Panther Commando

Chapter 2078: Bamboo forest battle

During the emergency response, Wu Xueying and her opponent jumped in the same direction at the same time. The two of them stared at each other's figure in the air, and they jumped up from the ground when they landed.

The movements of the two were extremely fast, and the gunshots were still alive. The two of them had already emerged from the forest and stood face to face! At this point, the two of them could no longer aim at each other through the muzzle of the gun, so they each took a step towards their opponent.

Just as Wu Xueying jumped up from the ground, the assault rifle in the opponent's hand was already slamming down on her head with the sound of wind! Wu Xueying's expression changed drastically. "Click", the two assault rifles slammed together.

Wu Xueying only felt a numbness in her right arm holding the gun, her right hand released suddenly, and the assault rifle in her hand slammed to the ground. The opponent was condescending and swung the assault rifle with great force, and Wu Xueying was caught off guard.

Wu Xueying was shocked! She didn't expect the opponent's strength to be so great, she suddenly released the right hand holding the gun, staggered back and took a step back under the strength of the opponent's gun.

At this time, the two were close at hand, and neither of them had time to draw out other weapons on their bodies. Knowing that the opponent's strength is not as strong as himself, he has already taken the lead in the hand-to-hand combat!

He suddenly took a step forward under his feet, and the long spear in his hand swung up again, with a "woo", and smashed it condescendingly at the shadow that had just exited.

At this moment, the gun that the mercenary had just swung up suddenly made a "snap" sound, and the swung gun slammed into the bamboo branches growing above the bamboo trunk, and the body that was rushing forward suddenly stopped. for a moment.

In a hurry, he didn't notice that he took a step, and his body happened to stand beside the bamboo trunk Wu Xueying was standing on just now. The thick branches stretched above the thick bamboo trunk, blocking the assault rifle he vigorously raised.

At the moment when the mercenary's body suddenly stopped, there was a "swoosh" in front of him, a long leg like a stick, suddenly lifted up with a wind, and ran straight to his lower abdomen.

The mercenaries are shocked! Unexpectedly, the opponent has adjusted his posture during his short pause, and launched a counterattack with a strong wind on his feet!

In a panic, he quickly released the assault rifle in his right hand, moved back quickly, his left arm slammed down, and his right hand quickly reached the pistol handle on the right side of his thigh.

"Clap", the opponent's raised right foot slammed into the arm he was hurriedly blocking, and a strong force immediately came up along his arm, and his body staggered back.

The mercenary's expression changed, he didn't expect the opponent's kick to be so powerful! He didn't care to continue drawing the gun in his right hand, he quickly raised a hand to grab the bamboo stem beside him, and his body suddenly turned to the back of the bamboo stem by the force from the opponent's feet. But at this moment, the other party's body had followed him like a shadow, and his right hand, like a knife, had already slammed into his neck with the sound of wind.

The mercenary was shocked and immediately realized that he had encountered a master! In the previous fight, he had already seen that the opponent's strength was definitely not as good as his own, otherwise the assault rifle in his hand would not have been smashed by himself, but the opponent actually took advantage of his short pause to quickly launch a storm-like offensive. Shi not only moves extremely fast, but also moves straight to the point of his own, this is by no means an ordinary opponent!

At this time, Wu Xueying had calmed down from the shock, and the weapon in her hand was smashed into the air just before she met her opponent, which made a raging flame burst out of her heart! Her pretty face under her bulletproof helmet was taut, her big eyes staring fiercely at each other with a terrifying light, and her hands and feet attacked the enemy in front of her like a storm.

She knows that the opponent is tall and strong, and she is definitely at a disadvantage in strength, so in this close combat, she must not let the opponent play this advantage. She must use the quick movement and the storm-like offensive to entangle the opponent.

Fortunately, after the opponent smashed the gun in her hand, the continuous attack suddenly stopped. She immediately seized the short opportunity to launch a counterattack, quickly stood on her feet, and took a half step forward, a burst of true energy slammed towards the enemy. The flying right leg rushed, and the right foot full of internal force flew up, causing the opponent's body to lose balance. Following the left palm to protect his chest, he jumped up and swung his right palm to hit the opponent's neck artery.

Just when her right palm was about to hit the opponent, the other side pulled a bamboo stem to hide behind the thick bamboo stem. A cold light suddenly flashed from Wu Xueying's two big eyes, the right palm that she hit retracted like lightning, her body suddenly leaned back, and her right foot that had just been retracted suddenly lifted up, kicking the thick bamboo stem in front of her. .

"Pa", the bamboo stem with the thick mouth of the bowl bent back sharply, the opponent had just dodged behind the bamboo stem, his right hand was quickly grabbing the pistol handle on the side of his thigh, the flexible bamboo stem in front of him had already made a "squeak", Under the opponent's feet, he suddenly pressed in front of him.

A cold sweat broke out on the back of the mercenary's back. Unexpectedly, the opponent who seemed to be lacking in strength just now would stumble back with one kick and kick the thick bamboo stem with one kick. Gotta bend down.

He didn't care to pull out the pistol, his body suddenly fell backwards with the bamboo trunk that was pressing on the face, and when he landed on the ground, he quickly rolled out on the forest floor, and then he suddenly pulled out the pistol in the rapid rolling, and with the "crash" With the sound of a bullet being loaded, his body jumped up from the ground, and when he raised his right hand, he pulled the slap", and a burst of fire shot out from his right hand.

At the moment when the mercenary fired, the black shadow in front of him suddenly jumped to the side, and the sound of gunshots rang out from the shadow of the opponent. Obviously, the opponent also quickly pulled out the pistol during dodge, and a hot wind flew towards his position. After the mercenary fired a shot, his body did not stop in the slightest, and he suddenly rushed to the side of the forest.

With the sound of pistol gunshots resounding at almost the same time in the front and back, the whistling bullets swept past the two of them with a sharp air breaking sound and two heat waves.

The two of them landed and quickly rolled out to the side. With the rolling bodies, the gunshots of "papapa" sounded one after another, firelight burst out one after another in the dark bamboo forest, and the whistling bullets shot continuously towards the other's rolling body. go.

Wu Xueying's face was as cold as frost, her body rolled quickly on the forest floor, her eyes with night vision goggles were staring at the other person's figure during the rolling, and the pistol in her hand shot fire light at the other person's rolling figure from time to time.

"Da", "Da", with the sound of two pistols hitting the air, the two of them jumped up from the woods, their right hands raised at the same time, and smashed the pistols in front of each other, followed by He kicked the woodland under his feet and charged towards his opponent like an arrow from the string.

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