Panther Commando

Chapter 2082: North Slope Trap

Wu Xueying hurriedly put the assault rifle in Xiaoya's hand, raised her hand to salute Xiaoya and Kong Dazhuang, and said in a low voice, "Two instructors take care!" Then she turned around and quickly chased after Chengru, and snatched it away With the sniper rifle in his right hand, the two quickly ran towards Lingxiu Mountain together.

Xiaoya and Kong Dazhuang took a deep look at the top of Lingxiu Mountain, which was burning with fire, then turned around and hurriedly ran towards Xiaobai in front. Xiaobai in front seemed to sense the nervousness of the two of them at the back, so he immediately lowered his head and sniffed the grass in the mountains, picked up his speed and ran towards the dark mountains in the south.

Xiaoya stared closely at Xiaobai's figure in front of her from behind. At this time, she saw that Xiaobai was indeed running towards the south of the martial arts conference, and felt a burst of anxiety in her heart.

The enemy who escaped in front was not an ordinary gangster. He was a mercenary with all kinds of weapons and weapons. Once he jumped over the wall and attacked those martial arts practitioners gathered on the lakeshore, it would not be an accident for one or two people. What happened, it is very likely to cause heavy casualties in this beautiful mountain!

So they must catch up with this dangerous enemy as soon as possible, and kill him in one fell swoop before he can inflict damage on the crowd at the martial arts conference!

At this time, she could no longer care about hiding her figure, so she used Qinggong to run over the grass and rocks on the side of the mountain. After a short time, she had thrown Kong Dazhuang dozens of meters away.

At this time, Kong Dazhuang stretched his long legs and followed Xiaoya in front of him. At this time, he felt that he really couldn't keep up with this quiet and weak girl.

The two followed Xiaobai in front for more than ten kilometers, and Kong Dazhuang in the back suddenly noticed that Xiaoya, who was shaking fast in front, suddenly stopped. The gurgling stream was turning to look upstream, and Xiaobai was running back and forth along the stream with his head lowered, his head almost touching the rocks on the edge of the stream, sniffing the ground hard.

Kong Dazhuang understood immediately that the enemy must have fled along the stream, and Xiaobai had lost the enemy's trace here. He gasped and looked up to the upstream direction of the stream. Among the dim mountains, a few bright streams of water were flashing on the hillside in the distance.

No wonder Xiaobai, who has a keen sense of smell, is also wandering around. The stream in front of him is formed from several streams in the mountains in front of him, and the streams that reflect the faint moonlight at night point in different directions among the mountains. Under the current circumstances, it was really difficult for Xiaobai to tell which stream the enemy was running in.

Da Zhuang stared at the mountain in front of him and gasped for a while, then turned to look at Xiaoya. Xiaoya's brows were furrowed at this time, and she was raising her gun through the night vision scope on her gun, scanning the streams in front of her that reflected the crystal and luster in the moonlight.

At this moment, Xiaoya noticed that Dazhuang was looking at her, put down her assault rifle and turned her head and said in a low voice, "Several streams flow down the terrain from different directions in the mountains ahead. It is difficult for us to judge the enemy's whereabouts now. I don't have time to take Xiaobai to search along several streams."

She paused when she said this, turned her head to look at a stream in the south, and continued: "Since the enemy is trying to escape, I guess he can only walk in the south of the Wulin Conference site, where not only people gather, but also And it is also close to the mountain road, so it is easy to find a means of transportation to escape this beautiful mountainous area. In this case, we will chase in the direction of the south side of the lake. No matter whether we find an enemy or not, we will meet with Grandpa and Wen Meng as soon as possible to prevent the enemy from attacking The attendees over there cause harm!"

After Xiaoya finished speaking, she turned to look at Kong Dazhuang and asked for his opinion. Da Zhuang nodded thoughtfully and replied, "Your analysis makes sense. The enemy has to flee as soon as possible and can only run to the south. Then we will chase down this south stream!" He said, raising his finger and pointing to the guide surface. Dark mountains.

"Let's go! Xiaobai and I run fast, you can just follow after, ready to provide support at any time" Xiaoya replied immediately, followed by pointing at Xiaobai in front of the stream in the south, raised her feet and ran forward.

Kong Dazhuang smiled bitterly, and quickly followed with his machine gun in hand. He knows that his marching speed is not slow, and he can be regarded as a leader in any special forces, but compared with the children of the Wan family who have deep internal strength, there is indeed a huge gap...

At this time, in the dense forest on the back mountain to the north of Lingxiu Mountain, Takahashi Mori was moving towards the top of the mountain in the dark jungle like a ghost. In his monocular night vision goggles, big trees stood vaguely around, like tall figures, and the branches and leaves on the top of the trees made a "rushing" sound in the night wind.

The nerves of Takahashi Moriki's whole body were tense, and his right hand held the hilt of the saber tightly, as if a figure might burst out at any time behind the thick tree trunks in front of him. His eyes were fixed on every big tree around him, and he knew that the seemingly peaceful dense forest in front of him was actually full of dangers. Not only were there some wise men with bows and arrows and machetes hidden here, but there might also be traps.

A few days ago, his nephew Takahashi Jiro and the three of them followed the north **** up the mountain. Now, although the entrance of the cave in the back mountain has been blown up and There must be a very powerful mechanism rearranged in the dense forest. , he really did not dare to slack off at this time.

Just when Takahashi Moriki was paying attention to the movement in the surrounding forest, his left foot suddenly felt empty, and his body staggered forward and fell! Takahashi Moriki was shocked! He reacted quickly and slammed his right knee, his body rose to the ground with a "swoosh", his left hand reached up, grabbed a thick tree trunk above his head, swayed a few times in the air, and slammed toward the ground. He swung behind him, leaving his position just now.

Just as he flew backwards backwards, a light blue shimmer suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and when he landed, he disappeared behind a tree and looked nervously at the surrounding forest. The surrounding forest has been quiet, and there is no silhouette or sound of pulling bows and arrows.

Takahashi Moriki let out a long sigh, knowing that the forest in front of him must be a trap set up by Lingxiu's disciples, he secretly exclaimed: "Damn, it's dangerous! If the reaction was a little slower just now, he would definitely plunge into the trap in front of him. Now, there is something dangerous installed in the trap!"

Fortunately, he responded quickly and didn't step on the trap, otherwise the sound of the trap collapsing would definitely attract the attention of the hidden Lingxiu disciples around. He quickly took a deep breath, calmed down his beating heart, and then looked up at the faint light he had just discovered.

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