhuang also crawled into the forest from the side hillside, got up and ran forward behind Cheng Ru.

Cheng Ru and Kong Dazhuang had just run a few hundred meters toward the northwest hillside. Suddenly, two series of rapid gunshots were heard from the hillside below, and two strings of fire came from Zhulin Mountain. Sora flickered twice.

Cheng Ru and Kong Dazhuang were shocked, and suddenly felt a surge of blood rush to their minds! It must be Xiaoya or Wu Xueying who met the enemy unexpectedly in the bamboo forest. With the sound of gunfire, the bamboo forest in the distance shook for a while, followed by the sound of "bang", "bang", and "bang" in the darkness.

Cheng Ru moved quickly, jumped out of the forest, went straight to the hillside on the right and rushed out, shouting into the microphone at the same time: "Da Zhuang, cover!" Before he finished speaking, his body was already like a black Like smoke, it rushed down the hillside, swaying from side to side!

At this time, he could no longer care about hiding his figure, and ran directly to the bamboo forest below on the dim hillside. From the voice just now, he had already judged that Xiaoya or Wu Xueying had already met the opponent in the bamboo forest, and he had to rush out to provide support for his comrades!

He had just run for dozens of meters on the hillside, and a burst of fire erupted from the bottom of the hillside, and a heat wave swept straight towards Chengru's flying figure. With the fire from the bottom of the hillside, "bang bang bang", there was a dull sound of machine gunfire on the hillside near the dense forest on the mountainside, followed by a tall figure suddenly standing up from the dark hillside, his chest The flaming snake rushed straight down the hillside where the flaming snake had just emerged.

Obviously, Da Zhuang saw that Cheng Ru was in danger, so he immediately stood up from the hillside and rushed down. The machine gun in his hand sprayed a rain of bullets, whistling and sweeping down the hillside where the fire just emerged below, condescendingly with strong machine gun firepower. Suppress the opponent and prevent the opponent from posing a threat to Chengru.

Several national security soldiers in the tactical bunker at the back were shocked. No one expected that two special forces would be on such a dangerous battlefield. Comrades in the bamboo forest!

As Kong Dazhuang rushed out with a machine gun, the national security team members also stood up from the bunker, the assault rifles in their hands "da-da-da", "da-da-da"... they sprayed fire snakes at the hillside below, followed by He jumped out from behind the bunker and rushed down the hillside with Kong Dazhuang.

The hillside where a fire burst out just now and attacked Chengru, was immediately covered by a violent rain of bullets, and the national security team members rushed down bravely with the figures of the two special forces in front.

"bang bang bang", "bang bang bang", Kong Dazhuang swept away a shuttle of machine gun bullets in the charge, and then found seven or eight national security soldiers rushing down the hillside behind him. The soldier would rush down with himself and Cheng Ru so valiantly, he quickly replaced a new magazine, and while strafing the hillside below, he stopped and shouted at the rushing Guoan team: "Hide, hide now! "

He knew that these national security team members were incomparable to those of his own special forces. Once the enemy found an opportunity to counterattack, these brave national security team members were likely to be hit by enemy bullets.

The team members who rushed down heard the roar of the special forces soldier in the sound of gunfire, and hurriedly got down on the hillside, each found a concealed object and then shot down the hill. During the shooting, Kong Dazhuang saw that Cheng Ru had rushed into the bamboo forest below the side like a black smoke, and the Guoan team members behind him had also concealed, and immediately rushed behind a rock on the side.

With the sudden sound of gunfire from the enemy under the hillside, Cheng Ru, who was running on the hillside, suddenly felt a heat on his left shoulder, and then he felt a burning sensation, and a sharp pain rushed straight from his left arm to his brain. .

He immediately realized that he had been hit by a bullet in his left arm! He sank in his but he didn't slow down, he flicked his body and ran forward again. He knew that there were comrades behind him who would provide cover for him, so he continued to go down sideways without slowing down. running in the bamboo forest. Sure enough, with the sound of the enemy's gunshots, the sound of big and dull machine gunfire and the violent gunshots of the national security team immediately sounded behind him.

It was Wu Xueying who was fighting fiercely with the enemy in the bamboo forest below. Just now, according to Cheng Ru's order, she and Xiaoya ran quickly to the northwest under the cover of the night, and then quickly rushed up the hillside. Wu Xueying rushed directly to the halfway up the mountain, and was separated from Xiaoya with Xiaobai at the bottom of the hill. A distance of two or three hundred meters, then a skirmish line searched for the side hillside.

Wu Xueying picked up the plants and rocks on the hillside with her assault rifle, bent down and quickly moved towards the side hillside, and approached a bamboo forest in front of her. Suddenly, I saw a figure flashing three or four meters in front of me.

She was shocked! She lifted the gun and pulled the trigger, and as a string of flames spewed from the muzzle, her body immediately threw to the side.

At the same time, a string of fire was also sprayed from the opposite side. Neither of them expected the figure of the enemy to suddenly appear here. They lifted the gun at the same time and pulled the trigger, and their bodies were also at the same time. The thick bamboo shoots behind.

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