Panther Commando

Chapter 2083: fleeing in the woods

It was only then that Takahashi Moriki discovered that a faint blue light was flashing on the thick trunk in front of the trap. The blue light spot was just on the thick trunk under the canopy, under the shade of the branches and branches of the canopy. , you won't find it if you don't pay attention.

Takahashi Moriki looked up at the bluish light spot under the canopy, and felt ecstasy in his heart. This thing that emits a faint blue light in the dark must be the kind of luminous pebble that his nephew said. At that time, they climbed the top of Lingxiu Mountain and entered the cave according to the light emitted by this kind of pebble.

Now this kind of small stone appears in such a secret place under the tree branch, it must be used by Lingxiumen to mark the position of the trap and trap, so as to prevent their own people from accidentally touching the trap. It seems that as long as you pay attention to the mark under the tree branch while you are traveling, you can avoid this deadly trap!

He looked ecstatically at the little pebble that was shimmering with blue light, and secretly said in his heart: I didn't expect that he was lucky in misfortune. He almost lost his life just now, but because of this, he learned the secret of evading the organs in the forest. It's a surprise. It seems that the ancestors of my Takahashi family are protecting their descendants in the dark!

Takahashi Moriki put his hands together, looked up and glanced gratefully into the air through the gap in the dense canopy of the forest, and then pressed his body tightly to the trunk of the tree beside him, taking a careful look around.

Sure enough, in addition to the flashing mark on the thick trunk, there was also such a mark under the branch not far ahead. It seems that the small stones that appear one after another under the tree branches are the marks of the Lingxiu Gate showing the range of the organization's battle, the purpose is to prevent their own people from being accidentally injured.

A gloomy smile appeared on Takahashi Moriki's face. He raised his hand and touched the trunk next to him. According to what his nephew told him, based on the amount of resin secreted on the trunk, he determined the direction of going up the mountain, and then raised his foot to follow the front. The mark on the tree runs uphill.

He had just run a few meters away when a light footsteps suddenly came into his ears, Takahashi Moriki was startled, he quickly stopped and squatted behind the thick tree trunk, sticking out half of his head to look through the night vision goggles. Looking ahead in the jungle.

Between the thick tree trunks, two shadows were aiming forward with bows and arrows, and they were bending over and walking carefully in his direction. Takahashi Moriki's brows furrowed, and he secretly said in his heart, "It must have been the sound of himself jumping up and grabbing the tree branch above his head just now, which attracted the attention of the vigilant Lingxiu disciples. This is to come over to the trap to see what happened. I didn't expect that the eyes and ears of these martial arts practitioners are really unusual, and they can travel unimpeded in such a dark jungle."

He held his breath, slowly leaned his body behind the tree, held the saber tightly in his hand, and then leaned out half of his face from behind the tree to look at the other side. The two of them got closer and closer, and suddenly stopped when they approached him a few dozen meters away. They suddenly leaned against the tree trunk beside them, bent their bows and aimed their arrows in front of them.

Takahashi Moriki was startled, his eyes fixed on the movements of the two in front of him. The two people in front were extremely vigilant. The two raised their bows and arrows to look forward for a while, and saw no abnormality. They suddenly released the bows and arrows in their hands, and quickly inserted a long feather arrow into the quiver behind them with their right hands. Following that, he gently pulled out the long machete from the scabbard at his waist, and walked cautiously towards the forest in front of him, while the other person was still bending his bow and arrow to face the front, slowly turning his bow to provide cover for his companions. , and at the same time, the feet slowly moved forward.

Takahashi Moriki stared nervously at the two Lingxiu disciples in the gap between the trees not far away, even breathing extremely slowly, lest his opponents hear the sound of his breathing. He has already judged from the actions of the two people on the opposite side that they have a good kung fu, otherwise he would not have heard the faint sound he just made when he was in danger in the distance.

Takahashi Moriki stared closely at the opponent's every move, and quickly judged the opponent's strength in his heart: the movements of the other two seemed very stable, and the man behind the bow and arrow was still holding the drawn bow and arrow while walking slowly, ready to go at any time. He was about to launch the feather arrow in his hand, and his arm didn't even shake for a long time. If he didn't have a solid foundation in martial arts, he wouldn't have been able to persist for such a long time. And the person holding the machete in front of him had his blade lying in front of him, ready to be attacked at any time, and his feet were very light, obviously he had at least one or twenty years of skill.

Takahashi Moriki's eyes were fixed on the opponent's movements, and he really did not dare to act rashly. He knew in his heart that once he was discovered by his opponent, he was facing two martial arts masters. He only had two grenades on his body, but they were not weapons for close combat at all. The dagger in his hand can't get any benefit at all in front of the opponent's bow, arrow and long knife.

After the two people in front glanced around vigilantly, the person holding the bow and arrow slowly loosened the drawn bowstring, turned around and bent over to look at the trap area beside him, then straightened up and penetrated through the canopy above his head. In the faint moonlight, he whispered something to the person next to him, and the two of them turned around and walked back to the way they came.

When Takahashi Moriki saw the two suddenly leave, he breathed a sigh of relief. He slowly stood up from behind the tree after the other party walked away, observed the surroundings vigilantly, raised his feet and carefully walked up the mountain following the secret notes in the forest. At this time, he had already determined the direction of going up the mountain, and he noticed the warning signs set up by the organs in the forest from the distress just now, and the speed of travel immediately accelerated a lot.

In the dark His figure is like a ghost floating in the dark jungle, rushing quickly towards the north mountain top among the thick trunks.

When he had just run hundreds of meters quickly in the dark, "Who is it?" A voice with a strong accent suddenly sounded from the forest on the side, followed by the sound of "quack" and the bow was pulled away the sound of.

Takahashi Moriki was startled, and his body rushed forward like lightning. He just fell down behind the tree in front of him, "whoosh", there was a sound of a sharp arrow breaking through the air from the side of the forest, followed closely by the man beside him. From the tree came the sound of a sharp arrow piercing into the tree.

Obviously, the other party saw that he did not stop to answer, and immediately shot the sharp arrow in his hand, followed by the sound of rushing running in the woods on the side. Takahashi Moriki jumped behind the tree next to him, then jumped out from behind the tree, and went straight to the side of the dense forest.

"Whoosh", "whoosh", two sharp arrows roared and flew out of the forest again, "Pfft", "Pfft", and slammed into the thick tree trunks on the left and the right on his side.

At this time, Takahashi Moriki didn't have any weapons to defeat the enemy at a long distance, so he could only use his Takahashi family's ninja kung fu with all his strength, and his feet flew around in the gaps between the densely covered tree trunks, running towards the dark forest in front of him. .

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